MDMA (Molly / ecstasy) prices?

if you pay 900/oz you are paying more than 50/g. which makes this post a lie within a lie!

He was talking about paying $50 a gram at the most if you're only buying one gram. And 900 an ounce max if you're buying an ounce.
Lol whoops... I wasn't exactly sure what he meant anyways.... since 900 an ounce doesn't equal out to more than 50 per gram.
bought by instance of transaction and maximum price,900$an more..50 a gram is 1400$...see the markup?..don't pay more than 50$ a gram...and most likely you'll get 40% then...sadly.
Going to shows over years I've gotten to know a few people..just this past weekend a friend picked up a gram and a half of some fire sass for 50$...and my word is bomb.
Those prices aren't cheap. Well I guess I could see myself paying more for a single g because of convenience but the odds of that happening are very very low.
They are def not cheap by your standards!lol...average decent prices tho for mid level dealers I suppose...I think the most I've payed for an ounce was 1000$ even...I've payed 80$ a gram a few times but that's cause I had extra $ and wanted to a rule of thumb I won't go over 50$ a gram usually..
Well yeah but even excluding my highly unusual POV on pricing those prices are high compared to what you could get by ordering from Canada or Europe.
Silk Road is on the high end then , no? I think I saw a gram of MDMA 80% pure for 1.1 bit coins....ya that sounds right. is it? that would be over 100 a gram, no?
What were btc going for at the time? At the bottom of the page there's a conversion from BTC to USD or w/e currency you want. Hell you can change the settings to automatically convert prices for you. The prices are usually fixed in USD but the trade is done for the equivalent amount of btc.
What were btc going for at the time? At the bottom of the page there's a conversion from BTC to USD or w/e currency you want. Hell you can change the settings to automatically convert prices for you. The prices are usually fixed in USD but the trade is done for the equivalent amount of btc.

who knows... i keep forgetting my silk road password...i have to go make a new one ... and then my coin purse is another conundrum.....when I have extra $ then it will become important again... lol

I thought it was 120$ a bit coin..... i guess there is outrageous fluctuation in the coin exchange? like shit will change by 50$ in price? I dunno... two weeks ago silk road had MDMA most of it for a little over 1 bit coin. I guess that could mean a big difference in money
Yea I could order,but this was before silkroad,and,I was in the middle of a field at a show :-)
I'm sure I could have got it cheaper and did at points,but now I have no use for an ounce of molly but for my head,and id rather have a few grams setting around as opposed to that much..
it would be nice to have a gram of LSD laying around. 20,000$ worth of L. How long could you store LSD? hunter thmpson was raided and they found a few hits of acid in a suitcase ,.. hunter said, i forgot where i put that! that is Owsely Acid and if i knew i had that i would have ate it!
Silk Road is on the high end then , no? I think I saw a gram of MDMA 80% pure for 1.1 bit coins....ya that sounds right. is it? that would be over 100 a gram, no?
there's fire molly on there for around 25/g if you're buying around 10g at a time.
Three teens is an odd measure to buy MDMA in. Get rid of that MD group and it gets sold as teeners.