
Well-Known Member
im pissed about the little one shes the one ive neglected most, but now the one i want most.

this is also not a true rep of dwc if i was in my tent with fans etc and had my environment right these girls would be 3x the size they are now, 3 inches of growth per day in veg has been my best ever (from clone)

im just a fuckin un happy grower atm and its showing in my plants.

got new airstones n theres now 1000xmore bubbles
Yh man im proud as punch wth this 1 atm.

Have you got a link for this 8 way star method bro.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Yh man im proud as punch wth this 1 atm.

Have you got a link for this 8 way star method bro.
naw lol the 8 star method is something "i" came up with, im sure some ones done it before.

i used to cut off all branches except for 4 of them, then i bend them down and out flat. i call this , north, east,south, west because you have a branch pointing in each dirrection, this worked for a while but i noticed i had gaps that could be filled, so i then went onto leave 4 more branches (total of 8 ) and bend them out and flat but this time to , north east, south west etc so it sorta looks like a star?


i then top all 8 heads for 16 or 32 tops.

you should see this


this is what got me into mainlining, it seemed like a progression to my work however i'm sure i've fucked it up this round. IMO plants need to grow before we start hacking at them, the fact some branches are growing 3 bladed fan leafs on side and 5 the other leads me to believe there fucked. and ill be waiting until i have a 12 inch plant to start mainlining next time.

the trouble with mainlining a bigger plant is you have to cut so much away. but if im working with clones it should be easier to manage. i may in future let the plant grow untill 12 inches then top it there and start mainlining the top whilst slowly bringing up the bottom.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member

ok so just over 3 weeks under the hps. so a week recovery id say then 2 weeks growing (if you look at it like that we are were we should be!

Found out ALL of my problems were because i didnt follow my own method of big air pumps + small airstones. because the air stones i had were usless (the ball ones) now that i have changed them out both plants have perked up.

i keep smelling them and rubbing them, although my heads all over the place! sometimes i smell lemons sometimes nothing, i rub one it stinks i rub it again i smell nothing.

i really want to use these two to understand pheno types. the Las vegas lemon skunk mother (pictured above is one of the parents) even though these are fem seeds there must be a pheno that leans more towards the mum.


heres the picks....

LS1 the one with slightly wider leafs i belive, never smells when the stems rubbed. now i look at the leafs im not sure, i look at the node spacing as pictured and im not sure....did i say im not sure?


LS2 the one i think IS leaning towards the LVLS, it has slightly thinner leafs, also has red leaf stems (as does cannas LVLS as pictured above) it has also had more spacing between nodes from the start. seems to fit the description better. stinks (of pure lems i think).



o yea and lights were fillped 12/12 today in the hope if i do have diff phenos it will become more apparent in flower.



Well-Known Member
:DYh id say its much easier to notice in the top 2 pics (top pics sat dom. Lower pic indica dom) have you got alot of difference in node spacing and height?

P.s looks rude bro

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
HAHA THANKYOU funny you should say that as they are my thoughts exactly! fuck maybe im not going mad!

right ill post node lengths etc later i keep a log of daily plant and leaf growth but i left it in the groom and its dark time now!

im sure flower is were we will see differences if there are any!


Im sure LS2 (the one we both think is sat leaning) stinks of lems.

BOTH plants leave your fingers sticky after GENTLY rubbing them, i have felt the sap when i cut branches off and see it bleed out, this is different im talking bud sticky.

both plants have trics on the leafs in VEG however i understand these to be no glandular.

i also dont know if the node spacing is the best measure for phenos as Ls2 was outside and Ls1 stayed nice and squat under the 15w floro!!


Well-Known Member
Mine went into flower last night mate.
I think im gonna have to prune some side branchin sooner than i'd tho (they're gettin stuburn lol)

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
wtf it says i cant give no more rep wtf!!

were are yours at height wise etc dont say too much though your diary is part of my reading tonight!!

we are budding at the same time!

ill enjoy reading and looking in on you tonight! ;)

a very impressive mainline!!! from SHADYSLATER!!!


Well-Known Member
Tired of clipping(fuck me) so i thought i'd share some nuggetrigationments with you. Poster worthy? Well i can definetly assure you the smell is!



Lemon king

Well-Known Member
klite you wanker! im so jealous!!!

looks like they foxtail like a mofo.....buds look very similar to Las vegas skunk.

im sure ive asked you this before but....if this is gunna be the be all end all lemon head thread....

1> any noticable pheno types or all the same??
2> Any smell in veg?? whats the smell saying now?? ALL Lemon or a hint of kush (ive never grown kush)
3> do you think she takes after the lemon side or the kush side (looks like you have very sat leafs)as i have not ever grown a kush?

i must admit from your picks and how lemon leaning she looks i think i need a slice of that pie. the Lemon skunk is skunk x skunk so other then smell alone and maybe the node space its very hard to tell the phenos apart. however there is a big difference between the Las vegas skunk and a kush, in the end i want to get as close to the vegas lems as poss. and from what youve shown us you may well have something very very similar!!!

if you have ANY more pics from any stages, thoughts on the strain notes, leaf shapes smell height anything, please jot it down here!

keep that shit a cumming homie!!!


Well-Known Member
As I said before i think there is little to none phenotyoe variation. Bud structure was so similar (even though on other plants not as swolen). They STANK in veg already. I really think they took care to stabilise this cross because i have grown both the lemon skunk and the og 18. the og 18 much smaller bud clusters and tighter wheares the lemon og still has that og bud feel to it but with the foxtaly lemon skunk structure.
The smell is the same just more consolidated if that makes sense. a sweet lemon sour diesel. I wrote a bit of a report here: https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/712329-dna-genetics-lemon-og-kush.html
anything that doesnt answer dont hesitate to ask, i dont like taking pictures as i go with a strain i dont know. Tomorrow i am starting an exodus kush journal so youll get weeklypics with that one ;) Which btw omg! the exodus kush! wooo! now that's a fucking strain! I would take evey single bud to my nose after clipping before chuking it into the trimmed basket. oargh what a smell oh my days! A lot of nice shit has passed below my nose this year but nothing that even comes to the ankles of that! a fucking perfect smelling mixture. Now that the smell is consolidated the best way to accurately describe the only part of the smell that can be described is the aftersmell of faint burnt rubber. I cant tell if i'm smelling kush or cheese at times, its that gutural deep and disgutingly pleasant.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fuck me i'm a tool sometimes, i'd typed a msg for ages in reply, to get the lemon king has exceeded his msgs thing, then closed the wrong tab and it's gone ffs. send again and clear a space mate.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
fuck i never knew i was that popular lol consider it cleared lol

p.s after 3 days 12/12 . both plants alook much bigger and healthyer then the picks above...all leafs pointing up for the sun :)


Well-Known Member
Yo l.k i cant remember the thread but i just saw a strain called merluns magic lemon nd instantly rhought of you bud sounds fookin lemonee lively

Lemon king

Well-Known Member

clones sat in a cup of water overnight from sunday to monday.

monday placed in dwc cloner. added 0.5ml of bio benificals

tuesday morning and i have little little bumps all up the sides of the stems!

p.s im the shitest cloner EVER!!!!!!! hopefully 5-6 days till roots!!! wooo hooo!!!
well just thought i would update the clones, every single one developed these white bumps, in the dwc cloner, however no roots have emerged. i will post a pick later but they have grown a whole new leafset.

after doing some research in a post on icmag, someone claims that they can feed from these little white bumps and if they can they WILL not produce roots untill transplanted. not sure if this is whats happened but theres allot of new growth above ground, but no roots under.

i have potted them up into dirt, with a splash of cal-mag plant magic. it says its a compound fertilizer containing npk and whilst it does not contain all micro nutes im just hopeing that it will kick start root growth....

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
the white bumps (looks like starts of roots) are all on the stem thats been in the water in the bubbler, they have developed new 2 sets of new leafs but have no long "roots" just these bumps. the ppm of my tap water is 250 but changes on the regs.

TBH i think its the benificails that have worked here, after 4 days in the bubbler i noticed that the tiny shoots below the top node, had opened on the node below, next time i will be trying sub cools shoe box method!

i also have a very very very lemony plant its the one we said was sat dom to start. i will explaine later with picks!!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
few piks to close out week 1 of flower (sorry about quality !!)

LS1 (faint lemon smell / plant smell, squat, tight nodes skunk1 leaning)


LS2 (very lemony smell and is very close to LVLS description long nodes etc)


proper update next sunday end of week 2...(will start counting proper flower when first buds form)