Should those who speak obscure languages be allowed to use public property?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The other day I was at the park. A Chinese man and his 7ish year old son were there to. The boy was having a real fun time. He would go crazy on the slide. Crawling up it and going down. My kid was pushed down, because he'd mimic the kid. Neither the father nor son knew much English. This section of the park was for kids over 5 years.

This woman was with her kid who must've been around 2 years old, maybe a bit younger even, later arrived. She had this bug up her ass. When the Chinese boy would sit at the bottom of the slide, the mother would tell her kid to just go down the slide anyway and kick him. The other kids told the mother the Chinese boy didn't know much English. To which she replied, "I don't care, how much English he knows, him and his father should go to their home country, then." She just wouldn't shut the fuck up! She went right in the boy's face and said, "where's your parent. Don't you speak English at all?"

I got so fed up with this bitch I went right next to her and said. "Get lost, there's the little kid's park right over there, this is a playground for 5 years and older. Your kid is definitely not that old. There's a reason for it, older kids can get rough. Hell, he even nearly knocked out my kid." To which she replies,


"mind your own fucking business."


"This is my business, you need to learn to read and follow suggestions that are for your child's own safety."


"You aren't his parent."


"So the fuck what, you're a bitch."


"I'm calling the cops you're harassing me."


"Go ahead! You're a cunt who gets off picking on people who don't even understand what you're complaining about, besides you're in the wrong. Your kid isn't old enough, you just proved it."


"I can do what I want, he has to respect my child. I'm not calling the cops, I'm calling my boyfriend. He can beat you the fuck up. You're pathetic!"

So anyway, it goes on for quite some time. My wife says she would love nothing better than if I knocked the bitch out. So we just leave. The woman keeps following me and then wants to fight me. So I tell her to make the first swing, and she'll then regret it. She then backs off and says, to wait 5 min and her boyfriend will fuck me up! I just then leave, since my wife says what if the bitch's boyfriend has a gun or whatever.

This is why the rest of the world hates us. When others visit our such wonderful country with its pleasant people, this sort of shit happens. Now he's going to back to China and tell everyone this is what America is like. The Chinese family wasn't doing anything wrong. Some bitch who couldn't follow the rules thought she'd pick on someone who had no way of defending himself. I hate that sort of shit. She wouldn't have done this if liberal fucks said those like her have rights. Otherwise I'd have had my wife knock her out and I would've risked the boyfriend was an MMA so he would've regretted picking an asshole for a girlfriend.

The Chinese father was so embarrassed. I was going to tell him it was alright, but after I walked away from that horrible woman, the father was gone.

I hope that guy is alright. Not all of us in America are like that woman. I was so shook up after the incident. It still makes me sad and angry what she did.


Well-Known Member
firstly, you did a good thing by standing up for the other family

maybe i suggest trying to be above the bullshit and staying calm, i know, i know... trust me, i have enough of those experiences to know what its like. but try to, use logic and reasoning, tell her you will be the one calling the cops, get your wife to video tape it so there is no doubt as to what is happening in the situation or video tape it yourself.

dont attack your opponent, simply strengthen yourself.

EDIT: and yes i do think it should be allowed and encouraged, if anything there should be multi-lingual signs and people should learn/be taught simple phrases in all major languages.


Well-Known Member
The title of your thread is somewhat misleading the body of your text. However, I wouldn't call Chinese an obscure language, as I would say its in the top 5 languages spoken in the world. Anyway, I'm sure China has its share of assholes. Remember the 2008 Olympics in Beijing; a Canadian or American tourist was stabbed to death by some crazy chink there. Crazy fuckers are everywhere. Not limited to liberal bitches.

El Tiberon

Active Member

Turn your phone on and hand it to her

Tell her after she has told them where she is, you have 10 consecutive minutes to beat her ass before the police arrive.

She will give you your phone back and leave.


Well-Known Member
The other day I was at the park. A Chinese man and his 7ish year old son were there to. The boy was having a real fun time. He would go crazy on the slide. Crawling up it and going down. My kid was pushed down, because he'd mimic the kid. Neither the father nor son knew much English. This section of the park was for kids over 5 years.

This woman was with her kid who must've been around 2 years old, maybe a bit younger even, later arrived. She had this bug up her ass. When the Chinese boy would sit at the bottom of the slide, the mother would tell her kid to just go down the slide anyway and kick him. The other kids told the mother the Chinese boy didn't know much English. To which she replied, "I don't care, how much English he knows, him and his father should go to their home country, then." She just wouldn't shut the fuck up! She went right in the boy's face and said, "where's your parent. Don't you speak English at all?"

I got so fed up with this bitch I went right next to her and said. "Get lost, there's the little kid's park right over there, this is a playground for 5 years and older. Your kid is definitely not that old. There's a reason for it, older kids can get rough. Hell, he even nearly knocked out my kid." To which she replies,


"mind your own fucking business."


"This is my business, you need to learn to read and follow suggestions that are for your child's own safety."


"You aren't his parent."


"So the fuck what, you're a bitch."


"I'm calling the cops you're harassing me."


"Go ahead! You're a cunt who gets off picking on people who don't even understand what you're complaining about, besides you're in the wrong. Your kid isn't old enough, you just proved it."


"I can do what I want, he has to respect my child. I'm not calling the cops, I'm calling my boyfriend. He can beat you the fuck up. You're pathetic!"

So anyway, it goes on for quite some time. My wife says she would love nothing better than if I knocked the bitch out. So we just leave. The woman keeps following me and then wants to fight me. So I tell her to make the first swing, and she'll then regret it. She then backs off and says, to wait 5 min and her boyfriend will fuck me up! I just then leave, since my wife says what if the bitch's boyfriend has a gun or whatever.

This is why the rest of the world hates us. When others visit our such wonderful country with its pleasant people, this sort of shit happens. Now he's going to back to China and tell everyone this is what America is like. The Chinese family wasn't doing anything wrong. Some bitch who couldn't follow the rules thought she'd pick on someone who had no way of defending himself. I hate that sort of shit. She wouldn't have done this if liberal fucks said those like her have rights. Otherwise I'd have had my wife knock her out and I would've risked the boyfriend was an MMA so he would've regretted picking an asshole for a girlfriend.

The Chinese father was so embarrassed. I was going to tell him it was alright, but after I walked away from that horrible woman, the father was gone.

I hope that guy is alright. Not all of us in America are like that woman. I was so shook up after the incident. It still makes me sad and angry what she did.
i'm proud of you man. Seriously


Well-Known Member
As a man, you never win by hitting a woman. I witnessed once an incident at a gas station. I couldn't tell you why it started. However, some woman was giving a man a serious bitching out. She started slapping him... He attempted to get himself away from the situation. She started punching him. Then she kicked him in the nuts. I guess this was a line she shouldn't have crossed. He punched her, he landed a very nice punch. You could see she had a broken jaw, as she was laying on the ground. Of course the cops had been called at some point. They got there not long after. After interviewing several witnesses, and watching more than one video people had taken on their phones which clearly showed the woman the be the persistent aggressor with the man trying to get himself out of the situation. They arrested the dude, and let the woman go.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The title of your thread is somewhat misleading the body of your text. However, I wouldn't call Chinese an obscure language, as I would say its in the top 5 languages spoken in the world. Anyway, I'm sure China has its share of assholes. Remember the 2008 Olympics in Beijing; a Canadian or American tourist was stabbed to death by some crazy chink there. Crazy fuckers are everywhere. Not limited to liberal bitches.
She was about as trailer trash redneck as you can get. I'm actually more of a liberal bitch hippy. When the shit hits the fan, how you respond is what really defines you.


Well-Known Member
My big thing today was
Some guy yelled at me for rolling thru a stop sign in my neighborhood.
So I took the bike around and did it again
and again
the 4th time the guy didnt look so I honked the horn when I did it


Well-Known Member
As a man, you never win by hitting a woman. I witnessed once an incident at a gas station. I couldn't tell you why it started. However, some woman was giving a man a serious bitching out. She started slapping him... He attempted to get himself away from the situation. She started punching him. Then she kicked him in the nuts. I guess this was a line she shouldn't have crossed. He punched her, he landed a very nice punch. You could see she had a broken jaw, as she was laying on the ground. Of course the cops had been called at some point. They got there not long after. After interviewing several witnesses, and watching more than one video people had taken on their phones which clearly showed the woman the be the persistent aggressor with the man trying to get himself out of the situation. They arrested the dude, and let the woman go.
What state was this?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
the title is a bit misleading as stated. sounds like a bit a public drama i would want to avoid. let us know if someone got it on a cell phone and post it on youtube or something. i would like to see it.

on another note there is a pest ID chart around somewhere. can you post a pic of the bug that was up this woman's ass?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
i'm proud of you man. Seriously
Didn't seem like I did much. There was this Mexican family who didn't speak much English either. They must've thought some crazy white boy was picking on a helpless woman. What they don't understand is I would've done the same had she done that to one of their kids. Now I can't go back because the rest of the neighborhood only saw me go off on her.


Well-Known Member
What exactly turned this into a partisan jab about the woman having rights? Would you mind describing this bitch? You should have called the police yourself, she threatened you and told her child to hit the other kid. The Chinese man would likely have been a witness. I doubt he could have been oblivious to what was going on even if his English is terrible.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What exactly turned this into a partisan jab about the woman having rights? Would you mind describing this bitch? You should have called the police yourself, she threatened you and told her child to hit the other kid. The Chinese man would likely have been a witness. I doubt he could have been oblivious to what was going on even if his English is terrible.
Liberals think women have equal rights, but I was helpless to have handled this in the same manner had this been a dickhead man. We have a long way to go towards men and women relations. She even called me a little girl based only on my hair which is longer than most women's. I have no idea how this would've turned out had I a "proper" man's hair. My description of her action's speaks more than any physical description.


Well-Known Member
Liberals think women have equal rights, but I was helpless to have handled this in the same manner had this been a dickhead man. We have a long way to go towards men and women relations. She even called me a little girl based only on my hair which is longer than most women's. I have no idea how this would've turned out had I a "proper" man's hair. My description of her action's speaks more than any physical description.
How did that have any effect on your situation though? Even if it is true that "Liberals think women have equal rights", how exactly did that affect your confrontation? Can you please phrase your answer in such a way that I can also make sense of the thread title?

I think women should have equality, but I'm not a liberal. Or maybe according to what you think liberal means I am. That's subjective but I reject it since I prefer fair markets and liberals prefer free markets.

Since liberals apparently think women should have equality, are you saying that is why you hate liberals? I'm assuming you hate liberals.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

The title is crass humor based on that woman's view the Chinese man was even more at fault because he knew little English. She even used this as an excuse to escalate the situation.

I consider that woman a "liberal" because they have this entitlement attitude. She especially thought she was so entitled and the center of the universe. All that mattered is her and this man should've listened to her. She was unable to communicate and the man didn't know the full extent of her wrath, so that made her even angrier. I took it upon myself to let her know otherwise. No matter if he's a citizen and didn't know English, she had no right to disrespect him.

I don't believe in women's rights at all. I don't believe in gender equality. We are different. A man has a penis and I can't abort my baby. That there proves we aren't equal no matter how much you and the liberals think so.

Like I said before, I don't care what kind of socialist libertarian, let my people go, inheritance is theft attitude you have. That's besides the point to the matter at hand.

But I do believe men and women should have equal respect for each other. The differences go beyond just having a penis and vagina. There are brain structural differences, hormonal differences, etc. Certain drugs work differently in men and women. We should PRAISE our differences rather than try to pretend how equal we are to each other. If you're not equal but try to pretend such, you must do what's similar to affirmative action and give one gender a handicap over the other, depending on the issue you want equal. Then you get into the whole women have been exploited for millennium and therefore need more rights to just become equal. Where does it end?

What about how men don't ever get custody of their children most of the time? Even when the woman is a worthless piece of shit drug addict like my mother was. Instead of giving the child to the more responsible, loving and one who can afford the child. Most of the time instead they throw money at the woman and force the father to pay child support. It doesn't matter if he is disable or mentally ill. If that was the reason they left. It doesn't matter he has no means to do so.

Men and women aren't the same, let alone equal.


Well-Known Member
i agree with you canna. we are here to support each other and fill in our deficiencies. we both have them and we both have great attributes. for the most part we are similar but there are definite differences.


Well-Known Member
How did that have any effect on your situation though? Even if it is true that "Liberals think women have equal rights", how exactly did that affect your confrontation? Can you please phrase your answer in such a way that I can also make sense of the thread title?

I think women should have equality, but I'm not a liberal. Or maybe according to what you think liberal means I am. That's subjective but I reject it since I prefer fair markets and liberals prefer free markets.

Since liberals apparently think women should have equality, are you saying that is why you hate liberals? I'm assuming you hate liberals.