Note to self: next time you plant outside, sprinkle some human hair from your last haircut around your plantsNote to self: Deer like to munch this time of year..errrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Uhhh ok, the eagle flies at midnight......Baltimore plays Denver in Denver on Thursday.
sharp eye there jig.....she's a 3.8 but she's geared for grinding uphill.....haven't had her topless yet, we just got a trailer hitch installed.....there is a world of attachments for these, prolly one that will brew beer or bake can take the doors off and fold the windshield down tooI have the 5.9L version of the Grand Cherokee. She's lovely.
Are those a pair of shoes trying to hide behind that jeep?
Ya, feeding bears is not good.........View attachment 2804172Note to self: 1. Quit feeding bears.
2. Quit buying jeeps.
3. Look at the sunset more often.
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Nor the sea gulls....Note to self
don't feed the monkeys laxatives.
it will kill them all...
seen pic at first and though it was you booby trap with a bottle of beer for bait. LMFAOJeeez, I am going to switch to imperial measures. It looks much more badass LOL. My biggest yield off a single plant in my life so far was 2.4 clicks, aiming high this year, really worked that patch like a mofo. This is where the plant will go, already hammered most of the stakes in for the original main-line, supports to be added later this week. Dropped large soda bottle on it so you guys can see the scale. I just worked it out to be about 180 gallons worth of prepared soil. Takes all of winter getting it ready. Will be 5 months of veg and then 10 weeks or so in flower:
jeeps are not for everybody but for some they are an object of love, I declare National Hug your Jeep Day
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