Day 57 of flowering - harvest?


Well-Known Member
my first grow :mrgreen:

1) what u think? should I let it grow or should I chop it down?

2) how much yield will I get from it? (ur opinion please)

thank u very very much for the answers ;)

btw these lower buds have lots of more red hairs than top bud.


New Member
p.s. nice plant!! and i dont know if thats normally how you keep that fan you got there on the wall but it needs to come off the wall,,, you are killing your motor, your intake, and your CFM by having against the wall like that


Active Member
plants look great....but you wanna harvest more on what color the trichomes are and the pisitl hairs not so much yield....

If the trichs are clear to early to harvest....if most are cloudy and a small number are clear and you harvest you will get a good UP high or cerebral high good if you like being active while your high

If the trichs are very cloudy to an amber/brown color and you harvest this will be a very "couch lock" like high or a sleepy high.... personally i prefer the up high cause its more fun and you get more outta the smoke...

If you like it in the middle a good up high with some real relaxing mood harvest when trichs are about 50/50....50% amber/brown 50% clear/cloudy/opaque

This can all be figured out with a magnifying glass so look close the the "perfect" time to harvest is within about a 2 week period

Enjoy and dont forget to dry and cure.....happy token


Well-Known Member
thank you :)

hoping to get some opinions about the yield (grams or ounces or what ever) :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for that info, abins. yea I personally would like that up high. so mabey its still the right time to harvest now. I got no magnifying glass atm..

(ok but Im off to sleep now. will respond tomorrow ;) gn)


New Member
thanks for that info, abins. yea I personally would like that up high. so mabey its still the right time to harvest now. I got no magnifying glass atm..

(ok but Im off to sleep now. will respond tomorrow ;) gn)
if you have no mag. glass than go by the stigs.. and they are NOT dry.. dont be impatient,, you will regret it


Well-Known Member
buy a jewelers microscope from radio shack, just so you don't chop early. I would say you have at least a couple weeks left.


Well-Known Member
ye looks o early to me ninjo. seriously invest in that magnifying glass, they're really quite cheap. the up high is good but u still dont want to be picking to early. great looking plant though mate.


Well-Known Member
The fan leaves are begining to turn yelow. Try and get a good look at your trichs. If half are amber your real close. Looks to be about a 3 ounce plant trimmed and dried. Good job.

alphabibbiddy boo boo

Well-Known Member
Nice work that things a tree! and hey, are you sporting a Swatch Irony in that pic? only reason i ask is cuz i have one on my wrist right now.. thought it looked familiar

past times

Well-Known Member
are you growing in soil? you can add a couple weeks to your expected finish time in a lot of circumstances. your pistals are defintely still looking young and if you wait you sill still get that up high. there is a lot of plumping going on in the last week or two. definitely get that microscope though and dont get trigger happy. cheers


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks excellent for a first grow! Mind telling us your setup( lights, soil, nutes, etc.?):hump:


Well-Known Member
thank u for compliments ^^

Nice work that things a tree! and hey, are you sporting a Swatch Irony in that pic? only reason i ask is cuz i have one on my wrist right now.. thought it looked familiar
that is correct, man :D this is swatch irony. I like that :) how about you

light - 400W hps
soil - took some from my garden, lol
been using "Schultz-Instant" 10-15-10 for the veg stage and "Substral 3-5-7 for flowering.
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Well-Known Member
Give her another week and half...

I know it seems like forrrreevever but you wont regret the extra ounce you will get.

Also you are currently flushing her right?


Well-Known Member
ye I have been flushing it for like...2 weeks already

lol 3 weeks of flushing... couldn't imagine how smooth is this smoke gonna be =)