My first bagseed grow...comments tips welcome


Well-Known Member
i'm not offended dude. seems you know lot of things bout the cannabis and breeding...... huh....i'm so high right now.......can't type too much :D lol .....Cheers buddy!!!
lol yay im glad we got that all figured out now pce luv and herb :bigjoint:

The key to doing anyhing with Quotes is to go advanced. When you do this the last ten responses to your thread are down at the bottom and you would just highlight what you want to quote, right click> copy then go back up to our response text box left click, right click>paste.
Now Preview the post. After you do you can go back to your original text box and work with what you copied and pasted there, like wrapping quote marks around selected ext, etc.

I usually leave a line or two between quotes.

You can even get rid of some stuff you may not need.

Plant what you have, don't worry bout anyone else's thoughts.

Well, I hope this help you. Would of ever thunk his old man would be telling folks how to do something like this??

Keep it growing, your are doing fine. VV:blsmoke:
thanks man i think i might have finally figured it out, if i woulda looked a lil harder i probably woulda finally figured it out by myself but who knows how long this would have taken me to notice haha thanks VV :mrgreen:

you can go further by using the multi box as well
just toggle the little green square on for the posts you want to quote by clicking the multi box on each post your quoting
on the last one after you have toggled the box on also click quote
now in your reply window all the posts you have selected by toggling on the multi button should be there with their text and quote BBC code already done.
You can still high lite the bits you don't want to quote and delete them.
This way adds a link to each of the posts you quoted and the name of the OP.
Hope that helps as well.
thanks alto by the way this post and the previous one i think i finally have it down, much appreciated guys and ill snap some more pics tonight, these bitches just keep growing without any intent on stopping... :blsmoke: peace alto

See told ya I don't know about computers, thnx for that. VV
neither do i don't worry about it lol thats why i had to ask u guys about it lol peace VV

thanks again for this awesome site filled with endless information and fun!!! bongsmilie peacez


Well-Known Member
alright guys here is a couple shots i took real quick last night before i went to bed...they have grown a good couple inches in the past couple days, they are growin like crazy and i need to fin out wich ones are the males so i think im going to do a 24 hour dark period tonight so i can get the males outta there so i can repot the females because i know they are damned near rootbound... any tips??? i have also picked up some mosquito dunks and have some soaking in water now so when i go home hopefully the gnat problem will be fully taken care of then...

well lemme know what u guys think more pictures of each plant comin probably sometime this weekend..stay tuned later :peace:



Well-Known Member
They look nice and healthy
some one has been taking good care of their babies...


Active Member
damn!! they look good brah! I can't wait to try some.
do me a favor and post a pic of the one i gave you.. i'm curious to see how it's doing.


Well-Known Member
Quick question
why the support stakes? are they falling over?
Do you have a fan constantly blowing on them?


Well-Known Member
i just figured why not give them a little extra help, i didn't think i would be hurtin them so i just figured i would help them out a little... and part 2 yes i do have a fan onthem 24/7 unless i decide to give them a break ill get a picture up of your kid torgus and a picture of the fan too its in my previous pictures it just might be kinda hard to see if you don't know where its at, it is just sitting on the floor then i have that makeshift wall sitting on it sorta, kinda hard do describe, but ill see what i can do, thanks for stoppin by guys...ill be back soon with more updated pics. peace


Well-Known Member
OK cool I thought maybe they had weak stems or something, and was gonna say a fan will help make the stems stronger.
Growing nicely


Well-Known Member
alright sorry guys for whoever has been watching on saturday night i got way too drunk and had to pretty much recooperate the past couple of heres the scoop...

i haven't taken any new pictures i have been too tired but when the lights come back on ill take some new pics...they have grown so much the past couple days its amamzing, but since i don't wanna run outta grow space and i need to figure out which ones are the males i decided to give them a long dark period today... i turned the lights off at about 845 round it to nine am, so they are going to stay off until tomorrow at six PM, because i want the lights to be on at night and off during the day, it will keep the grow area cooler and then i can always look at them when im home from work... i have continued with the mosquito dunk watering as this is my 2nd or 3rd application...i have also watered with a high valued N plant food ill let u know when i can take more pics...they are lovin it, now i just need to get rid of some of the boys, but cross your fingers for girls with me guys and see what we'll never drinking again...peace out


Well-Known Member
shit yeah nigga ill get some sweet pics of your lady up on here in the next two days she is doin very good now but i need to transplant her which i will probably do as soon as i get the males outta there actually im gonna have to keep her somewhere else because she isn't ready to be flowered yet ill set up a little spot for her in my other room or somethin like that, ill let u know what i do wit your lady brah thanks for stoppin by peace 60659!


Well-Known Member
alright guys sorry i haven't been on in a couple of days, well actually its been quite a while lol...well anyways my dad came down to visit for fathers day so i really haven't had time, it was fun we got pretty wasted on saturday night so ive been catchin up on some sleep...

so tonight ill snap some new photos they have been flowering for about 3 days now and i just changed to MH bulb to the HPS last night, its not so bright in my bedroom now at night, so i might be able to start sleeping in there a little more then what i do now...

i know i have a couple good females and i think i can identify one male but not 100% sure im gonna probably take some pics tonight of the ladies since they have burst with growth recently, sorry its been so long but thanks for checkin in out, and now i have to go and check everyone elses grow...thanks for stoppin by... peace out


Well-Known Member
cant wait to see the images
its amazing if there are no photos for a while just how fast they grow.


Well-Known Member
yea it gets crazy if you haven't looked at them everyday like myself...tomorrow brotha...have a good one


Well-Known Member
alright i finally got some new snaps as of last night so here they are...there is a couple of a male or two i think??correct me if im wrong, then i tried to get a picture or two of the pistils on a couple of the ladies but the pictures arent too great, im gonna take some more when i transplant them and get rid of the males which should be tonight or tomorrow night then itll be a huge photoshoot compared to this...haha well im rambling on...lemme know what u think..thanks for stoppin in and all the support..peace :peace: :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
man they are really growing
stretch does not look that bad
do you know if they have slowed down stretching yet?


Well-Known Member
alright i finally got some new snaps as of last night so here they are...there is a couple of a male or two i think??correct me if im wrong, then i tried to get a picture or two of the pistils on a couple of the ladies but the pictures arent too great, im gonna take some more when i transplant them and get rid of the males which should be tonight or tomorrow night then itll be a huge photoshoot compared to this...haha well im rambling on...lemme know what u think..thanks for stoppin in and all the support..peace :peace: :blsmoke:
Looking good my man.
Pic #4 does look like its probably male, Pic #5 probably is too but that might only be swollenn calyxes on her.
Everybody looks healthy and they sure are growing well, keep up the good work.:peace::mrgreen: