Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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The only problem is that would come with more government , think about it, everyone who wants weed legalized on a federal level hasnt really thought it through, put it this way, almost all the growers here would be out of business due to health dept regs, federal govern regs etc etc etc, we would become the home micro brew and those with money would become camel and marlborough , Monsanto needs to leave this area alone, it isnt going to increase anything except its bottom line.

btw, ignore undoer and dr dick, they are clueless and are only here to talk down to people and call them names.

That isn't true. In fact you rev this up. You don't like the disagreement, by facts. And you can't bring it. You feel persecuted in what amounts to religion with no science at all, and then you go all crap mouth. We respond in kind and you blame us.

This is the pattern of a sociopath. You may encounter them in day to day life. Doctor assistants are notoriously full of sociopaths, for example. You can tell because unlike me they crave company. The need someone to fuck with.

The pattern is to start the strife with passive aggression and when we respond to that aggression, the P-aggressor act like, "who me?"

I know. There is another Sr. Manager on my boss's staff. My Peer. And on Thursday he could not believe I called him on it in public in front of his peers and boss.

He was going...."I'm not arguing with you." as he raises the tone and temper. He is arguing. He has no dog in the hunt and he is interfering with me. He is being P-A in the ass. Next it is, in the middle of my sentence even more loudly...."I'm sorry I've upset you!"

OK, that is it. Doer stand up slowly and says to the room, quite calmly, "I'm not upset or arguing just because HE says I am."

So, now he needs to talk, after the meeting. "We have to discuss this." He come in shuts my door and I told him exactly this, behind closed door. "Get the fuck out of my office." He would not leave and so now I see he wants to goad a physical confrontation from me. I left in my office. I told him over my shoulder, "Get HR and we will talk about you harnessing me." I am truly without remorse.

We don't explain things to P-As. We attack them. Because that is what they are doing and are trying to hide like a coward behind florid phases, and a faked up demeanor.

I'm not fooled by you.
Back on subject about modified weed, As long as they can make the giantism gene, potency gene and smell gene improved so we can all grow huge stinky great buds I'm for it.
Imagine a bud the size of your leg or bigger that has 52% thc and smells to high heaven. That's my kind of science.

Now fucking tell me who here wouldnt buy those seeds
If natural news is your well spring of uniformed stupidity there is no way I would apologize to you

FYI GCR, I only became aware of that site after I wrote and posted the original post starting this thread and all my 'sources' existed long before that web site and will still exist long after that web site is gone ;)

This may be a bit beyond your pay grade, but as I have stated before, the site your referring to and any others you can name from here till the cows come home are of little or no consideration to my particular disposition on this issue.
There's a bad moon on the rise GCR and we on this web site ain't no fortunate ones in that respect, and by the time the smoke clears on this 'issue' I predict you will be wishing your first initial was C instead of G... ;D

ah yes much as you ignore the numbers (or absence of such) and even the existence of the bigger equations that 'we' currently do not have the capability to comprehend in any applicable way...
FYI GCR, I only became aware of that site after I wrote and posted the original post starting this thread and all my 'sources' existed long before that web site and will still exist long after that web site is gone ;)

This may be a bit beyond your pay grade, but as I have stated before, the site your referring to and any others you can name from here till the cows come home are of little or no consideration to my particular disposition on this issue.
There's a bad moon on the rise GCR and we on this web site ain't no fortunate ones in that respect, and by the time the smoke clears on this 'issue' I predict you will be wishing your first initial was C instead of G... ;D

irrelevant video snipped

so, Naturalnews is NOT the wellspring from which your "wisdom" flows?

whence cometh this wisdom then? you cite naturalnews, and other anti-gmo quackery site exclusively, deferring to their articles like a sycophant (when not posting irrelevant videos of 70's sit-coms and geezer rock)

you have no reputable sources, not even the low hanging fruit of "WE NEEDZ MORE STUDIES" statements from ANY reputable scientist or scientific organization, instead you endlessly copy/paste the OPINIONS OF OTHERS, and patently flawed "studies" by "Doctors" with PhD's in aromatherapy (i shit you not) who are even discredited by the licensing board for AROMATHERAPISTS!!!

if in fact, as you claim, you have some reason beyond Naturalnews and similar bullshit websites to believe GMO's are harmful you have as yet failed to produce this information, instead you ramble on in pointless word games which only appear clever to you.

you ARE a spammer, and not a very good one.
so, Naturalnews is NOT the wellspring from which your "wisdom" flows?

whence cometh this wisdom then? ...

Slightly different from that 'steely dan' you were playing with last night doc, but it is still inside you all the apparently just don't remember...not my fault that you don't remember and I do...
After 50,000 views, 325 pages and over 300 votes (over 75% in opposition to the general opinions of the SHDT) It's ok doc if you feel as your team mates that your final solution is to use the 'ignore' option :D
doc, though I love the smell of sweathogs in the morning (always smells like 'victory'), have you learned nothing from the web of life? have you learned nothing from space head tutor the TW?

if space head bungles, it probably only hurts space shine on harvest moon...
yet if genetic engineering bungles we might all end up screaming 'help me mr wizard'...therefor
the cautionary approach is extremely warranted imo...:peace:

Slightly different from that 'steely dan' you were playing with last night doc, but it is still inside you all the apparently just don't remember...not my fault that you don't remember and I do...
After 50,000 views, 325 pages and over 300 votes (over 75% in opposition to the general opinions of the SHDT) It's ok doc if you feel as your team mates that your final solution is to use the 'ignore' option :D
You putting any sort of weight on a poll you mislabeled on a cannabis website is sad.

Almost (but not quite) as sad as the charlatans you put faith into for your organic bullshit lifestyle.

Go drink a cup of crude oil, it's 100% organic.
I just want to point this out. When you read a Report/Study from "University of Blah" you should know most of them are from undergrad students.

Let me rephrase that undergrad students Meaning they don't even have a degree yet, so their opinion wights as much as anyone else without a degree.
I just want to point this out. When you read a Report/Study from "University of Blah" you should know most of them are from undergrad students.

Let me rephrase that undergrad students Meaning they don't even have a degree yet, so their opinion wights as much as anyone else without a degree.
As undergrads we werent allowed publish anything, anywhere.

The first thing you get to "publish" here is your thesis.
You putting any sort of weight on a poll you mislabeled on a cannabis website is sad.

Almost (but not quite) as sad as the charlatans you put faith into for your organic bullshit lifestyle.

Go drink a cup of crude oil, it's 100% organic.

Oh Frank I can only imagine what a different Irish tune you'd be singing if the poll stats were reversed ;), never the less though I do sincerely appreciate your continued efforts to try and make this work for you truly I do...but my lil ferret faced friend I'm sorry to say it's just to lil to late...

Oh Frank I can only imagine what a different Irish tune you'd be singing if the poll stats were reversed ;), never the less though I do sincerely appreciate your continued efforts to try and make this work for you truly I do...but my lil ferret faced friend I'm sorry to say it's just to lil to late...

I don't really care what you think because peer reviewed, valid, reliable, repeatable science is on my side.

Keep fellating yourself tho.
Slightly different from that 'steely dan' you were playing with last night doc, but it is still inside you all the apparently just don't remember...not my fault that you don't remember and I do...
After 50,000 views, 325 pages and over 300 votes (over 75% in opposition to the general opinions of the SHDT) It's ok doc if you feel as your team mates that your final solution is to use the 'ignore' option :D

and yet more LACK OF SUBSTANCE from the Crown Prince of Irrelevance.

apparently you have forgotten that EVERY ONE of the purported sources you vomited up way back when was refuted, discredited and dismissed because NONE OF IT WAS TRUE, the votes of the hoi polloi are no more evidence of your assertions than an opinion poll which claims that "Conservatives be Dumb".

that silly poll was touted as a "peer reviewed study" in the press for months, yet even a cursoury examination of the "data" showed it was an OPINION POLL, not a study, and it was based on erroneous assumptions on the part of the pollster, assumptions which were easily refuted, just as all of your "sources" (especially the aromatherapy doctor and alex jones) are PRE-IMPEACHED by their own retarded assertions, yet you keep going back to the tainted well for more brilliant copy/paste opportunities.

dipping once more into your incredibly dated sack of mouldy pop-culture references doesnt bolster your case, nor does it make you appear intelligent.

i would use the Ignore feature, but then i would miss out on many many opportunities to show what a dimwit you really are.
I gotta hand it to ya doc for at least remaining true to your hypocritical oath :D

again, your inability to SUPPORT YOUR OWN CLAIMS is the downfall of your agenda.

I dont have to DO anything or Prove anything for your assertions to fail.

YOU must support your claims or your claims are invalid, and thus far you have FAILED TO DELIVER.

Hypocrisy is claiming to posses features or characteristics that one does not possess.

YOU profess to have proof that GMO's are harmful, cause cancer, cause disease, damage the environment etc etc etc, and you have REPEATEDLY PROVED that you have none of this.

therefore YOU are the hypocrite.
There is no way hes a doctor , err i mean drug dealer, hes a wanna be , i bet he wears tach clothing and old fireman's shirts to bed.

you really are as dumb as you seem.

i suppose you can prove that comfrey is illegal, so, do cite the relevant law or regulation.
i suppose you have evidence of farmers being FORCED to grow GM crops, so im waiting for that proof.

awww, no im not, cuz i know it is NOT TRUE.
go lay your head on your mommy's bosom and cry your bitter bitter tears cuz im so mean to you.
i for one am tired of hearing your whimpering cries and moronic assertions which are COUNTERFACTUAL.