this years grow..24 oz cans..back to 16 oz cans

was supposed to harvest tomarrow but its lookin more like monday.....I'll post pics when I do.....first plant out of the excited
started choppin on first auto last night....decided to wait a few more days....put first big blueberry in the dark...will take pics before choppin
That might just be one of the coolest things i have seen when growing weed is concerned.

It gives me hope that i can grow anytime i want, without a high priced set up.
thank you all for your comments, rep+, and likes. I like the last comment best since that was what I was trying to prove. You dont need a big money set up to grow some tasty nugs. and you dont need a ton of space. anyone whos lookin to stop payin for weed, will find this set up provides more than they need. And at a minimal cost. thanks again for all your support and.....lets get growing!!!
just harvested 1st plant in 400 w tent.....well over an oz. doing the can thing too, but not full scale. trying to test each new strain with can method. took lots of pics of first harvest.....will post when I get a chance
the above pics were taken after my first plant harvest from 400 w tent.....going weekly SOG one of these every week for next 10 weeks so far....should be well over a QP per month....I'll keep ya informed
Very nice setup, I bet when we see weed legalized across the board, we will see more and more grows like yours. Simple, cost effective, and quite capable of being able to supply a heavy smoker with constant supply.

Aftershock how exactly are you harvesting a plant a week? Seems like you have tons of plants that flower super fast or something I might be high =D
Aftershock how exactly are you harvesting a plant a week? Seems like you have tons of plants that flower super fast or something I might be high =D

I would also like to know the answer to this, Aftershock. This is a great idea even for someone who already has a tent and all that, I mean why the hell not setup a little rig like this in your closet? I think I'll setup something like this at my buddies for the sole purpose of creating feminized seeds.
my strains flower for about 9 weeks.....I put one plant into flower every week and harvest one plant every week....9 plants flowering at same time all one week apart. when doing the can method ...I put 4 plants into flower every week and remove 4 plants every long as I put one plant in flower every week...I'll always have one finished every week...thanks for the latest rep+