What are you trying to say in that 1st sentence? Do you mean that priests & religious clerics are drawn to the church as a vocation because they were molested?
Growing up in a 'house of the lord' we were taught that homosexuality was an illness & an abomination in the eyes of god. At 15 I was on the street [I was thrown out of home because I finally stood up to years of floggings from my father the preacher] small, hairless & snow-blonde.
In the following years I was shown more respectful, kindness & concern from 2 older gay men than all christians put together. I didn't even know they were gay [although they were very cheerful chaps haha] for several years. It was thanks in particular to these decent guys that I learnt that gays are really no different than anyone else & most importantly that a poof is a poof & a pedophile is a pedophile. From my experience one can find more kiddy-fiddlers in a church than any gay bar. [In fact my 1st winter the gays at one bar set me up a bed out the back & let me sleep until 6am when the cleaners were locking up. I felt so safe sleeping there - god help any sicko who tried to harm me]. During that time on the street I was never propositioned by an openly gay man-not once. On the other hand I was offered money at least a dozen times by mostly church going married men.
Homosexuality isn't normal or right? So god made a mistake huh? I think it's 10% of any population is gay. Gee god really is a fuck-up then?
I was asked to talk with a friend of a friend once because this friend was 'so confused'. I asked 'Ben' what made his dick hard, boys or girls? Ben - 'boys'. Me - "well your dick isn't confused, why are you?" haha. It's just the way he was 'made'. He likes boys, so what? What two consenting people do behind closed doors is none of my concern.
20 odd years ago it wasn't popular to defend gays, so whenever "I hate pooftas" was uttered by some pubescent moron [probably a closet gay] at the local pub I would say "I reckon the more poofs in the world the better" silence would usually fall waiting for an explanation to defend such an outrageous statement, "How do you figure Sno?" they would ask "Well then there's more girls for me" haha. The best thing about going out to bars with gay friends as a young fella was they ALWAYS found an attractive women who wanted to take me home

Those who are gay are BORN gay. Most gays know from a young age that they're attracted to the same sex [regardless of what selective religious 'studies' show]. Get over it christians, god made gays just as he made you & me. Just a part of the complex cosmos to which we all belong. Peace.