Chewberto's Secret Garden....

Go to Instagram check user chewberto420 watch my dabwarz videos, and see my garden, I have so much trouble posting pics here, if I can at all sometimes (maybe connection sucks) that it seems I kinda fell off if you guys didn't notice, but will try and post more here on RIu soon.. I just get discouraged sometimes waiting for a pic to upload and sometimes it doesn't at all... I have jumped on here multiple times to post pics but then I give up...sorry for the boring feed dudes....
The description of TGA's Space Dawg sounds pretty powerful.

"...they are also very potent so much that it numbs your head and after a few bowls my teeth were numb, like I had just been to the dentist, more of Indica effect. if you have pain this will kill it. People with low tolerance should be careful not to over indulge as it may cause them green outs and nausea. Medicinal Strength: 11++..."

Holy crap.:shock:

hey 420 hopefully that's not marketing bcause I bit off on that description when I was browsing. Lol
Makes me laught at how many people doubt or talk shit about tga. I guess that's what happens when you have the best genetics around. The nerds and tga are taking over mark my words.
Go to Instagram check user chewberto420 watch my dabwarz videos, and see my garden, I have so much trouble posting pics here, if I can at all sometimes (maybe connection sucks) that it seems I kinda fell off if you guys didn't notice, but will try and post more here on RIu soon.. I just get discouraged sometimes waiting for a pic to upload and sometimes it doesn't at all... I have jumped on here multiple times to post pics but then I give up...sorry for the boring feed dudes....
That Dr. Who looks fucking incredible dude, great job.
"Here's how I "Fix" the photos I have issues with on a mac. I re-open the photo with Preview. The photo always look like they are in the right orientation already but as people have mentioned uploaded photos rarely come out right. I turn the photo 90 degrees and then back. I have gestures set up for pinch and twist to turn ( you might already too). Once I close the photo, OSX automatically updates the photo and all that's left to do is re-upload the previously sideways photo. I would love for there to be a feature that permanently updates this info. I wouldn't even mind going through and approving lots of photos where this might be a problem because the fix is so fast, the problem is you never know they are sideways till you send it to someone and they complain."

Edit: Put in quotes cause I didnt say it, you'll never find me with a mac in my possession.
"Here's how I "Fix" the photos I have issues with on a mac. I re-open the photo with Preview. The photo always look like they are in the right orientation already but as people have mentioned uploaded photos rarely come out right. I turn the photo 90 degrees and then back. I have gestures set up for pinch and twist to turn ( you might already too). Once I close the photo, OSX automatically updates the photo and all that's left to do is re-upload the previously sideways photo. I would love for there to be a feature that permanently updates this info. I wouldn't even mind going through and approving lots of photos where this might be a problem because the fix is so fast, the problem is you never know they are sideways till you send it to someone and they complain."

Edit: Put in quotes cause I didnt say it, you'll never find me with a mac in my possession.

but on a mobile this feature is missing depending on phone type
some have it , some dont. most dont. which is why we have sideways pics
Yeah I tried flipping prior to uploading but even then it's iffy... Whatever, I do post less because of it though... so might wanna think about all sexy stuff you are missing out on... ;)