Active Member
Could have sworn i heard some whimpering, kinda like a puppy sound.
Could have sworn i heard some whimpering, kinda like a puppy sound.
again, your inability to SUPPORT YOUR OWN CLAIMS is the downfall of your agenda.
I dont have to DO anything or Prove anything for your assertions to fail.
YOU must support your claims or your claims are invalid, and thus far you have FAILED TO DELIVER.
Hypocrisy is claiming to posses features or characteristics that one does not possess.
YOU profess to have proof that GMO's are harmful, cause cancer, cause disease, damage the environment etc etc etc, and you have REPEATEDLY PROVED that you have none of this.
therefore YOU are the hypocrite.
Hes not going to understand this, you didnt curse at him, call him names or speak down to him as if you where God. Oh wait, thats him and his minion undoer.Now just hold on a minute doc, when did I ever write anything about having 'proof' of any such claims?
Though I do feel that such claims are likely to be true at the end of the day, I never made such claims nor did I claim to have 'proof' of such.
The only fact I have claimed is that which is disturbingly obvious, 'we' don't know all the numbers of the equations 'we' are messing with and so 'we' should take every precaution before racing ahead in the name of money...
did you try loving whispers of endearment? Mozart maybe?
wait a second, is this more Custer logic?
goldencheesrice please make amends...
An apology is a statement of remorse that you make when you've done something wrong. It can be difficult to apologize, but it can do a lot to heal relationships and rebuild trust. Follow these steps when you make an apology:
Express remorse.
Admit responsibility.
Promise that it won't happen again.
Don't offer excuses when you apologize. Otherwise, you'll sound as if you're trying to shift blame away from yourself and on to someone or something else.
if space head bungles, it probably only hurts space shine on harvest moon...
yet if genetic engineering bungles we might all end up screaming 'help me mr wizard'...therefor
the cautionary approach is extremely warranted imo...![]()
FYI GCR, I only became aware of that site after I wrote and posted the original post starting this thread and all my 'sources' existed long before that web site and will still exist long after that web site is gone![]()
This may be a bit beyond your pay grade, but as I have stated before, the site your referring to and any others you can name from here till the cows come home are of little or no consideration to my particular disposition on this issue.
There's a bad moon on the rise GCR and we on this web site ain't no fortunate ones in that respect, and by the time the smoke clears on this 'issue' I predict you will be wishing your first initial was C instead of G...
The only problem is that would come with more government , think about it, everyone who wants weed legalized on a federal level hasnt really thought it through,
put it this way, almost all the growers here would be out of business due to health dept regs, federal govern regs etc etc etc,
we would become the home micro brew and those with money would become camel and marlborough , Monsanto needs to leave this area alone, it isnt going to increase anything except its bottom line.
btw, ignore undoer and dr dick, they are clueless and are only here to talk down to people and call them names.
Now just hold on a minute doc, when did I ever write anything about having 'proof' of any such claims?
Though I do feel that such claims are likely to be true at the end of the day,
I never made such claims nor did I claim to have 'proof' of such.
The only fact I have claimed is that which is disturbingly obvious,
don't know all the numbers of the equations 'we' are messing with and so 'we' should take every precaution before racing ahead in the name of money...
Slightly different from that 'steely dan' you were playing with last night doc,
but it is still inside you all the apparently just don't remember...not my fault that you don't remember and I do...
After 50,000 views, 325 pages and over 300 votes (over 75% in opposition to the general opinions of the SHDT) It's ok doc if you feel as your team mates that your final solution is to use the 'ignore' option![]()
Put me on ignore, you are not going to like this.
That is incredibly dumb. You have not thought much through. If you have, your brain does not work.
Nope. Growers will still grow. I will still grow. I do not know what you are babbling about.
That is a pretty good paranoid fantasy. Funny you mention micro-brews. There will always be a market for well grown marijuana. Same as with well made beer. Nice try at making a point, but not really.
You best put me on ignore too, as you are a bit ignorant and probably not smart enough to effectively debate these issues.
You are right about one thing, you are going on ignore, not because we disagree at al, thats you and your ilk technique AFTER you get personal, thats why you go on ignore, because like so many others, instead of researching you ridicule, and thats why some of you are to stupid to talk to, youre the idiots.
You think like liberals, " oh nothing will happen if the government or large corporation can mandate the quality of our seeds everything will be so much better, cause after all they are doing it for our own good".
My advise to you undoer, dr dickhead is this, grow up, start a REAL business , go to work and dont lay on here all day, pay taxes, workers comp, insurance, overhead, upkeep expansion,etc etc etc THEN come and talk to me about how the world works because right now, in your little protective cocoon , none of you have experienced jack or you would be so stupid.
Hopefully none of that was written in a way you could understand it, i know without any insults etc you and especially others have a hard time grasping things .
Monsanto having any say over what we grow is just stupid, blind lemmings.
who let the trout out?
threat level orange !
orange alert! orange alert!![]()
[TD="width: 585"] Alert: GMO oranges now under development
Tuesday, September 03, 2013 by: John McKiernan
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