Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC


Well-Known Member
Kick ass Mo, your greenhouse is really looking stellar. And that JOG and SOG look amazing too, can't wait to hear a report on the Scott's. But seriously, I love the look of that Jesus OG. As far as labeling pollinated branches, I like to tie a different colored ribbon around each branch with a different pollen donor. If you keep the males around, tie a corresponding ribbon around their base, otherwise, keep a log of it, I'd post it up on here so you can't lose it.


Well-Known Member
I normally use twist ties and make a normal plastic label and punch a hole through it and tie it to the pollenated spot....

OK - so now I have 8 tops so I can pollinate each mini-tree with 8 different sources.

My question is - what is the best way to mark the branches so I know which seeds are which?


Some of the bag-ties in the bulk snack section at the supermarket have a large enough label to write on. Check it out next time you're there ;)


Well-Known Member
My two pollen containers from July were full of mold/web. I tossed them out. I will see how the MozPoz pollen from last year looks. Now I just need to locate it...

I had some Malawi oil coffee and my migraine was eliminated! Heart got very racy for a while! :P

One of our RIU growers got ripped today - we all need to bow our heads and have a moment of silence. Inhale, hold it, exhale. Pass.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Try sticking a couple grains if rice in with the pollen mo. Rippers suck man trust in karma.

Have you calmed after you near death experience?!


Active Member
It always sucks getting ripped but from my experience its more then likely its someone close to you, never tell or show ANYONE


Well-Known Member
Hey Don,
I am sore as shit and still a little shaky. My chest and shins are bruised from slamming into the rafters every time I collapsed. I need to post the story here so people know what we are talking about.


Well-Known Member
OK - No ER but I did almost kill myself on Friday the 13th!

The cable guy came out to fix my cable and I wanted to run a line to a bedroom. This required a 40 foot attic visit with a 30 foot crawl. He said he couldn't do it. So I got wrapped up in jeans and long sleeve shirt. Put on my knee pads and mask and went for it. I had been blowing air conditioned air in with a big fan to make it nice up there for him.

The space is big when you first enter and then it is a foot high for 30 feet. After 15 feet of the crawl, I knew I had made a terrible mistake. I was breathing as hard as I could and I still wasn't getting enough air. I couldn't turn around!

At this point I was wondering how they were going to get my body out of the attic. Then I started thinking of ways to break through the ceiling to escape. I have ten more feet to go until I get all the way to the spot where the cable comes out from the room below. 5 feet, I can't breathe and I am hoping that when I get to the other end there is a roof vent where I can get some air. If there isn't then I probably am going to need to break through the ceiling!

I reach the end of the tunnel and I can barely focus my eyes. I can't remember why I thought it was going to be OK. The last time I did this I was in my 30s and it almost killed me.

There was a vent! I stuck my head up in there and breathed the most wonderful cool fresh air I have ever inhaled. I stood there for at least five minutes breathing that air and trying to decide how I was going to get out.

That is when I heard the cable guy ask me if I was OK and I remembered why I was up there. I fed the end of the cable through the hole in the firewall to the other side of the attic where he must have been waiting this whole time. I kept feeding him more and more cable until I was sure it was never going to end - I was still a little fuzzy.

I went back to the vent and breathed the sweet fresh air and wondered if I would ever see the outside again. Now it was time to man up. I put my mask back on and lowered myself back to my chest and started the crawl back. It looked shorter going back but it was slower and harder. I was shaking and I didn't feel like I had anything left to give.

10 feet, 9 feet, 8 feet - my knee pad gets stuck and rips off of my leg - 7 feet, 6 feet - I can start to feel the cooler air from the fan - 5 feet, 4 feet, 3 feet - I am going to make it - 2 feet - I can't go any farther.

Will somebody come in now and carry me the rest of the way? No.

Come on you can do this. Every last fiber of my body pulled against gravity one more time and I was free of the tunnel! Now I only needed to get ten feet through an easy area and hop down through the access hatch. Except at this point my feet, arms, legs and brain were not under my control. I banged around forcing myself to stumble in the direction of the opening. I reached it and my foot gets tangled in a cord and now I am on my ass with my tangled foot stuck under me. I screamed "fuck me" with all of my might - it just made a muffled fart from under my mask. I fell to the side to release my foot from my body but the cord would not let go. I twisted and turned until I could see the cord and it was barely over the toe of my shoe. It required three tries to get my foot free. I shakily climbed/fell down the ladder and stumbled outside.

It was wonderful to feel the breeze and see the sky. I was drenched in sweat and gasping for air. My wife asked me if I was OK, and then realized I wasn't. She ran inside and got me the best glass of water I ever remember drinking.

We went out and had steak and martinis for dinner to celebrate my survival.

I am never fucking going up in that attic again! EVER!



Well-Known Member
OK - No ER but I did almost kill myself on Friday the 13th!

The cable guy came out to fix my cable and I wanted to run a line to a bedroom. This required a 40 foot attic visit with a 30 foot crawl. He said he couldn't do it. So I got wrapped up in jeans and long sleeve shirt. Put on my knee pads and mask and went for it. I had been blowing air conditioned air in with a big fan to make it nice up there for him.

The space is big when you first enter and then it is a foot high for 30 feet. After 15 feet of the crawl, I knew I had made a terrible mistake. I was breathing as hard as I could and I still wasn't getting enough air. I couldn't turn around!

At this point I was wondering how they were going to get my body out of the attic. Then I started thinking of ways to break through the ceiling to escape. I have ten more feet to go until I get all the way to the spot where the cable comes out from the room below. 5 feet, I can't breathe and I am hoping that when I get to the other end there is a roof vent where I can get some air. If there isn't then I probably am going to need to break through the ceiling!

I reach the end of the tunnel and I can barely focus my eyes. I can't remember why I thought it was going to be OK. The last time I did this I was in my 30s and it almost killed me.

There was a vent! I stuck my head up in there and breathed the most wonderful cool fresh air I have ever inhaled. I stood there for at least five minutes breathing that air and trying to decide how I was going to get out.

That is when I heard the cable guy ask me if I was OK and I remembered why I was up there. I fed the end of the cable through the hole in the firewall to the other side of the attic where he must have been waiting this whole time. I kept feeding him more and more cable until I was sure it was never going to end - I was still a little fuzzy.

I went back to the vent and breathed the sweet fresh air and wondered if I would ever see the outside again. Now it was time to man up. I put my mask back on and lowered myself back to my chest and started the crawl back. It looked shorter going back but it was slower and harder. I was shaking and I didn't feel like I had anything left to give.

10 feet, 9 feet, 8 feet - my knee pad gets stuck and rips off of my leg - 7 feet, 6 feet - I can start to feel the cooler air from the fan - 5 feet, 4 feet, 3 feet - I am going to make it - 2 feet - I can't go any farther.

Will somebody come in now and carry me the rest of the way? No.

Come on you can do this. Every last fiber of my body pulled against gravity one more time and I was free of the tunnel! Now I only needed to get ten feet through an easy area and hop down through the access hatch. Except at this point my feet, arms, legs and brain were not under my control. I banged around forcing myself to stumble in the direction of the opening. I reached it and my foot gets tangled in a cord and now I am on my ass with my tangled foot stuck under me. I screamed "fuck me" with all of my might - it just made a muffled fart from under my mask. I fell to the side to release my foot from my body but the cord would not let go. I twisted and turned until I could see the cord and it was barely over the toe of my shoe. It required three tries to get my foot free. I shakily climbed/fell down the ladder and stumbled outside.

It was wonderful to feel the breeze and see the sky. I was drenched in sweat and gasping for air. My wife asked me if I was OK, and then realized I wasn't. She ran inside and got me the best glass of water I ever remember drinking.

We went out and had steak and martinis for dinner to celebrate my survival.

I am never fucking going up in that attic again! EVER!

MO, I had a similar experience almost to the letter, except I decided to do this mid day, no one home and I was running my own cat5 cabling. I got to where I had threaded cable into my attic form inside the garage and it was as I was coming back I realized I left my wire cutters and decided to leave them for I was starting to realize I possibly committed a fatal error in going up there, I too almost did not make it out either. I distinctly remember all the heat exhaustion symptoms you are describing. The last thing I remember is crawling to the opening and then I woke up on the floor of the closet where the attic access was. Never again, ever! Needless to say there are some very nice wire cutters I will never see again.


Well-Known Member
When we moved in back in 1997, I ventured to the attic to inspect the layout. Nobody was home. I almost didn't make it back to the hatch. The heat was too much and the extra strain of breathing through a mask didn't help. When the family got home I was passed out on the front porch. I don't know why I did it again. I guess I thought my headlight and fan were going to make it easier.

I am not sure how I got outside this time. I do remember my wife asking me something and I just ripped the mask (broke in several pieces) off my face. I was angry and in pain. I am still weak and grumpy.


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

It was a beautiful - albeit hot - day today. I brought the clones out for some sunshine and watered the garden. The heat got to me pretty quickly so I went back inside for a while. I ventured back out later to get some pictures in the plentiful sunlight. They came out clear and vivid. Everything is growing nicely.

The Clones
The male clones that looked dead are finally putting out some new growth. I am glad I didn't lose the Paki Punch stud. The Scott's OG clones are done with the reveg and are starting to throw out serrated leaves again. All of the clones, male and female, are showing strong vigor. I tossed one that looked like it was developing a spot of PM. It looked like white mold on one of its leaves. I will keep a close watch on the others. The four clones in the one gallon pots are really getting bigger and have perfect leaf structure. On the tray the Space-Queen dom Marion Berry - which I have named Berry Queen - and the Kush dom Jilly Bean - for which I haven't named, maybe Billy Jean - have such different leaf structures that I took a side by side to show them.

The South/Greenhouse Garden
The refinements to the greenhouse/cage structure are finished and I just need to add the last few uprights in the corner. The Mulanje in the compost pile is getting bigger and I performed some LST to spread her out and even the height of the colas. Something dug a large portion of dirt away from the base of the plant on two sides so I replaced the dirt, added some compost, and put up a fence. I can't wait to get the structure enclosed.

The North Garden
The MuMo Bubblegum is well trained in a spoke mainline shape so I removed the tomato cage. It is very leafy. I am not sure what the final shape of these flowers will be. It is still beefing up. All of the mature plants in the buckets seem to be swelling and frosting nicely. They are all in the same soil and yet they are all different shades of of green from almost yellow to almost black! The vegging plants are starting to explode and the Malawi cutting is adding inches each day. The mainlined Mulanje #1 is finally starting to put out serrated leaves and flowers. It is a mess now and so disappointing after such a beautiful start. The light deprivation definitely works. I just need a better way of executing the darkness. The plumeria is starting to bloom from the new large flower clusters that formed this year. The Alpine strawberry is starting to look happy again. Many of the plants are flowering in the garden as if it were spring. This weird weather has them very confused :)

Enjoy the pictures!


Scott's OMG #1 Reveg

Jilly Bean #4 Clone that was a brown knot of dead mite ridden leaves. Neemed back from the dead. Hearty ass plant!

Berry Queen Sativa leaf versus Billy Jean Kush leaf

South Garden

North Garden



Well-Known Member
Interesting comparison indeed. Luckily you still got plenty summer to go, here summer is officially over.:(


Well-Known Member
Thanks Don - I know it is big but it is already feeling too small to me :P

I still want somebody else to build me this:



Are you going to recover the rain water that will run toward your neighbors house? That much greenhouse roof area will make for quite a waterfall next door! Looking good man, that tiny male plant is cool with the colors.


Well-Known Member
I am not planning on putting a solid roof on this structure. It is more of a critter resistant cage. The north garden will be the enclosed garden complete with lights and CO2 :)

South is for food and north is for medicine :)


Well-Known Member
We may also add some chickens - we are allowed up to 4. Does anybody know if there are roosters that don't crow? Can they be de-crowed?

If roosters crow, do crows rooster?