N.Y.C. Topdawg grow and more to come.

Im just prolonging the inevitable which is sealing that room for the sole purpose of flowering with 2200 watts. But that will come in time.


Well-Known Member
Excited to hear your bumping that wattage up soon! I'm going to start at 276 watts of cfl light, its not great but it will do for one or two plants. We all have to start somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Excited to hear your bumping that wattage up soon! I'm going to start at 276 watts of cfl light, its not great but it will do for one or two plants. We all have to start somewhere.
If it suits you and works for you, then thats all that counts! Not only that but when you do start upgrading your lights you will appreciate it more, well at least I did.


Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
so far the mixes or brands I've tried were GH cocotek,hydro farm ? And botanicare cocogro all 5kg bales and the best is botanicare. GH and hf both even with a good rinse I've been losing a lot o plants don't know why. The botanicare seems to be the easiest for me
yo, when i get this brand name down, i will inform everyone to stay away from it. at first i thought it was the plants acting up on me out of nowhere, but when i looked at the plants that was in GH coco, then looked at the ones in this other brand, i quickly identified the issue. shit is crazy because i put them in their final homes and have no choice but to ride it out.

also, Botanicare was the best i used so far. i have yet to try B'Cuz or Home and Garden brands, so can't compare, but could say i Botanicare has been the best that i've used thus far.
Yeah that one. The price is what threw me off tho id rather mix my own and have way more for the same price or even less. No stores around me carry the canna coco or house and garden so i would hjave to order it which i rather not.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
hmm, that's what i meant to say (canna coco).

but yeah, i seen that shit and went to buy it, unitl dude said $30 for half of what you'd get from a bale of coco.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Oh okay well yeah my experience with FEMS have been off and on. I had some good ones but I also had the bad. So I guess it brings out what's hidden in the genetics without a male present.

I had a breeding project two years ago...I had all my females growing together in one outdoor patch. I wanted to make some seed of one strain so I harvested pollen from a male that was with 4 ladies miles away and brought some back to the sensi patch. I had all females from reg seed except 2 plants that were from fem seed. Well I brushed my two branches that i wanted to pollenate. Later on at harvest I noticed that the two fem seed plants caught some pollen....not allot but I ended up with about 60 or 70 beans on the feminized plants.

I decided to grow them out this year and see what comes out of them. I planted 20 of those beans and ended up with 11 females. I took 6 outdoors and ran the other 5 indoors. The outdoor plants are already into flower and thus far not a single sign of hermie...looking good. The indoor crop is in week 7 of flower stage....with about 1 maybe 2 weeks left. I was inspecting the garden and found a couple of naners on two out of the 5 plants....just a couple of nanners....not hermie balls or nothing like that....figure its already week 7....pistils are already turned....trichs are turning milky....so this grow is just about done....

I figure it was a success because sometimes some strains will produce a few nanners when already into late flower. With a week left....there is no way those nanners can hurt the grow...there is just not enough time for it to drop pollen and make seed. Now I have to see how the outdoor girls finish up. If I see no nanners then I say the accidental pollination of those feminized plants was a success. Most breeders use STS or CS to make thier feminized seed these days...by using that method you have the same percentage of chance to get a hermie as if you had used a female from regular seed. Food for thought!


Well-Known Member
I see ya WBW.doubling the juice jus makes it sweeter.everything lookin timed in nsly my friend,,gotta go pick up some New York City diesel beans from a friend i'll be thinkin about ya up there in the Big Apple doin the grow.peace.Rdr.