Advanced Nutrient Claims"Are they true?"

It'd be cool if some brand packaged their nutes like fundip. Just rip open the compartmentalized bag and pour everything in your reservoir.

Or, have a few 2-3 big envelopes that are meant to pour into 1L stock bottles of distilled water.

That'd get rid of the whole shipping around water problem while still making it easy for the user by having everything measured out.

Show me a commercial level greenhouse using any store bought bottled nutrients and you have found yourself a business with a piss poor business plan with a non existent ROI. None of this AN vs DG bullshit has anything to do with some yahoo growing weed in their house.
Dont know where you live Church but around here their is 2 different places that will give you 1/4 pound bags and directions for about a buck a bag. 4 oz of powder goes a long way when u have a dozen of em. They will also make ready to use hydro concentrate for around $8 a gallon but I dont have the balls to ask for that
Farming=to engage in agricultural work as a way of life.You can farm any way in a green house or other methods.It can be a plant or a animal.It can be in soil or water,Such as fish are farmed.
There are also farmers who produce plants that are not for food consumption such as cotton farmers,
No farmers do not use DG. They do however purchase urea and liquid fert. by the tons and tons.And azomite and calcium,Almost none of them use good ol fashioned POOP anymore.
Many times you will be purchasing tomato's grown in hot house FARMS. during certain times of the season.
You folks crack me up with your ways of thinking.I bet some of you are still driving model T pick em up trucks and point to the Ferrari and over paid for that..this here ol model T will do the same thing allot cheaper..yea..if you mean the same thing as get you from point a to point b.
Do you think the tech that goes in this may have advanced a little bit since you started using the model T..uh i mean dynagrow?
Just like the Ferrari example of the tech used in the model T?
Its funny..the Poop growers telling the dynagrow growers they can get the same results with just poop.AND its cheaper than dynagrow.The dynagrow grower tells the AN grower He can get the same thing cheaper and so on and so message is quit being cheap..and quit living in the stone ages.
It'd be cool if some brand packaged their nutes like fundip. Just rip open the compartmentalized bag and pour everything in your reservoir.

Or, have a few 2-3 big envelopes that are meant to pour into 1L stock bottles of distilled water.

That'd get rid of the whole shipping around water problem while still making it easy for the user by having everything measured out.

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I dont know whether you meant to be funny or not but it is a good idea.
Show me a commercial level greenhouse using any store bought bottled nutrients and you have found yourself a business with a piss poor business plan with a non existent ROI. None of this AN vs DG bullshit has anything to do with some yahoo growing weed in their house.

Go to your local hydro store Ask them about how many 55 gallon drums they sale of grow juice.No they are not some yahoo located in his basement like most of us grow..they are in large industrial commercial settings,They grow high value specific crops its not like a bushel of corn,They are not going to show them to you..and they are not going to show them of RIU.
Actually, DG and Jacks are used commercially in greenhouses. Why? Because they're professional-grade plant foods, not this kiddy sh*t with cartoons on the labels. If you're referring to outdoor food crops, well, farmers will use whatever they need to based on their soil analysis.

I'm a commercial farmer and have injected Jack's into my irrigation system using a Mazzei injector. Alot of my purchase choices are based on economics and availability. Plantex, 25 lb. bags is cheaper and about the same profile and quality as Jack's. I also have a large greenhouse where I raise tropicals. Amongst different brands of foods is Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro and Jack's Citrus FeED and Blossom Booster.

For starts, no 'solid', conventional commercial grower whether it be a farmer, greenhouse manager, golf course grounds keeper or nurseryman has even heard of AN nor would any one use it if they knew anything about the company and their products. I'd be laughed right out of a room full of growers if I dropped kiddie names like Voodoo Juice, B-52, Overdrive. Really stupid stuff it is.
Did I not say they are not used in farming? What does a greenhouse have to do with farming? What exactly does a farmers soil analysis have to do with jacks or dg?
You do realize that over 60% of our produce(fruits and veggies) comes from greenhouses now. Uncle ben thinks he knows but really has no clue. Do you eat tomatoes? Do you but them at a grocery store or anywhere other than a farmers market? Well most of us have and its most likely a tomato grown with AN. Look into how greenhouse growing actually works and you will see it lends itself to liquids. Any commercial farmer that doesn't have an exact cost when it comes to nutrient application is just another seed chucker. You think the family farm was hard to run...try a todays market. I know the types of greenhouses UB has & pop establishments with no rules or you really don't know what your eating...No thank you I've seen the workings of UB style greenhouses and I wouldn't feed my dog with their produce...JAS
I have withdrawn my dog from this fight, a grower and a farmer are the same thing, I was wrong, manure spreaders are no longer used on farms, I was wrong, farms do go and buy bottled nutes to feed their crops, I was wrong, going to the hydro store and buying a 55 gallon drum of store bought nutes to feed your warehouse grow is apparently common practice, a good business plan, and will not get you thrown into prison, I have been corrected and am ashamed of my self and my ignorant biased opinions I had.
Well most of us have and its most likely a tomato grown with AN.

I don't know how to respond to this so I'll just say "lol".

Look into how greenhouse growing actually works and you will see it lends itself to liquids.

AN is solids dissolved in a liquid. Surely you must realize that you can dissolve solid salts into water before application?

Any commercial farmer that doesn't have an exact cost when it comes to nutrient application is just another seed chucker.

This is a breeze with dry salts. There's this thing called a scale. It measures mass.

you really don't know what your eating...No thank you I've seen the workings of UB style greenhouses and I wouldn't feed my dog with their produce...JAS

All that salt and dihydrogen monoxide.. silent killers...
I have withdrawn my dog from this fight, a grower and a farmer are the same thing, I was wrong, manure spreaders are no longer used on farms, I was wrong, farms do go and buy bottled nutes to feed their crops, I was wrong, going to the hydro store and buying a 55 gallon drum of store bought nutes to feed your warehouse grow is apparently common practice, a good business plan, and will not get you thrown into prison, I have been corrected and am ashamed of my self and my ignorant biased opinions I had.

Finally someone has come to there senses around here.
I don't know how to respond to this so I'll just say "lol".

AN is solids dissolved in a liquid. Surely you must realize that you can dissolve solid salts into water before application?

This is a breeze with dry salts. There's this thing called a scale. It measures mass.

All that salt and dihydrogen monoxide.. silent killers...
Both, botany and business have changed, its not mom and pop's farms anymore that feed the majority. Greenhouses are BIG business these days and don't kid yourself, labour and materials are closely watched for optimal production and price. Botany on the other hand is cut and dry but due to corporate greed, standards and practices bend to their will. Some good/some bad. Why would I know this? Because its part of my job. JAS
Thats awesome! I feel so much better about myself now. Turns out your a cost analyst whos paid to know that its feasible to grow tomatoes & green beans with AN so you should know much more than me. I mean I dont mind buying them to feed a few pot plants but never would have imagined that you could be profitable using them in mass quantities on veggies. Would the hobbyist bundle or would the grand master bundle be more profitable for lima beans?
well I made it 11 pages into the thread before I had to comment. Im a new grower and ive done my first few grows with AN sensi lines and I found they worked great, were easy to use and the plants loved them. Are they better then other lines of nutes? maybe maybe not, are they worse? Definatly not. I bought them because they were marketed to me as ph perfect, formulated for cannabis and easy to use, and they have met all these criteria for me. I recently picked up some Conesour which im going to try for flowering on my current grow, it was a little more pricy then the bloom formula but if it gets me 20$ more weed then before then it was worth the price difference, if not I still think the bulldog on the bottle looks awesome. As for the other products like bloom boosters and what have you, I wouldn't buy into these as they are probably just snake oil, but I might pick up a small bottle just to try it out and see, don't judge things until you try them and all that jibber jabber
they were marketed to me as ph perfect

IME almost all base nutrients are highly pH stable , this is yet more hype for noobs from AN.

I recently picked up some Conesour which im going to try for flowering on my current grow, it was a little more pricy then the bloom formula but if it gets me 20$ more weed then before then it was worth the price difference

You probably won't but if you do, is it justified paying a kings ransom for cheap a fk fertiliser to AN?

I still think the bulldog on the bottle looks awesome


don't judge things until you try them

~ nuff said ~

I'm only a week into the test but I swapped out my base to advance ph perfect stuff and so far so good. My old regimen didn't work with my new water and I'm sick of paying for RO (I have a machine but at 4 to 1 waste it's very expensive with city water)

With my old base my ph would end up at 7.7-7.9 ......... That's no good

With connoisseur it's 5.9-6.3 ...... Guess the shit sucks.