Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. :mrgreen:

Yeah, I would LOVE to go up to the "bigger patch", just to show you guys (prove) that I do infact have "a lot" more outdoor ladies going! ;) but can't never seem to find the time, and the dang neighbors always stare at me & trip me out! So I was thinking of just showing all you guys once I crop those out, all 54 of um.. haha..
The other ladies are in my "greenbean patch".. lol
Holy shit are you kidding me? I gotta get on here at 4 in the morning for this thread to be slow enough for me to follow it, lol. I take one tiny little nap at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and poof its 9 hours later and this thread has jumped like 20 pages.

I don't even know where to begin. Some crazy nice shit being posted. Dank, your outdoor shit looks nice as hell. Stew- all I gotta say is holy fucking trichromes batman. Those things are perfect little mushrooms lol.


Well-Known Member
Looks good 2 me bro.. and from those new pictures you took, it just looks like swollen calyxes. 2 me .. no worries.. :mrgreen:

Ah, hell yeah! So are you guys starting up a breeders collective? That would be badass... I'm really hoping incan find a new place before too long. I'm looking for something out in the country with plenty of space to play around with some males and shit, lol. Jeezuz that sounded bad..

Anyways, I think that font looks pretty sweet. If you cleaned it up around the edges I bet it would look badass as hell.

BTW I blew up some pics I took of the little ball things I'm noticing on my flowers. They are all growing at the exact same part of the plant-right at the bottom of the node, right above the stipule.

View attachment 2806539 Here's the close up. Totally looks like a swollen calyx, but I dunno... I'm just hoping its not a seed, BC I've noticed a lot of these. Basically at the base of every one of the buds, on one or two of my plants. Here's another one:

View attachment 2806540


Well-Known Member
Damn! Whre in the hell is everyone! :??: lol.. the only morning I am on early, noone is here 2 play.. haha..
Hope everyones having a great morning!! Hope 2 talk 2 you guys here soon..


Well-Known Member
Daaaaaaaank!!!! Duuuuude, FIFTY FOUR plants outside?!?! Holy fuckstick. Any idea on the yield? I am totally gonna get some girls going inside early next spring, germinate a shit load of seedlings and then take them outside somewhere. Having enough space is my biggest problem.

So you think I'm alright, eh? God I hope those aren't seeds. If they are I guess it isnt the end of the world, BC it wouldn't be too many. But, I learn something new every day-- I used to always explain really sank bud to people as having little "nodules", like basically when the bud is made up of little balls. I guess those balls are just what the calyx turns into, after it swells up. So I guess all calyxes are supposed to swell eventually? Is that basically what the flower is, just grown-up calyxes?

BTW, congratulations to me for giving the 17500th like on this thread:). We really need a life.


Well-Known Member
Wooo hoo! You go bro! ;) I hardly get rep+, and to think, all the updates I do do, I take that back! Dift +rep me.. ;)
I don't really care bout all that stuff myself. Just here to try and make a fews friends, and show alittle trees off, and also try & help others learn how to grow some massive tree's. :mrgreen:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ~Dankster~420 again.


Well-Known Member
I am officially MOVING OUT!!! Tuesday!!! me and my sis just got off the phone. She is picking me up Tuesday and I'm flying like an eagle out of here baby! everybody feel like partying with me this weekend?? promise you this...my life is just beginning and I've never been more excited to see what tomorrow brings!!! :mrgreen::peace::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Stew this shit is funny as hell and RoseyPeach I believe that's your little guy going at it lol
  • Could not sleep and I opened up my thread to this, That's funny as hell Wish I could do stuff like this with my P.C. How much would you charge to make me a new signature lol no serious how much
    P.M. Maybe you could give me some advice or something and thanks you made my day I'm smoking a fat one and laughing out of control



Well-Known Member
yeah I saw it LMAO he's a dirty dirty boy LMFAO

Dank will be on in a bit, his phone died around 3 so...LMAO he's gotta let it charge a while;)

what you up to today 'fornia?


Well-Known Member
Gotta grab a shower and run out to the grocery store. Be back around 8ish, maybe sooner.;)

Keep that blunt going...got ripped off, no bud for Rosey :(


Well-Known Member
fuckin trailer trash man...thought it was going to my main man, instead, he went out of town for a few days and left it with this skank bitch that my daughter has been watching kids for (because she is skank) those babies so innocent..anyways, she jacked my cash and no green to show for it. They are working on it on their end but I told her to tell that little heffer that either I better have some green or cash come Saturday or I am going to stomp her sorry little ass for stealing from me! don't think I won't!


Well-Known Member
​I hear ya just don't get in trouble we don't want that, Be smart and get her ass somehow but do it the smart way or just go kick her fucking ass lol
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