If you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition...

Whats really fucked up is intolerant assholes like you. Anyone that disagrees with you must be full of hate.
No one can have morals different than yours. Your head is stuck so far up your ass its not surprising you cant think.

You're fucking right I'm intolerant of hateful bigots like you. I'm also intolerant of murder, rape, child abuse and many other terrible things.

Also, you can have differing opinions all you want, as long as you're not denigrating an entire group of people. Then, I'm going to call you out for being a bigoted asshole, and bitch slap you with some knowledge.

People are also free to disagree with me. Chances are I probably won't think they're "full of hate", unless of course they're being hateful to someone or a group of people.... you know, like you!

P.S. - You might want to pull your skirt down, your 'Christian Values' are showing....
So I've sucked 2 cocks... I'm not gay though I'm happily married and give it to my wife anytime she lets me but I fantasize about jerking off a guy sometimes!! I would probably play with a guy but only if my wife is present, oh yea she is bi also, we've gotten down with a couple of women together our modo is it's not cheating if we're both there.

LOL you bigot fucks wish you could have a 3some.... I've lived it multiple times
I wish i was gay, i'm jealous, that way i could fuck ANYONE i wanted. Now im stuck with just fucking girls, which is ok with me... sucks i can't just choose to become gay or i would.
I wish i was gay, i'm jealous, that way i could fuck ANYONE i wanted. Now im stuck with just fucking girls, which is ok with me... sucks i can't just choose to become gay or i would.

I think what you're looking for is bi. If you were gay, you'd be "stuck" with just dudes like I am (obvious pun not actually intended but there it is).
There are some hot chicks though, so I know exactly what you're saying. Bi is best probably, it's just that few of us are that genetically perfect (in terms of sexual orientation anyway)

Jesus loves me
But not my wife
Not my nigger friends
Or their nigger lives
But jesus loves me
Dat for sure
'Cause the bible tell me so

Read your bible good and well
Don't forget about that apple spell
Don't fall in the wishing well
Wishing for heaven and gettin' hell
Wash behind your ears don't smell
Cover them freckles don't ask don't tell
Kiss your papa but not too long
Hold his hand
Don't do no wrong

Jesus loves me
But not my wife
Not my nigger friends
Or their nigger lives
But jesus loves me
Dat for sure
'Cause the bible tell me so

Hush don't cry
Dry them tears
Time'll wash away all them years
Scar or a bruise
Pick and choose
When you're all grown up
You'll have the blues
Life'll give you that wedding ring
Fancy cars and diamond things
You best believe in Jesus' way
And never fall asleep forgetting to pray

Jesus loves me
But not my wife
Not my nigger friends
Or their nigger lives
But jesus loves me
Dat for sure
'Cause the bible tell me so

'Cause the bible tell me so
I don't think it's a normal condition when kids become molested and hurt as a child by same sex there is a high probability for them to turn out like that as well. And homosexuality isn't normal nor right, them people have been confused into thinking its okay.

What are you trying to say in that 1st sentence? Do you mean that priests & religious clerics are drawn to the church as a vocation because they were molested?
Growing up in a 'house of the lord' we were taught that homosexuality was an illness & an abomination in the eyes of god. At 15 I was on the street [I was thrown out of home because I finally stood up to years of floggings from my father the preacher] small, hairless & snow-blonde.
In the following years I was shown more respectful, kindness & concern from 2 older gay men than all christians put together. I didn't even know they were gay [although they were very cheerful chaps haha] for several years. It was thanks in particular to these decent guys that I learnt that gays are really no different than anyone else & most importantly that a poof is a poof & a pedophile is a pedophile. From my experience one can find more kiddy-fiddlers in a church than any gay bar. [In fact my 1st winter the gays at one bar set me up a bed out the back & let me sleep until 6am when the cleaners were locking up. I felt so safe sleeping there - god help any sicko who tried to harm me]. During that time on the street I was never propositioned by an openly gay man-not once. On the other hand I was offered money at least a dozen times by mostly church going married men.
Homosexuality isn't normal or right? So god made a mistake huh? I think it's 10% of any population is gay. Gee god really is a fuck-up then?
I was asked to talk with a friend of a friend once because this friend was 'so confused'. I asked 'Ben' what made his dick hard, boys or girls? Ben - 'boys'. Me - "well your dick isn't confused, why are you?" haha. It's just the way he was 'made'. He likes boys, so what? What two consenting people do behind closed doors is none of my concern.
20 odd years ago it wasn't popular to defend gays, so whenever "I hate pooftas" was uttered by some pubescent moron [probably a closet gay] at the local pub I would say "I reckon the more poofs in the world the better" silence would usually fall waiting for an explanation to defend such an outrageous statement, "How do you figure Sno?" they would ask "Well then there's more girls for me" haha. The best thing about going out to bars with gay friends as a young fella was they ALWAYS found an attractive women who wanted to take me home :)
Those who are gay are BORN gay. Most gays know from a young age that they're attracted to the same sex [regardless of what selective religious 'studies' show]. Get over it christians, god made gays just as he made you & me. Just a part of the complex cosmos to which we all belong. Peace.
What are you trying to say in that 1st sentence? Do you mean that priests & religious clerics are drawn to the church as a vocation because they were molested?
Growing up in a 'house of the lord' we were taught that homosexuality was an illness & an abomination in the eyes of god. At 15 I was on the street [I was thrown out of home because I finally stood up to years of floggings from my father the preacher] small, hairless & snow-blonde.
In the following years I was shown more respectful, kindness & concern from 2 older gay men than all christians put together. I didn't even know they were gay [although they were very cheerful chaps haha] for several years. It was thanks in particular to these decent guys that I learnt that gays are really no different than anyone else & most importantly that a poof is a poof & a pedophile is a pedophile. From my experience one can find more kiddy-fiddlers in a church than any gay bar. [In fact my 1st winter the gays at one bar set me up a bed out the back & let me sleep until 6am when the cleaners were locking up. I felt so safe sleeping there - god help any sicko who tried to harm me]. During that time on the street I was never propositioned by an openly gay man-not once. On the other hand I was offered money at least a dozen times by mostly church going married men.
Homosexuality isn't normal or right? So god made a mistake huh? I think it's 10% of any population is gay. Gee god really is a fuck-up then?
I was asked to talk with a friend of a friend once because this friend was 'so confused'. I asked 'Ben' what made his dick hard, boys or girls? Ben - 'boys'. Me - "well your dick isn't confused, why are you?" haha. It's just the way he was 'made'. He likes boys, so what? What two consenting people do behind closed doors is none of my concern.
20 odd years ago it wasn't popular to defend gays, so whenever "I hate pooftas" was uttered by some pubescent moron [probably a closet gay] at the local pub I would say "I reckon the more poofs in the world the better" silence would usually fall waiting for an explanation to defend such an outrageous statement, "How do you figure Sno?" they would ask "Well then there's more girls for me" haha. The best thing about going out to bars with gay friends as a young fella was they ALWAYS found an attractive women who wanted to take me home :)
Those who are gay are BORN gay. Most gays know from a young age that they're attracted to the same sex [regardless of what selective religious 'studies' show]. Get over it christians, god made gays just as he made you & me. Just a part of the complex cosmos to which we all belong. Peace.

I would think that it is 10% of a given group that would protest in that way. A lot of people here use the term "Christian" like it is some catch-all term that means we wave the same flag. The truth is, I've seen openly gay men in a church that were accepting communion. The priest was aware of those men's preferences. Made no difference to them.

If you separate religious affiliation from an idiot, you're left with an idiot, nonetheless.
Sorry what protest? Your not very clear.
When I use the term 'christian' I'm usually referring to what is generally believed or accepted by christians in general. Now if your saying that 10% of christians are accepting of gays then gee, the church is becoming really progressive huh?
The attitude of the catholic church, for instance [your example not mine :)] is bewildering considering how many priests who reside in the vatican are practicing homosexuals. [according to a retired priest who LIVED & worked in the vatican for 30years said that he knew 50% of the priests were practicing homosexuals but suspected that the real figure was more likely 80%] And what does mother church do about the hypocrisy that it's swimming in? Nothing. Business [ching ching] as usual.
That 1st paragraph really didn't make sense so I'll just .................
I'm straight, but I've found a new way to jerk off; let my gay friends blow me. I've got several guys in my phone contacts and there is always at least one that is free to get me off. I don't think homosexuality is unnatural... it's a result of nature, so by definition.... it's natural. If you mean, unnatural as synonymous with normative then I cannot say. All I know is it took me a couple of years of getting offers from my gay friends that I finally gave in. It wasn't natural FOR ME. I had to cover my face and think of a girl if I was going to stay hard. After a while, I got comfortable with it and realized that guys give much better head than women, they almost never say no, and believe it or not... none of them have ever asked for me to reciprocate. I recommend you guys give it a go. It's not uncommon at all. I think for ever gay friend I have, they each usually have 3-7 straight guys they blow on a fairly regular basis.

those 3-7 other friends aren't straight if they're getting blown by another dude.. just saying..
People have an amazing capacity to compartmentalize. Not sure if that is the most appropriate word, but whatever. lol
I think straight guys, with a little effort and courage, can become desensitized to it and enjoy the benefits.

this would at minimum make you bi.. :D

i'm not saying there's anything wrong with it mind you, just simply pointing out what i think to be the misuse of the word straight is all..
I'm straight, but I've found a new way to jerk off; let my gay friends blow me. I've got several guys in my phone contacts and there is always at least one that is free to get me off. I don't think homosexuality is unnatural... it's a result of nature, so by definition.... it's natural. If you mean, unnatural as synonymous with normative then I cannot say. All I know is it took me a couple of years of getting offers from my gay friends that I finally gave in. It wasn't natural FOR ME. I had to cover my face and think of a girl if I was going to stay hard. After a while, I got comfortable with it and realized that guys give much better head than women, they almost never say no, and believe it or not... none of them have ever asked for me to reciprocate. I recommend you guys give it a go. It's not uncommon at all. I think for ever gay friend I have, they each usually have 3-7 straight guys they blow on a fairly regular basis.

Dude where do I start? You are either bi-sexual or a closet homosexual.......just saying. All the signs are there....gaining erections for men.........insisting your REALLY straight while engaging in oral sex with multiple male partners.......urging other men to follow your example........hanging out with gays...over-compensating with your avatar [butch with a dash of femininity] lol.
Btw, the other 3-7 'friends' are also gay. :)
Lol, Well as far as my avatar goes, I'm glad I didn't use the effeminate butler from Mr. Deeds because then you REALLY might have an argument.
I don't think having gay friends makes you gay as much as it makes you "not homophobic".
Gaining the erections takes an effort, which is one reason I don't think it makes someone gay necessarily. Perhaps this is evidence of the "fact".
I don't engage in oral sex... I just get it.
And why wouldn't I urge others to follow suit? It's a good deal and I think humanity as a whole could benefit, lol. There would probably be less road rage for one.

My posts were slightly satirical in nature.

I say rock on, man. lol

If you can stay hard with a dude sucking on yer wang, you've just upped the game my friend. Virtually eliminating the need to masturbate.
Should have been clearer M C. Correct, hanging with gays does not make one gay. Hanging with guys to get your dick sucked by a guy IS gay.
Although I do have some sympathy for guys unwilling to admit their homosexuality, being in the closet is usually unhealthy.
You seek the company of men to engage in sexual relations, nothing wrong with that, but by definition that makes you, at the very least, bi-sexual :) Just saying.......

Kind of funny really, there was time when DNA didn't exist in our vocabulary and now it's seems to the root of all evil.