Extremly small seeds in weed


Active Member
Iv been growing for a couple years and have never noticed these little fuckers, theyr like the size of a pin head and don't fully develope... I know my plant isn't a herm and I don't think any MJ pollen got to it...I tryd lookin it up and most people say it was pollinated late flower before the seeds could develope, makes sense right?, only I harvested some bud off the plant at like 8 weeks, noticed the tiny seeds, let them go another 2 weeks to let them mature, only still no real seeds, justs the tiny pinhead ones exact same as at week 8...I think I read pollen from non MJ plants can cause this? Lookin for someone with some knowledge on this
You need the pollen to make the seed.
There's double fertilization going on. The embryo gets a nucleus, and so does the endosperm.

There's proteins on the outside of the pollen. It's like a key. It can only match the pistil of that species. You'll never get a pine tree fertilizing a rose bush. It's not the right keys, you could say.

There's pollen on the wind. It gets on your clothes. People that come over they might have it. The plant is weird for an angiosperm. It uses wind pollination like most all gymnosperms.

No little yellow bananas in the buds? I've had that happen a couple times. Little per mature seeds. Maybe it could be that man.
I think, and I could be wrong but it makes sense to me, that it was pollinated VIA another plant/tree whatever and it started to develop the seed but since it wasn't pollinated correctly they will never mature... I think I had this happen to me in my current grow. I pulled off a calyx where the hair had a brown tip and found a small white/green seed but they don't seem to be growing.. I will give it time but it makes logical sense to me...
I had the same exact thing happen to my mango plant- the tiniest seeds I've ever encountered which I smoked for days before noticing. Happens. Choose a new strain. Lol
You need the pollen to make the seed.
There's double fertilization going on. The embryo gets a nucleus, and so does the endosperm.

There's proteins on the outside of the pollen. It's like a key. It can only match the pistil of that species. You'll never get a pine tree fertilizing a rose bush. It's not the right keys, you could say.

There's pollen on the wind. It gets on your clothes. People that come over they might have it. The plant is weird for an angiosperm. It uses wind pollination like most all gymnosperms.

No little yellow bananas in the buds? I've had that happen a couple times. Little per mature seeds. Maybe it could be that man.

No nanners, I should mention theyr blackish in color and have looked at them under a mag and u can see the little dip in the bottom where the pistols were like in a normal seed, but what bothers me is if it was MJ pollen those tiny seeds should have developed...right now I'm stuck on its either pollination from foreign species, or all weed has these and just go unnoticed, maybe the embryo gets hard and black as it drys? It dosent really effect the taste or anything, slight poping when it's burnt not fully dry, but when dry its a smooth sensimila smoke
your getting cannabis pollen from somewhere. most likely a sneaky hermi.
and the are small because they are immature from being pollenated late in flower.
your getting cannabis pollen from somewhere. most likely a sneaky hermi.
and the are small because they are immature from being pollenated late in flower.
Yea this was the initial thought..but as I mentioned before I harvested some at 8 weeks and the rest at 10, and there was no development at all...same exact size, if it was a herm/male pollen those seeds would have matured a little right?
Yea this was the initial thought..but as I mentioned before I harvested some at 8 weeks and the rest at 10, and there was no development at all...same exact size, if it was a herm/male pollen those seeds would have matured a little right?

you would think but obviously not. pretty sure pollen from other kinds of plants wont give you any seeds if so all us outdoor guys would be fucked every time because EVERYTHING outside throws pollen around. so ide have to say its cannabis pollen and idk why the seeds didnt mature any more in those 2 extra weeks.
This is why I'm starting to think embryo? And maybe the strains that have naturally smaller seeds/embryo are just lessnoticeable..I'm not mistaken by thinking the dip on the bottom of a seed is where the pistols connect? Then that means that thing was there from day 1 right..
Does your strain have big female flowers? Not the entire cola just each individual flower? Ive noticed what you speak of before, more noticably in bigger flowers(bigger embryos lol) I just picked my skywalker apart, and yes down in that bud is a little pin head, very small. But I have grown a few bag seeds that threw females but had little white pods in them, never ever growing to maturity, more like a premature seed then these embryos though. IMO yea im with you they are "eggs", very very small but in some cases ive seen bigger ones, guess it depends on your tolerance and vision lol.
"The female flowers appear as two long white, yellow, or pink pistils protruding from the fold of a very thin membranous calyx. The calyx is covered with resin exuding glandular trichomes (hairs). Pistillate flowers are borne in pairs at the nodes one on each side of the petiole behind the stipule of bracts (reduced leaves) which conceal the flowers. The calyx measures 2 to 6 millimeters in length and is closely applied to, and completely contains, the ovary." HAHA LOUGLE FTW
Some strains are harder to pollinate than others. Could be that simple, the pollen took but the plant didn't want to produce seeds.
"The female flowers appear as two long white, yellow, or pink pistils protruding from the fold of a very thin membranous calyx. The calyx is covered with resin exuding glandular trichomes (hairs). Pistillate flowers are borne in pairs at the nodes one on each side of the petiole behind the stipule of bracts (reduced leaves) which conceal the flowers. The calyx measures 2 to 6 millimeters in length and is closely applied to, and completely contains, the ovary." HAHA LOUGLE FTW
Idk who you quoted, but trichomes are not “hairs”. Pistils are the “hairs” and trichomes are the “crystals”
Unpollinated ovulesy guess get hard die to Hest stress my friends is always like it but doesn't realise that's the problem jus thinks its herm etc.
interesting!? I've noticed this before on the tips of colas closest to the light. Looks like heat damage and a tiny little seed but I don't see any nanners or balls around. Some of my blue cookie in one patch of the room are doing this.. show like one tiny seed at the tips of the colas but all buds lower in the canopy are clean. I'm all ears....

From experience and if my memory is correct, some strains/genetics do this, fake tiny little specks that look like seeds but they are not....definately not done by pollinaton also could occur from some form of stress.

Was told just to move on to something else if this occurs...