I'm new to growing but i've been looking at lights for weeks and reading up from various places. I'm looking to sink about $2,000 into some lights to support a 7x4 area.
I was going to go for 4x A51 but reading their site all the lights in their system are 4500K spectrum?
Let me explain my thinking so that you guys can convince/educate me a bit or agree: I emailed him and he said that 4500K contains 20% blue light - To me this seems like a lot of wasted wattage as i'd prefer that all my wattage on veg is blue (~2700K) and all my wattage of flower is red (~6400K). When i've obviously got limited wattage it makes no sense to waste portions of it on producing less useful wavelengths - reproducing the sun is wasted wattage as they don't even use all visible wavelengths (plants would be black if they used all visible wavelengths from the sun). Essentially i'd want a light that when i turn it on my plant leaves look black as this is visually showing me the plant is using all of the visible wavelengths that are being produced by the lights watts.
So using this thinking and the comments in this thread i went on to look at getting 2x Magnum Plus2: Reading the website there isn't enough information about the light, and at the bottom of each page is 3-5 comments all 5 star ratings. To me this stinks of a knock off Chinese crap website.
Now im thinking of getting 2x 400 Solarstorms however they are giving draw wattage with actual wattage pretty close to it (400w vs 345w). It's running at 85% wattage when most do 70% max to maintain LED longevity. Are my LED's going to burn out in 6 months because of this?
Any thoughts? Any LED recommendations? I was almost going to post a separate thread as i imagine convert reps lurk this one but i thought it might be a bad start for the forums.