So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
Maybe so. I built a panel for a buddy. Much cheaper to build it again now. Runs cool, so no AC need. Runs efficient so it's lower elec bill.


Well-Known Member
That stuff takes right off. Keeps the microlife employed. Fix some atmospheric N in the soil. Leave the mulch in place when you plant / transplant.

How's that worm bin, Captn


Well-Known Member
That stuff takes right off. Keeps the microlife employed. Fix some atmospheric N in the soil. Leave the mulch in place when you plant / transplant.

How's that worm bin, Captn
Haven't gotten it yet, I went way over budget on things for the grow room in the last month, 2 tents, 1 light setup, 5 cuft soil mix and all the little things that go with setting up two tents, so I'm on the bologna diet for a few more weeks but I will be getting one as soon as I can.


Well-Known Member
Incredible pictures Hamish.

Rrog......what should I do with some old FFOF/HF/Perlite/ewc/dolomite/azomite mixes that I only ran teas through? I used these two runs ago before I starting mixing my own up and was wondering how to get going with recycling. The soils were not abused. What would you do with it? I have a nice amount. Thanks Rrog.


Well-Known Member
I'd mix it in with your other soil. Have it assimilated like the Borg. I'm personally not seeing any reason not to. No sense wasting when it's perfectly good. IMHO


Well-Known Member
Clover will get the microbes going (live roots and all). Clover will pull N from the air and fix it in the soil. Companion plants help us. A living mulch. I don't know how much, but i suspect the live roots will speed the "cooking" of the base soil.


Active Member
Clover will get the microbes going (live roots and all). Clover will pull N from the air and fix it in the soil. Companion plants help us. A living mulch. I don't know how much, but i suspect the live roots will speed the "cooking" of the base soil.
So sow some clover seeds on top or add ground up clover?