Should those who speak obscure languages be allowed to use public property?


Well-Known Member
What exactly turned this into a partisan jab about the woman having rights? Would you mind describing this bitch? You should have called the police yourself, she threatened you and told her child to hit the other kid. The Chinese man would likely have been a witness. I doubt he could have been oblivious to what was going on even if his English is terrible.
Same thing I was wondering.. I was pretty much on board up until the part about the whole situation happening because of liberals..

The woman acted like a cunt, the Chinese guy and his kid didn't do anything wrong, where does politics come into this?


Well-Known Member
Same thing I was wondering.. I was pretty much on board up until the part about the whole situation happening because of liberals..

The woman acted like a cunt, the Chinese guy and his kid didn't do anything wrong, where does politics come into this?
Then he dances around the question, criticizes me and insists I'm playing word games.

I think he actually blames Obama for the fact that women are allowed to be in public with out their husbands. He probably picked the fight with her and then got punked in front of everyone at the park. This fucking guy is trying to have political trolling sessions at the playground with red neck women and gets put in his place.

El Tiberon

Active Member
Arjan never produced a seed I cared about. I thought you were Mexican. because of what you said in another thread about eating on 2500 pesos per month.

"WE" is western Europeans, whom you refer to as white people and a weak race. Or just Mericans if you want. We control earth. We kick all ass and win and freedom and obesity.

*edit* and I'm genuinely sorry for the way things have turned out:peace:

Not that there is a racial difference between Mexicans and Colombians.

We didn't even have to invade Colombia to turn it into a banana republic, at least Mexico put up a fight.
Mexican? You be be shocked if you knew who I am. I did spend 3 years in Mexico. This is documented and retained for the purpose. Don't question me little boy. People like you are terrified of stepping off your own front porch.

Men own this world even though you support the tyranny of corporate government.

Bring your ass into the bush with Tib and see poverty you coward. You never will. You don't have the funds to manage your life while you walk with Tib.

i have invited countless people to come with me, Aryan included. 100% are afraid. I have never seen someone come with me but I have a new taker from the marines who wants to do some bush time. We will see if he holds to his promise. He met me in Mexico and saw my grows and wants to see how things are in Colombia.

All of you are cowards. White and afraid of your own shadows. You have no ambition other than what is given to you and you are afraid to make things happen on your own.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Of course women have equal rights. Did you mean to come off this way?
I'm not dealing with all you who are bitching and cling. I was an emotional wreck and this is what I get. I already clarified. Can I abort and murder my baby? No you say? So how is that equal? I then went on to say we should PRAISE our differences. This is MY OWN FUCKING PERSONAL DEFINITION OF LIBERAL MENTALITY, GOT IT? 1, entitlement 2, inability to infer from context how your view is different from others.3, the moment you find a difference, try to convert. I was trying to say and failed (because you, ac and paddy have 1,2 and 3) this, "Even though we have our differences, though I'm not liberal, this we can agree on." How the three of you are acting proves me right. Your liberal ideas cause myoptic knee jerk number 3 reactions. You can't sympathize I went through emotional trauma and do number 2 on me. So whatever. Go jerk off to the fact you proved I'm a heartless righty you knew all along!


Well-Known Member
Caucasians have dominated the world since they discovered it. I think Alexander the Great did a fine job. Rome kicked the lesser peoples around for about a thousand years. You might look at the Turks and say they beat the Bizantines, but the truth is that the Bizantine Empire was ravaged by the Crusaders coming from the west. There is a reason Black people only attack white people when they have a number advantage. The sad part is over the last 50 years, we discovered that we were so much more bad ass than the rest of the world we might just destroy it if we didn't calm down. We let our women start making too many decisions, and a lot of men of European descent are now pussies. I guess my point is white people are the meanest people on the face of the planet. The Arabs have been scared shitless of us for over a thousand years.
You like being white don't you? You would have 1/2 the brainpower in Burka, barefoot and pregs.

You are why the war cult of Islam flourishes.


Active Member
A bigger man than i friend, i would have let my wife swing on the bitch.
I cant STAND entitled, ignorant, intolerant people like that.
And shes raising another one?! Some people should be disbarred from procreation.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
A bigger man than i friend, i would have let my wife swing on the bitch.
I cant STAND entitled, ignorant, intolerant people like that.
And shes raising another one?! Some people should be disbarred from procreation.
Better watch what you say. Otherwise the liberals will take your balls. What kind of feminist are you!


Well-Known Member
Of course women have equal rights. Did you mean to come off this way?
Women are not equal. Obama and Sandra Fluke have made it very clear that women have a different set of collective rights than men, and therefore can not be EQUAL by the very definition and essence of the word.

In what world can equality and vertical collectivism coexist? Oh thats right, they CAN'T!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Women are not equal. Obama and Sandra Fluke have made it very clear that women have a different set of collective rights than men, and therefore can not be EQUAL by the very definition and essence of the word.

In what world can equality and vertical collectivism coexist? Oh thats right, they CAN'T!
Only to a liberal can you do the right thing and still be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Let's not forget, do the wrong thing and still be right. The ends, having justified the means, of the anti-con.


Well-Known Member
Only to a liberal can you do the right thing and still be wrong.
It's easy to think anything that contradicts what the mass media pounds into us every day is a lie.
Its easy to think anything that contradicts the message of pop culture is a lie.
Its easy to think of anything that contradicts the teachings of authority is a lie.
In short, its easy to be a liberal.


Well-Known Member
Librerals don't have to consider reality to arrive at their opinions; the mass media tells them what they are be.
They don't have to weigh whether A or B is the more moral choice; pop culture tells them what is.
They don't need to worry about what is true and what is false; authority tells them.

This is true that is false, and it'd be best for you to fall in line. :evil:


Well-Known Member
shit , fucking, mother fucker, bitch, its our right to swear but in the us in public its not legal , technically

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
It's easy to think anything that contradicts what the mass media pounds into us every day is a lie.
Its easy to think anything that contradicts the message of pop culture is a lie.
Its easy to think of anything that contradicts the teachings of authority is a lie.
In short, its easy to be a liberal.
For me it's not so easy. I can only do what's correct, no matter if it makes me the bad guy. Liberals are for the good of the many and not allow individuality. Which is exactly what the woman in the OP did. In the end it's not for the good of the many. The vocal minority become larger than life. The real majority then become afraid because they're fooled by the loud mouths. I refuse to remain silent because I'm afraid of bad results. Those who berate me for petty things they feel slight their modesty, are the same who would do nothing and allowed that woman to belittle the Chinese man and his son. It matters more their utopian beliefs. If a liberal actually did something, they might be proven wrong and feel humiliated. Don't you think I felt humiliated? Everyone else just watched me. At least I did something.


Well-Known Member
For me it's not so easy. I can only do what's correct, no matter if it makes me the bad guy. Liberals are for the good of the many and not allow individuality. Which is exactly what the woman in the OP did. In the end it's not for the good of the many. The vocal minority become larger than life. The real majority then become afraid because they're fooled by the loud mouths. I refuse to remain silent because I'm afraid of bad results. Those who berate me for petty things they feel slight their modesty, are the same who would do nothing and allowed that woman to belittle the Chinese man and his son. It matters more their utopian beliefs. If a liberal actually did something, they might be proven wrong and feel humiliated. Don't you think I felt humiliated? Everyone else just watched me. At least I did something.
Thats because you have a brain. You did what you knew was right. It's much more difficult to resist the herd, to do the heavy lifting and thinking outside the box; much more difficult to be one's own person, someone that resists what the media, pop culture, and authority insists you must be. Its much more difficult to be a conservative.


Well-Known Member
You like being white don't you? You would have 1/2 the brainpower in Burka, barefoot and pregs.

You are why the war cult of Islam flourishes.
You say that as if it is a bad thing... Black folks are supposed to be proud to be black. Native pride. La Rasa. Yet when a white person exhibits the same attitude he is a racist. Im proud to be a member of a race that dominates the planet. And to the extent we don't dominate it, it has been by self imposed limitations. Colonialism ended why? Because the European powers decided to end it.


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Should those who speak obscure languages be allowed to use public property?[/h]
Didn't read the thread because this has to be the dumbest question I have come across in this section.
Can anyone tell me what the official language of the United States of America is?


Well-Known Member
Should those who speak obscure languages be allowed to use public property?

Didn't read the thread because this has to be the dumbest question I have come across in this section.
Can anyone tell me what the official language of the United States of America is?
Depends on what state you live in. Washington Elementary school is a public school in San Jose California. 94% of the students there only speak spanish. 6% bilingual. So your kid better be able to speak spanish if they want to go to the school that your tax dollars pay for. Its either that or no education. And you better learn spanish if you want to be able to communicate with the teachers and other staff as well. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
FYI. Before moving into a "Major Minority Neighborhood", you must be pre-approved as a weak-willed liberal. If not, you will be attacked by a group of people because you are white. But don't worry its not a hate crime so you're fucked.... because you're white.