If you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition...

Kind of funny really, there was time when DNA didn't exist in our vocabulary and now it's seems to the root of all evil.

If moral people would have spoken out sooner in the West,gays would not have had to suffer the way they have and still do in some places,--- because good people are still sitting on their hands and tongues.

For evil to grow all good people need do is nothing.

If Christians had not changed their customs, gays would notlikely even be an issue except in Islam.


I for one feel that humans are drunk on power, it's as if some think that having a moral center equates superiority.

You are young, my son, and, as the years go by, time will change and even reverse many of your present opinions. Refrain therefore awhile from setting yourself up as a judge of the highest matters.Plato, Dialogues, Theatetus
Being gay isn't something that you decide one day, and sexual abuse and certainly not homosexuality on TV does not encourage being curious with the same sex. I grew up around my sister watching the l word, and broke back mountain and other shows of the like, and I never wanted to do anything homosexual, because well, I am not gay. This isn't a religious or social issue, its a step over the line into personal freedom and morality. People need to realize that being homosexual is just as natural as being asexual and heterosexual. Everyone is different and to be honest I find it silly that people care so much about stopping two people in love from being able to share the same benefits of heterosexual couples. Whether you think being gay is morally wrong based on your religious or your social morals only really matter to people with your same morals. And let's face it, everyone has different opinions on what's right and wrong. Who are we to say someone is weird for doing something that is natural to them? Just my .02.

Yeah, I agree. In a nutshell, you simply are what you are when it comes to sexual preferences. I am hetero. When I look at an attractive woman, I respond physically and there is nothing I can do to stop that. Sexuality is not a choice, it is genetic. Punishing people for their genetics is just dumb.
I for one feel that humans are drunk on power, it's as if some think that having a moral center equates superiority.
Are you saying that one with a moral position or center is inferior to one without a moral position or center? Are they at the same mental level? Explain further please. Regards DL
Are you saying that one with a moral position or center is inferior to one without a moral position or center? Are they at the same mental level? Explain further please. Regards DL
To say that someone objects because of their morals is understandable but to say that their moral stand point is superior, is fraught with danger. Morals are a cultural aspect of life and differ greatly depending on who and where they are obtained.

Used solely as an example, the crusades and the ideology behind them were based on the moral code of those who had faith in a certain religion, feeling morally superior to others who believed otherwise, men were set forth to conquer and change those who's moral code was differing from theirs.
To say that someone objects because of their morals is understandable but to say that their moral stand point is superior, is fraught with danger. Morals are a cultural aspect of life and differ greatly depending on who and where they are obtained.

Used solely as an example, the crusades and the ideology behind them were based on the moral code of those who had faith in a certain religion, feeling morally superior to others who believed otherwise, men were set forth to conquer and change those who's moral code was differing from theirs.

Fraught with danger.

Let me give one of the few worthy wisdom saying fromscriptures.

Proverbs 3:12
For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father theson in whom he delighteth.

Be they fraught with danger or not, imagine where mankindwould be if we did not correct each other’s mistakes.

I agree that we have misused our correcting ability in thepast but if as a general rule we did not do so, we would still be living in caves.

Reciprocity is a moral tenet. If you would not like to becorrected when wrong then that is what prompted your view.

I prefer correction even if it hurts the ego than to gothrough life doing the wrong or immoral thing.

I, unlike religions, do not take that notion of correctingto the point of killing. A dead person cannot take correction.
We should both hate what religions have done but we shouldnot throw out the baby with the bath water.

Fraught with danger.

Let me give one of the few worthy wisdom saying fromscriptures.

Proverbs 3:12
For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father theson in whom he delighteth.

Be they fraught with danger or not, imagine where mankindwould be if we did not correct each other’s mistakes.

I agree that we have misused our correcting ability in thepast but if as a general rule we did not do so, we would still be living in caves.

Reciprocity is a moral tenet. If you would not like to becorrected when wrong then that is what prompted your view.

I prefer correction even if it hurts the ego than to gothrough life doing the wrong or immoral thing.

I, unlike religions, do not take that notion of correctingto the point of killing. A dead person cannot take correction.
We should both hate what religions have done but we shouldnot throw out the baby with the bath water.

Your life has had religious doctrine involved {from what I can gather here}, the morals you now posse were obtained from that perspective and find any opposing that doctrine worthy of question. Not to find an answer as to why they differ in opinion but to shun any and all individuals who may think otherwise and try to persuade them to see the error of their ways...hence the constant biblical references

I'm not a scholar nor am I religious, just a man.
Your life has had religious doctrine involved {from what I can gather here}, the morals you now posse were obtained from that perspective and find any opposing that doctrine worthy of question. Not to find an answer as to why they differ in opinion but to shun any and all individuals who may think otherwise and try to persuade them to see the error of their ways...hence the constant biblical references

I'm not a scholar nor am I religious, just a man.

You are a man yes and a short one as what I put went rightover your head.

Too much wrong in your view for me to bother correcting you.

I see where you get your reluctance to correct.


To say that someone objects because of their morals is understandable but to say that their moral stand point is superior, is fraught with danger. Morals are a cultural aspect of life and differ greatly depending on who and where they are obtained.

Used solely as an example, the crusades and the ideology behind them were based on the moral code of those who had faith in a certain religion, feeling morally superior to others who believed otherwise, men were set forth to conquer and change those who's moral code was differing from theirs.

Start at 3:40 -

Morality can be (and should be) scientifically deduced, agreed

I tried arguing that point with a coworker recently, he just kept saying there was value in religious morals, even after slavery was brought up..

What I gained from that interaction was that religious people (he said he wasn't "religious", too! He just believed in a "higher power") are obviously still religious for a reason.. 2013.. anyone religious at this point​ doesn't need anything to be said for them, they're either lazy or ignorant, no excuses.
You are a man yes and a short one as what I put went rightover your head.

Too much wrong in your view for me to bother correcting you.

I see where you get your reluctance to correct.


I have no qualms with being corrected, in fact I implore most to append my mistakes. I know nothing and will learn all I can from those individuals who have in their lives gained insight where I have failed to see. If you are so inclined, omit my errors and substitute accordingly, something more fitting to your moral code...wink wink nudge nudge
I have no qualms with being corrected, in fact I implore most to append my mistakes. I know nothing and will learn all I can from those individuals who have in their lives gained insight where I have failed to see. If you are so inclined, omit my errors and substitute accordingly, something more fitting to your moral code...wink wink nudge nudge
Just take all the assumptions out and leave the rest and I will speak to it. That exercise is what you need to do for yourself. Just leave what you know as facts. Regards DL
Just take all the assumptions out and leave the rest and I will speak to it. That exercise is what you need to do for yourself. Just leave what you know as facts. Regards DL

known facts are known to change and you sir have provided nothing in the way of facts . . only your observations and acute opinion given to you by a dead document thast contradicts itself book to book
known facts are known to change and you sir have provided nothing in the way of facts . . only your observations and acute opinion given to you by a dead document thast contradicts itself book to book

That must have been quite a while back. What in the hell are you talking about? I only usually quote the book when using the words against literalists. Regards DL
oh you spoil sport
It was not kosher or natural to do this to my hero. I do not mind gays but this has gone too far. I think I will stop supporting the end of discrimination against gays because of this though. Well, ok. I wont but it is a close thing. Regards DL [video=youtube;ea7bj5MsyAU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea7bj5MsyAU[/video]