Well-Known Member
420 I agree doctors should be compensated for their work....i think though that the total care you get is padded in a lot of places on the final bill, money your doc never sees...i read recently a guy needed his gall bladder pulled, he ended up flying to Belgium had the best care and a week of rehab for less than a tenth of what it would have cost him in the states...airfare included.
Exactly, it's a business where services are offered and some are more skilled than others, and some cost more than others. Healthcare is a personal issue in my opinion. If you value your health, and understand your health risks and family history, you have enough time to prepare a savings account in case something occurs. It is your own responsibility to find a reputable doctor and take care of yourself. Everyone is always so quick to point the finger when they are broke. I know everyones heard how if you put $50 in the bank a week for 25 years you will be a millionaire in that time. But no one does it because they dont see themselves sacrificing that $50 now for the future. That is why it really grinds my gears when people say the economy sucks and they are broke and why are we spending all this money wah wah wah shut up. Learn how to save money before you complain you have none.