Note to retirees - It is not your money...

you poor slave.

did they also sell you away from your family when you were eight years old, never to see your parents again?

gain some fucking perspective you goddamn child.

No, you are a slave. Because you accept your servitude as a given. Those who reject it, but that are caught up in it's bullshit are captives. There's a difference.

If you don't control the fruit of your labor and somebody else does, what would you call it?

What you are implying is that unless a person is COMPLETELY enslaved, that no measure of slavery exists. You skirt over that many things occur in a matter of degrees.

Sold away at the age of eight? No, forced public schools begin earlier than that don't they?
excuse me, dumbass;

OP said "15% withheld from his paycheck" in regards to social security, and no other service.

that means 6.2%, up from 4.2% ( a tax break which you hypocrites ignored like it never existed).

go ahead and move the goalposts and include medicare too. still doesn't get anywhere near*"15% withheld from his paycheck". you fucking idiot.

you are scraping the bottom of the barrel in trying to back up an obvious lie from the board's biggest delusional dumbass.

now go fuck yourself, KKKynes. i mean that as constructive advice rather than a derisive dismissal of your idiocy.

more mindless derping.

some of us have jobs, and thus cannot spend all day "researching" or preparing sufficiently Laser-Precise comments, thus you nit pick, redirect, and harrangue every comment or commentator who fails to meet your standard of political correctness, using even TYPOS as proof of your rightness, and their incontrovertible wrongness.

you have proven yourself a grandmaster of every logical fallacy out there, and thus are quick to label anyone and everyone who holds any opinion different from your own as a fool, a liar or a racist.

when those charges fail to reduce your foe to a quivering mass of jelly, then it off to the races with the ad hominems, mis-characterizations and deliberate falsehoods, increasing the venom until your opponent quits responding (victory) or the thread is closed (ultimate victory)

your tactics are transparent as they are deplorable, you bomb every thread with your juvenile trolling, you post links to malware sites (including Last Measure), and shout epithets with the sole intention of stifling discussion which you consider inappropriate, which pretty much means discussions where anyone dares disagree with you.

your obvious and deliberate tantrums are designed to stifle discussion and quell dissent.

you are a censor, a self appointed guardian of politically correct thought, and you should probably take a good long look at your actions and comments.

but introspection is not your strong suit. you seem much more comfortable screaming about the failing of others.

and THAT sir is actual Constructive Criticism.
more mindless derping.

some of us have jobs, and thus cannot spend all day "researching" or preparing sufficiently Laser-Precise comments, thus you nit pick, redirect, and harrangue every comment or commentator who fails to meet your standard of political correctness, using even TYPOS as proof of your rightness, and their incontrovertible wrongness.

you have proven yourself a grandmaster of every logical fallacy out there, and thus are quick to label anyone and everyone who holds any opinion different from your own as a fool, a liar or a racist.

when those charges fail to reduce your foe to a quivering mass of jelly, then it off to the races with the ad hominems, mis-characterizations and deliberate falsehoods, increasing the venom until your opponent quits responding (victory) or the thread is closed (ultimate victory)

your tactics are transparent as they are deplorable, you bomb every thread with your juvenile trolling, you post links to malware sites (including Last Measure), and shout epithets with the sole intention of stifling discussion which you consider inappropriate, which pretty much means discussions where anyone dares disagree with you.

your obvious and deliberate tantrums are designed to stifle discussion and quell dissent.

you are a censor, a self appointed guardian of politically correct thought, and you should probably take a good long look at your actions and comments.

but introspection is not your strong suit. you seem much more comfortable screaming about the failing of others.

and THAT sir is actual Constructive Criticism.

more mindless derping.

some of us have jobs, and thus cannot spend all day "researching" or preparing sufficiently Laser-Precise comments, thus you nit pick, redirect, and harrangue every comment or commentator who fails to meet your standard of political correctness, using even TYPOS as proof of your rightness, and their incontrovertible wrongness.

you have proven yourself a grandmaster of every logical fallacy out there, and thus are quick to label anyone and everyone who holds any opinion different from your own as a fool, a liar or a racist.

when those charges fail to reduce your foe to a quivering mass of jelly, then it off to the races with the ad hominems, mis-characterizations and deliberate falsehoods, increasing the venom until your opponent quits responding (victory) or the thread is closed (ultimate victory)

your tactics are transparent as they are deplorable, you bomb every thread with your juvenile trolling, you post links to malware sites (including Last Measure), and shout epithets with the sole intention of stifling discussion which you consider inappropriate, which pretty much means discussions where anyone dares disagree with you.

your obvious and deliberate tantrums are designed to stifle discussion and quell dissent.

you are a censor, a self appointed guardian of politically correct thought, and you should probably take a good long look at your actions and comments.

but introspection is not your strong suit. you seem much more comfortable screaming about the failing of others.

and THAT sir is actual Constructive Criticism.

all that gum flapping won't change the fact that 6.2% and 15% are vastly different numbers, moron.
No, you are a slave. Because you accept your servitude as a given. Those who reject it, but that are caught up in it's bullshit are captives. There's a difference.

If you don't control the fruit of your labor and somebody else does, what would you call it?

What you are implying is that unless a person is COMPLETELY enslaved, that no measure of slavery exists. You skirt over that many things occur in a matter of degrees.

Sold away at the age of eight? No, forced public schools begin earlier than that don't they?

are you really comparing going to school to being sold away from your family as a slave?

get some perspective, you goddamn child.
are you really comparing going to school to being sold away from your family as a slave?

get some perspective, you goddamn child.

Children are forced to go, parents are forced to pay. Government condones both or has at one time or another. There are similarities.
NLXSK1........I'm not saying your words don't ring true, but they are impractical. You are obviously, not me. I am over 60 and totally disabled. I worked my ass off for 46 years before my disability, and lost over $900,000 dollars of retirement by courts seizing my money for medical bills for myself and my wife, and other bills that could not be paid due to the sudden disability. You would, without regard take away the only income I have, because the system is screwed. It does need fixed but not with a single stroke of the axe, and no consideration for innocent victims of hundreds of years of lying, cheating politicians that care not one wit for the very people that voted them into office, and only having the choice to vote for the evil and power hungry. Idealism is great in theory, but seldom translates well into realism. I hold no ill will for you, as I said there is truth in your words, unfortunately some of us can't eat the truth for lunch. Maybe when you are over 60, you will realize that everyone else's views are also real and have meaning. When I was much younger I thought old people were dumb and cautious. Now I know better. Peace& be kind.
more mindless derping.

some of us have jobs, and thus cannot spend all day "researching" or preparing sufficiently Laser-Precise comments, thus you nit pick, redirect, and harrangue every comment or commentator who fails to meet your standard of political correctness, using even TYPOS as proof of your rightness, and their incontrovertible wrongness.

you have proven yourself a grandmaster of every logical fallacy out there, and thus are quick to label anyone and everyone who holds any opinion different from your own as a fool, a liar or a racist.

when those charges fail to reduce your foe to a quivering mass of jelly, then it off to the races with the ad hominems, mis-characterizations and deliberate falsehoods, increasing the venom until your opponent quits responding (victory) or the thread is closed (ultimate victory)

your tactics are transparent as they are deplorable, you bomb every thread with your juvenile trolling, you post links to malware sites (including Last Measure), and shout epithets with the sole intention of stifling discussion which you consider inappropriate, which pretty much means discussions where anyone dares disagree with you.

your obvious and deliberate tantrums are designed to stifle discussion and quell dissent.

you are a censor, a self appointed guardian of politically correct thought, and you should probably take a good long look at your actions and comments.

but introspection is not your strong suit. you seem much more comfortable screaming about the failing of others.

and THAT sir is actual Constructive Criticism.

6.2% and 15% are vastly different numbers

You're both correct.
excellent thread! i funded my retirement in the 80s, fully,keep it tucked away in offshore acounts. my mentor told me to follow this course and i have. without my huge cash reserve life wont be fun! life is good if you plan well!!
all that gum flapping won't change the fact that 6.2% and 15% are vastly different numbers, moron.

and any explanation of where the poster in question got his number is of course "goal post moving" when in fact the most mobile goalposts are the ones you erect.

had he argued that his SSI tax is "6.2%" you would have argued it's not a tax, had he insisted his SSI "contribution" were not a tax you would have insisted it IS a tax.

sometimes you are as pointless as a Bobblehead Barrack on the dashboard of a '92 El Dorado.
and any explanation of where the poster in question got his number is of course "goal post moving" when in fact the most mobile goalposts are the ones you erect.

had he argued that his SSI tax is "6.2%" you would have argued it's not a tax, had he insisted his SSI "contribution" were not a tax you would have insisted it IS a tax.

sometimes you are as pointless as a Bobblehead Barrack on the dashboard of a '92 El Dorado.

why do you keep trying to defend that moron's statement?

why not try to find something defensible to defend?
so you're saying businesses would pass on that 6.2% match to employees rather than pocket it themselves?

you sound as deluded as ever.

6.2 + 6.2 = 12.4, which is still not 15%.*

lern 2 math, child.

*delusions be damned

Any employer will tell you it is FICA, FUTA, SUTA and probably others by now. FICA is your Social Security, FUTA is Federal Unemployment, SUTA is State Unemployment... It is actually above 15% in most states that is witheld from your check.

Yet you want to argue that I was off by a few percentage points rather than apologize for not having a fucking clue that the employer was responsible to match those funds...

12.4 is a hell of alot closer than your delusional 6.2...

Have a nice day cheesybeard!!
NLXSK1........I'm not saying your words don't ring true, but they are impractical. You are obviously, not me. I am over 60 and totally disabled. I worked my ass off for 46 years before my disability, and lost over $900,000 dollars of retirement by courts seizing my money for medical bills for myself and my wife, and other bills that could not be paid due to the sudden disability. You would, without regard take away the only income I have, because the system is screwed. It does need fixed but not with a single stroke of the axe, and no consideration for innocent victims of hundreds of years of lying, cheating politicians that care not one wit for the very people that voted them into office, and only having the choice to vote for the evil and power hungry. Idealism is great in theory, but seldom translates well into realism. I hold no ill will for you, as I said there is truth in your words, unfortunately some of us can't eat the truth for lunch. Maybe when you are over 60, you will realize that everyone else's views are also real and have meaning. When I was much younger I thought old people were dumb and cautious. Now I know better. Peace& be kind.

I did not advocate taking your social security away. What I am saying is that until our society realizes that there is no trust fund, that the money has been stolen and spent on whatever pork project was the fad that month in congress wasted your contributions then nothing will change.

The money you get every month is paid for by the kids working at McDonalds, by another generation that is being lied to and told that their money is being kept for them by a benevolent government who just wants what's best for them.

The Republicans have been excoriated every time they talk about changing social security when NONE of the programs offered talks about touching retirement for anyone over 50.

If the world suddenly decides that our money is worthless because the government cannot stop spending then the check you receive every month wont pay for a few days worth of groceries. And THAT will be a fucking disaster.
Any employer will tell you it is FICA, FUTA, SUTA and probably others by now. FICA is your Social Security, FUTA is Federal Unemployment, SUTA is State Unemployment... It is actually above 15% in most states that is witheld from your check.

that's not what you said though.

you said a mcdonald's employee is having 15% withheld from his check for social security.

let me refresh that shit pile of yours that you call a memory:

People who are retiring or living off of social security like to say that it is *their* money...The money they are getting paid multiple times over in return is being paid by the kid making minimum wage at McDonalds having 15% withheld from his paycheck.

see how that works? you're stupid.

i will add this to the list of*

Yet you want to argue that I was off by a few percentage points rather than apologize for not having a fucking clue that the employer was responsible to match those funds...

12.4 is a hell of alot closer than your delusional 6.2...

Have a nice day cheesybeard!!

i wouldn't say you were off by a few points, more like 8.8 points, which is far more than a few.

not sure where you get this (continued) delusion about me not thinking the employer matched, we have been over this in many threads before.

you live with a delusion that the employer would pay that money to the employee instead of pocketing it. i am under no such delusions, like you.

you are a deluded child. just admit you lied and we can move on, amicably or not.
Based on your lack of logic UB, employers would pay everyone the federally mandated minimum wage and not a penny more because it would be more profit for them...

In the light of reality you are proven completely false yet again of course...

If the employer suddenly had an additional 6% of costs removed from his employment costs I bet much of that would be passed on to the employees. Employers that did not would lose the best employees to other companies that would. It is called competition and it works in the real world every day.

Go back to licking Obama's balls...
that's not what you said though.

you said a mcdonald's employee is having 15% withheld from his check for social security.

let me refresh that shit pile of yours that you call a memory:

see how that works? you're stupid.

i will add this to the list of*

i wouldn't say you were off by a few points, more like 8.8 points, which is far more than a few.

not sure where you get this (continued) delusion about me not thinking the employer matched, we have been over this in many threads before.

you live with a delusion that the employer would pay that money to the employee instead of pocketing it. i am under no such delusions, like you.

you are a deluded child. just admit you lied and we can move on, amicably or not.

more nit picking.

had he actually said EXACTLY and PRECISELY what he was talking about (which the rest of us got, thank you) you would have TLDR'ed him, or asserted these "contributions" arent taxes, or found a typo with which to "prove" he is wrong.

stop pretending you dont understand.
he is not drafting a binding contract, nor is he crafting a law. imprecision does not make him wrong, stupid or insane.
if you ACTUALLY wanted clarification you would have asserted your claims without the ad hoiminem or the attempt to declare his entire assertion was WRONG based on your disagreement with the numbers or some other picayune detail.
so naive.


yes, that is quite naive, but not nearly as foolish as accepting that new higher minimum wage requirements, taxes and regulatory costs wont be passed on to the customers, or that new employer funded payroll taxes wont be subtracted from the employee's wages, and thats the assumption everyone on the left automatically believes.
yes, that is quite naive, but not nearly as foolish as accepting that new higher minimum wage requirements, taxes and regulatory costs wont be passed on to the customers, or that new employer funded payroll taxes wont be subtracted from the employee's wages, and thats the assumption everyone on the left automatically believes.

between 2000 and 2010, the minimum wage went up about 50% but the purchasing power of the dollar versus the big mac became stronger.

somehow, the workers got paid 50% more, but the dollar could buy more big mac after that increase in wages than before.

your assumptions are stupid and unfounded. all you have is hot air and bullshit with which to baffle. it might work on racist rabbits and retarded sock puppets, but not anyone who has half a brain.