So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
Just as I was going to use the Alfalfa tea last night my power went out for 8-10 hours. What a waste. It is still foaming like crazy but I won't risk the anaerobes.

Rrog...can I add a cup of lobster compost with a pinch of molasses to the tea to help with some gnats?


Well-Known Member
Dude its SLAMMING thunder and lightning here atm but (KNOCKING ON WOOD) no outages as of yet. I am gonna mimic your recipe there Rrog and give er a go for my next batch which is royal queen moby! We shall see!


Well-Known Member
I'd just bubble the Alfalfa if it were me. The anaerobes just smell a little.

That lobster compost for sure but the Chitin system will take a while to get in gear. For now, can you get some quality Neem Meal or oil?
Works fast.


haha VTMi'kmaq, thank you for taking me to here! I'm really delighted with the fast response and even more with whole the information you spread and share here.

Rrog you are right, perhaps i think through too much. I'm just frightened about thinking through so much and missing something fundamental as mixing soils is virgin territory for me. There is so much to read and learn and it's getting more and more, I'm really fascinated about the world of organics.
Biochar sounds very interesting, need to read more about it as it didn't came to my mind until now. Thank you for your advice!

So in general, you think I can give the recipe a try? No serious lack or abundance of any nutrient to be expected
? What do you think about topdressing with Palm Tree Ash in progressed flowering?

Thank you again!

Btw. very very interesting acticle Rrog!


Well-Known Member
Just as I was going to use the Alfalfa tea last night my power went out for 8-10 hours. What a waste. It is still foaming like crazy but I won't risk the anaerobes.

Rrog...can I add a cup of lobster compost with a pinch of molasses to the tea to help with some gnats?
BTI granules bro. Home Depot/Lowes carry them. Sprinkle a layer on top of your soil, water them in, and leave a couple sticky traps out to catch the adults. You won't have a gnat in sight within 10 days.


Well-Known Member
Ah. Ya- good one St0w! Now I don't know, but I've been told to soak the BTI in water overnight. Like one "doughnut" in a gallon of water. The next day pour this as a drench. That seemed to make sense to activate the BTI


Well-Known Member
Ah. Ya- good one St0w! Now I don't know, but I've been told to soak the BTI in water overnight. Like one "doughnut" in a gallon of water. The next day pour this as a drench. That seemed to make sense to activate the BTI
That could be Rrog. They actually sell granules too. They're about the size of the peppercorn balls you'd put in your pepper grinder. I've had pretty good success with just sprinkling a layer right on the soil and watering them in. Either way would probably do the trick.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys what's the name of those BTI granules you guys are talking about??...I looked on home depot and lowes websites but couldn't find them ........:confused:

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I'd just bubble the Alfalfa if it were me. The anaerobes just smell a little.

That lobster compost for sure but the Chitin system will take a while to get in gear. For now, can you get some quality Neem Meal or oil?
Works fast.
bad smell - Lacto B is our friend there. I've been adding a bit to every tea I brew. Getting positively DELICIOUS smells even off tea with positively shitty smelling stuff going in. Also really easy to get a whole ton of it. For guys that don't know how yet:

Soak brown rice in an open bowl in a cool area, about 2 ft off the ground, for about 3 days. Soon as it gets a slightly milky colour to it and bit of a smell, strain rice off. Add this microbe-rich rice water to up to 20 times the volume milk (doing this in a separatory funnel is the best way) and wait a few days until the milk becomes two layers, top being white curds, bottom a yellow liquid that will be a pretty pure Lacto Bacilii serum. Seperate yellow serum from curds, with a separatory funnel it is a case of opening the bottom tap. Dilute this serum with equal amount sugar mix (blackstrap molasses for you guys that can find it, diluted with 1/3 water) to keep your bacteria alive and multiplying. Should have a sickly sweet plus sour milk smell at that point. This is your 'pure serum' you will be working with. For most purposes dilute 20 parts water to one part serum. In a tea even less will do just fine.

Perfect for soil rehab where salt-based ferts were used, and where anaerobic activity is creating ammonia, Lacto B will change ammonia into useful nitrates.

Lacto Bacilii is my new workhorse bacteria friend. We are really becoming good buddies, me and Lacto B. I just used a spray of it on my neighbour's stinky pile of cow shit. Smell gone. Thank GODS. I was getting ready to sue him over it, seriously. So instead I just snuck in and did the job. Amazing stuff.


Well-Known Member
BIMs. Beneficial Indigenous Microbes

Same reason I like a shovel-full of local fieldgrass soil (no ferts or pesticides). It's teeming with the top microbes best suited for your area. A jar of microbes from a store will simply be duplicating what's already in the soil, and what's in the soil will eventually beat down whatever you add so you may as well use the free soil you have in your yard.


Well-Known Member
Well I got my two 15 gal pots filled and should have my clover seeds delivered anytime now.
I have some organic top soil so I thought I might put down a thin layer of it to act as a buffer for the new seed,what do you think?
I also picked up some mosquito bits, should I just sprinkle some under the the top soil before I plant the clover?

OK seed just arrived with no instructions, I assume a light sprinkle then cover with a light sprinkle of soil?



Well-Known Member
THey're pretty hardy. I just sprinkle them on the top and then work them in a bit. Just keep them moist and they'll be up in a couple days. The moisture will activate the BTI also.