Well-Known Member
The only problem is that would come with more government , think about it, everyone who wants weed legalized on a federal level hasnt really thought it through, put it this way, almost all the growers here would be out of business due to health dept regs, federal govern regs etc etc etc, we would become the home micro brew and those with money would become camel and marlborough , Monsanto needs to leave this area alone, it isnt going to increase anything except its bottom line.
btw, ignore undoer and dr dick, they are clueless and are only here to talk down to people and call them names.
That isn't true. In fact you rev this up. You don't like the disagreement, by facts. And you can't bring it. You feel persecuted in what amounts to religion with no science at all, and then you go all crap mouth. We respond in kind and you blame us.
This is the pattern of a sociopath. You may encounter them in day to day life. Doctor assistants are notoriously full of sociopaths, for example. You can tell because unlike me they crave company. The need someone to fuck with.
The pattern is to start the strife with passive aggression and when we respond to that aggression, the P-aggressor act like, "who me?"
I know. There is another Sr. Manager on my boss's staff. My Peer. And on Thursday he could not believe I called him on it in public in front of his peers and boss.
He was going...."I'm not arguing with you." as he raises the tone and temper. He is arguing. He has no dog in the hunt and he is interfering with me. He is being P-A in the ass. Next it is, in the middle of my sentence even more loudly...."I'm sorry I've upset you!"
OK, that is it. Doer stand up slowly and says to the room, quite calmly, "I'm not upset or arguing just because HE says I am."
So, now he needs to talk, after the meeting. "We have to discuss this." He come in shuts my door and I told him exactly this, behind closed door. "Get the fuck out of my office." He would not leave and so now I see he wants to goad a physical confrontation from me. I left in my office. I told him over my shoulder, "Get HR and we will talk about you harnessing me." I am truly without remorse.
We don't explain things to P-As. We attack them. Because that is what they are doing and are trying to hide like a coward behind florid phases, and a faked up demeanor.
I'm not fooled by you.