If you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition...

For you coolman
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[TD]An aversive reaction to photos of gay couples may stem from a person's authoritarian parents and their own inner conflict with sexual orientation, researchers have found.
Credit: Andrew Lever | ShutterstockView full size image[/TD]
Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones.
The prejudice of homophobia may also stem from authoritarian parents, particularly those with homophobic views as well, the researchers added.
"This study shows that if you are feeling that kind of visceral reaction to an out-group, ask yourself, 'Why?'" co-author Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, said in a statement. "Those intense emotions should serve as a call to self-reflection

What is it that makes you so angry coolman?
You sound as messed up in the brain as a terrorist crying islamophobia when
people disagree with them. Pathetic again! Trying to call people a name that disagree with you.. very child like at best.
Well I am not angry a bit. You can beat off to gay porn all day for all i care.
Just remember as we were discussing gay adoption is illegal in lots of America We have to always protect the children.
Protect the children from what?

You say your not angry yet your last few posts looked to have you seething in them

If your unaware of that I'd suggest counciling..
Americans don't believe they should be raising kids do to there <strong>sick and twisted behavior. Having a opinion on someones immoral behavior or protecting kids is not bigotry. Your ignorance and denial is pathetic .</strong>
Your <strong>pathetic ranting gay demeanor and b.s just scream queer.</strong> I don't care you can come out of the closet.<br>
i wont pick on you. Just hope you dont try to adopt in our state.<br>
<a href="http://www.wnd.com/2009/06/100593/" target="_blank">http://www.wnd.com/2009/06/100593/</a>
<strong>You sound as messed up in the brain as a terrorist crying islamophobia when <br>
people disagree with them. Pathetic again! Trying to call people a name that disagree with you</strong>.. very child like at best.
<strong>Well I am not angry a bit</strong>. You can beat off to gay porn all day for all i care.<br>
Just remember as we were discussing gay adoption is illegal in lots of America We have to always protect the children.
Protect the children from what?<br>
<strong>You say your not angry yet your last few posts looked to have you seething in them<br>
If your unaware of that I'd suggest counciling..</strong>
If you think that I would suggest detox.
&nbsp;<br>Of course your perfectly calm no sign of any ranting at all...
Actually its your erroneous thought process that's flawed. We hear the same line of bs from the queers and
transvestites in San Fransisco who are allowed to parade naked through the streets in front of school kids. Its
disturbing that someones upbringing so distorted there mind that they can claim morality is bigotry.
When you grow up maybe you will realize people can disagree with you and not be a bigot. Perhaps you
should recognize that you have a low level of morality and seek some counseling as it likely may stem from early childhood.

I've proven my point complete with credible links to peer reviewed studies on the subject, you have provided nothing but hot, bigoted air. I have science to back up my point, you have nothing but your anger, fear and ignorance. This is plain for everyone to see, you lose...
ya I know,I say that merely because I see way to many threads go from intelectualy productive to shit,because of dumb people who are bigoted and just want to make nonesense.Sorry to say.

Has it been that intellectually productive? After page 2 it's just been going over exactly same thing

Trolling the angrier bigots has high productive value IMO
Your pathetic ranting gay demeanor and b.s just scream queer. I don't care you can come out of the closet.
i wont pick on you. Just hope you dont try to adopt in our state.


Dr. Tracye Hansen (your article is based on her own), is not a credible source and has been widely criticized for her biased, anti-gay propaganda - http://equalitymatters.org/blog/201203050002 - Perhaps you know her?

WND itself seems to be a biased, right-wing site with christian backing. They have published many specious articles regard 9/11 and Obama birther conspiracies. This is why I asked for scientific peer reviewed sources like I presented, not this opinionated, bigoted tripe...
Yo i cant see the video??? whats the name of it?? im not for gay or agenst it me personaly if wood looks my way i become bruce lee and i block that shit like this.[video=youtube_share;MIL1FVqLVq8]http://youtu.be/MIL1FVqLVq8[/video]as long as i dont get a big penis pointing my way im cool. lolz this pole was ingeneered to block penises from all angles.. hahaha :)
im joking lolz i living in palm springs dude rain bow capital lolz im joking.. well good night.. this could be a very touchy subject lolz im kidding dude i live around alot of gay men and women i not gay never have been but im just kidding lol im not kiding about gay men trying to get into my pants its happend before i just say no thanks i love breast and pussy.. and go about my day but i have had one gay male fucken come on to me were it wasnt cool at all.. i wrote about it long time ago on this forum.. but my personal opionion i dont have one other than for me id like to just block it like bruce lee the male genatilia.. lolz this is too funny im sorry guys i will stop trolling..
keep looking I'm sure your find some who'll pay good money for you to slap it about like that
Actually its your erroneous thought process that's flawed. We hear the same line of bs from the queers and
transvestites in San Fransisco who are allowed to parade naked through the streets in front of school kids. Its
disturbing that someones upbringing so distorted there mind that they can claim morality is bigotry.
When you grow up maybe you will realize people can disagree with you and not be a bigot. Perhaps you
should recognize that you have a low level of morality and seek some counseling as it likely may stem from early childhood.

Personally I don't think anyone should be allowed to parade around naked, unless it's at a nude beach.

Regardless, your point is still moot because you're condemning an entire group of people for the actions of a few. That's the epitome of a bigot. Their lifestyle doesn't affect you, and if it makes you uncomfortable that's your fucking problem, not theirs. If a sense of morality is the basis for 'good' actions, what 'good' comes from homosexuals not being able to have kids? To spare the kid from seeing two men or women from holding hands, or kissing? Please....

It's absurd, and the fact that you can't see the absurdity speaks volumes about you.

As far as I can see, the only thing immoral here is you. You're a hateful prick that would rather see children suffer than be with a loving, functional family.
Regardless, your point is still moot because you're condemning an entire group of people for the actions of a few... quote"

... Never condemed anyone stop with the lies

"If a sense of morality is the basis for 'good' actions, what 'good' comes from homosexuals not being able to have kids?"

...........Kids should not be exposed to this perversion it
also alters there chances of being a normal heterosexual

"As far as I can see, the only thing immoral here is you. You're a hateful prick"

Half of America agrees with me so you should learn to respect others views then
you don't have to be so but hurt all the time.. got that prick?

... Never condemed anyone stop with the lies
They can do what ever they want except adopt kids in many states because like me millions of Americans don't believe they should be raising kids do to there sick and twisted behavior.
Calling an entire group of people immoral or sick and twisted, is considered condemnation. You're stating they're wrong, and their actions shouldn't be accepted by the public. That is being a bigot, you bigot.

...........Kids should not be exposed to this perversion it
also alters there chances of being a normal heterosexual
Calling homosexuality a perversion is being a bigot. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it immoral or wrong. Stop watching gay sex and you won't have anything to worry about.
Half of America agrees with me so you should learn to respect others views then
you don't have to be so but hurt all the time.. got that prick?
Democracy enables the tyranny of the majority. Also, 85% of Americans believe that Angels are real, so that should tell you how fucking stupid most of America is. Appealing to the majority is also a logical fallacy, and doesn't validate your position regardless of the ignorance of your mistakes. What proof do you have that being raised by gay parents will alter your sexuality? Where is the study that demonstrates your hypothesis? Oh, you don't have one and you're just an uneducated bigot? Thought so....