Here in america, If you have a mechanical meter (not digital) You can take it out and put it in upside down. Older ones it will run the meter backwards. Newer ones it will just make them stop, while getting the energy. I HAVE BEEN CAUGHT DOING THIS!!! They will report you to the police, Turn off your power and take away the meter and put a padlock on the meter loop. Then they will charge you anywhere from 600-2000 dollars for "theft of services". Next they will tack another 300-500 on your power bill that you HAVE to pay in order to get em to turn it back on.
That being said...Dont steal power, its stupid. Even if you are mass producing buds, whats wrong with paying your power to keep you rolling? IT TAKES MONEY TO MAKE MONEY!
Next if you put a car battery by your metter loop, hook one end to positive, then wrap cables around meter loop and connet to the negative..........Your gonna arch out your batter cables and possibly blow up your battery in yourface. Think about it, if you hook a wire from one end to the other without something to use the energy of the battery, It arcs out! Go cheap somewhere else...Dont skimp out on your power. Hope I shed some light on this subject.