Gov shut down

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
This shit of bashing and finger pointing is not the issue.
Get to the root of the issue, stop point blame. Its ALL over our faults. Take ownership and try to move forward then fix it.

The two party system is becoming a really bad thing. It makes our life into a ram on ram style of fixing things. If we had a three major party government, things would not get horn locked like this.

Look forward, not in the now. Thats the only way things get fixed. We have until October 16th to fix this. If its not fixed mid day on the 16th I am cashing in ALL my bonds and running for the hills.
You're close. A third party that uses the same tactics would not change anything, UNLESS, it does not assume automatic dominion over all people in a given geographical area.

The "third option" should always be, those that leave others alone, should be left alone if requested. However with any political party that uses coercive government rather than consensual interactions that peaceful option appears to be beyond the grasp of many.


Active Member
argumentum ad immaturitas...

thats a new one. you should copyright that fallacy.

theres a reason nobody seeks out the opinion of "young people", because they KNOW NOTHING,
Appeal to what? Are you trying to write Latin?

Old people have run this country into the ground. JFK was the last great American Pres, he was young, idealist, and shot in the head by crazy people like you.

You hate society
You are old and going to die soon
You are senile
You have given up on the world around you
You feel wonderful in a tragic situation imposed on others
You lack empathy for others, excluding yourself
You have rage against the youth because you are jealous
You have NO hope for the youth, even if your medical doctor is younger than you
You feel as if you are a god-like being
You cannot properly associate reality
You act out loud in public, sometime belligerent
Your nature for peace is overwhelmed by your delusions for grandeur
You dreamed of being God as a child, more delusions of grandeur
You have had thoughts of hurting others
You plan on dying with a shout, rather than a whimper
You depend on SSI and disability
You have grandchildren you disdain in everything
Your wife left you and you are alone
You treat women badly
You are a drug dealer for a living
Your family hates you and probably left you
You are in your early to mid-60s, white male, FAT... But you exercise!

Am I right on most/all of this?

You MIGHT be correct in thinking much of the youth is corrupted with simplicity but is it not the job of the older generation to teach the youth from their own mistakes? You are a TERRIBLE person, this is why your family left you. They needed to get away from you, you are a monster with delusions of grandeur. ;)

I know this because half of what you say contradicts the other half of what you say. "Checks and Balance, reduce tyranny*, I WANT ___ TO BE NUMBER ONE!" reeks with idiocy....

*(you misspelled tyranny, btw, it`s not two of the letter "y")


Well-Known Member
close, but completely backwards.

it is the GOP who is giddy about a shutdown, and it is the GOP using political extortion to try to force their will on the nation.

the dems got the PPACA passed in a constitutional manner.

until you guys have the hosue, senate, and presidency, stop politicizing cancer children in order to take a failed shot at the PPACA.
love your new sig..


Well-Known Member
If Harry Reid doesnt get EVERYTHING he wants then he doesnt care if kids die...

Yeah, imagine that... Oh wait, this isnt a nightmare it is.... OBAMANATION!!!!!
what is this parallel universe you pubsters live in?..i know, i radio..the more a pubster listens the more belligerent and uninformed they become..psssssst!..*schuylaar whispers..the world isn't flat afterall, pass it on..


Well-Known Member
From what's on the news (liberal media) that Rubes have sent bills to the senate that will fund everything but Obamacare. They have been trying to blow this government shutdown out of proportion and no one fucking cares hell they were airing that state parks are benefiting greatly from this. This is all grandstanding anyone getting their panties in a wad is politically ignorant.
hmmmmmm well, yellowstone had it's share of wingnuts..bachman hugging vets..them saying don't fucking touch me..go do your JOB!:clap:


Well-Known Member
Appeal to what? Are you trying to write Latin?

Old people have run this country into the ground. JFK was the last great American Pres, he was young, idealist, and shot in the head by crazy people like you.

You hate society
You are old and going to die soon
You are senile
You have given up on the world around you
You feel wonderful in a tragic situation imposed on others
You lack empathy for others, excluding yourself
You have rage against the youth because you are jealous
You have NO hope for the youth, even if your medical doctor is younger than you
You feel as if you are a god-like being
You cannot properly associate reality
You act out loud in public, sometime belligerent
Your nature for peace is overwhelmed by your delusions for grandeur
You dreamed of being God as a child, more delusions of grandeur
You have had thoughts of hurting others
You plan on dying with a shout, rather than a whimper
You depend on SSI and disability
You have grandchildren you disdain in everything
Your wife left you and you are alone
You treat women badly
You are a drug dealer for a living
Your family hates you and probably left you
You are in your early to mid-60s, white male, FAT... But you exercise!

Am I right on most/all of this?

You MIGHT be correct in thinking much of the youth is corrupted with simplicity but is it not the job of the older generation to teach the youth from their own mistakes? You are a TERRIBLE person, this is why your family left you. They needed to get away from you, you are a monster with delusions of grandeur. ;)

I know this because half of what you say contradicts the other half of what you say. "Checks and Balance, reduce tyranny*, I WANT ___ TO BE NUMBER ONE!" reeks with idiocy....

*(you misspelled tyranny, btw, it`s not two of the letter "y")
don't let desert dude see this or he will follow you from thread to thread..


Active Member
Cant pay for this kind of entertainment .
When our dictator decides to put his miniscule pp back in his pants and listen to logic it will be over.

How can you libs be so mouthy? Do any of you really work? Ever built something, by yourself without mommy and daddy helping you?

Get out and work for your health care, ive been doing it for 34 years now, it wont kill you, promise. oh yeah, its good for you, went to my 25 year high school reunion, most of them looked like they where going to die, quit sitting in front of your computer and do something. then you wont have to demand the government or anyone else do something for you.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
appeal to what? Are you trying to write latin?

Old people have run this country into the ground. Jfk was the last great american pres, he was young, idealist, and shot in the head by crazy people like you.

You hate society
you are old and going to die soon
you are senile
you have given up on the world around you
you feel wonderful in a tragic situation imposed on others
you lack empathy for others, excluding yourself
you have rage against the youth because you are jealous
you have no hope for the youth, even if your medical doctor is younger than you
you feel as if you are a god-like being
you cannot properly associate reality
you act out loud in public, sometime belligerent
your nature for peace is overwhelmed by your delusions for grandeur
you dreamed of being god as a child, more delusions of grandeur
you have had thoughts of hurting others
you plan on dying with a shout, rather than a whimper
you depend on ssi and disability
you have grandchildren you disdain in everything
your wife left you and you are alone
you treat women badly
you are a drug dealer for a living
your family hates you and probably left you
you are in your early to mid-60s, white male, fat... But you exercise!

Am i right on most/all of this?

You might be correct in thinking much of the youth is corrupted with simplicity but is it not the job of the older generation to teach the youth from their own mistakes? You are a terrible person, this is why your family left you. They needed to get away from you, you are a monster with delusions of grandeur. ;)

i know this because half of what you say contradicts the other half of what you say. "checks and balance, reduce tyranny*, i want ___ to be number one!" reeks with idiocy....

*(you misspelled tyranny, btw, it`s not two of the letter "y")
holy batshit fucking crazy!!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
don't let desert dude see this or he will follow you from thread to thread..

There is a difference between a grammatically impaired lefty having an orgasm at the prospect of a whole race of people committing suicide, and observing that old people are nearer death than young people.

Tell us again how delightful you find the death white men.


Well-Known Member
"Give me the keys to your car"
"No, it's my car, it isn't yours, I paid for it and I have the title"
"Give me the keys to your car and I'll put 5 gallons of gas in it"
"will you give it back when you are through with it?"
"no, I intend to drive it from now on"
"But it is mine, I own it, you have no right to it even if you do put gas in it"
"If you DON'T give me your car, then I will set it on fire"
"I'm not giving you my CAR"
"I don't understand why you are not willing to negotiate here"
"Because there is nothing to negotiate FOR, I already own my car and you can't have it"
"there - see what I mean? you aren't even willing to compromise, you won't even come to the bargaining table, you are unreasonable"
"I'm not going to discuss giving you my car"
"ok, how about this, you give me the car and I'll let you keep the tires"
"ok, you give me the car and I'll let you have the tires AND the steering wheel"
"There, that's what I am talking about, I offer you a reasonable bargain and you become intractable, there is no dealing with people like you, I can't believe you are so stuborn that you are willing to risk your car being burned rather than come up with a plan that is fair for everyone"


Well-Known Member
"Give me the keys to your car"
"No, it's my car, it isn't yours, I paid for it and I have the title"
"Give me the keys to your car and I'll put 5 gallons of gas in it"
"will you give it back when you are through with it?"
"no, I intend to drive it from now on"
"But it is mine, I own it, you have no right to it even if you do put gas in it"
"If you DON'T give me your car, then I will set it on fire"
"I'm not giving you my CAR"
"I don't understand why you are not willing to negotiate here"
"Because there is nothing to negotiate FOR, I already own my car and you can't have it"
"there - see what I mean? you aren't even willing to compromise, you won't even come to the bargaining table, you are unreasonable"
"I'm not going to discuss giving you my car"
"ok, how about this, you give me the car and I'll let you keep the tires"
"ok, you give me the car and I'll let you have the tires AND the steering wheel"
"There, that's what I am talking about, I offer you a reasonable bargain and you become intractable, there is no dealing with people like you, I can't believe you are so stuborn that you are willing to risk your car being burned rather than come up with a plan that is fair for everyone"
Are you trying to say black people steal cars?


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Appeal to what? Are you trying to write Latin?

Old people have run this country into the ground. JFK was the last great American Pres, he was young, idealist, and shot in the head by crazy people like you.

You hate society Nope. just leftist socialism
You are old and going to die soon Nope, not even close.
You are senile Nope.
You have given up on the world around you Nope.
You feel wonderful in a tragic situation imposed on others Nope.
You lack empathy for others, excluding yourself Nope.Emapthy for yourself is oxymoronic.
You have rage against the youth because you are jealous Nope.
You have NO hope for the youth, even if your medical doctor is younger than you Nope.
You feel as if you are a god-like being Nope.
You cannot properly associate reality Nope.
You act out loud in public, sometime belligerent Nope.
Your nature for peace is overwhelmed by your delusions for grandeur Nope.
You dreamed of being God as a child, more delusions of grandeur Nope.
You have had thoughts of hurting others Nope.
You plan on dying with a shout, rather than a whimper Nope.
You depend on SSI and disability Nope.
You have grandchildren you disdain in everything Nope.
Your wife left you and you are alone Nope.
You treat women badly Nope.
You are a drug dealer for a living Nope.
Your family hates you and probably left you Nope.
You are in your early to mid-60s, white male, FAT... But you exercise! Nope. under 60, not terribly fat, but i do get as much exercise as i can. a vigourous life is a good thing.
Am I right on most/all of this? Nope.

You MIGHT be correct in thinking much of the youth is corrupted with simplicity youth is ignorant foolish and dumb. it has ever been thus.

but is it not the job of the older generation to teach the youth from their own mistakes? But You Do Not Listen!

You are a TERRIBLE person, this is why your family left you. Nope.

They needed to get away from you, you are a monster with delusions of grandeur. ;) Nope, they believe me when i insist i am Napoleon.

I know this because half of what you say contradicts the other half of what you say. "Checks and Balance, reduce tyranny*, I WANT ___ TO BE NUMBER ONE!" reeks with idiocy.... Nope. I want AMERICA to be Number One, rampant leftism and foolishness is turning it into Number Two.

*(you misspelled tyranny, btw, it`s not two of the letter "y") Typos are your best shot at disputing my arguments. sorry Lil Shaver, but thats preatty weak sauce.
age an experinece are far more effective at long term planning than youthful stupidity.

thats why the "Village Elders" run the show, not the dumbass kids who spend their days watching Dora the Explorer and eating too many cookies


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between a grammatically impaired lefty having an orgasm at the prospect of a whole race of people committing suicide, and observing that old people are nearer death than young people.

Tell us again how delightful you find the death white men.
lol no offense're a good sport!:clap:you know i love you, old bugger!


Well-Known Member
age an experinece are far more effective at long term planning than youthful stupidity.

thats why the "Village Elders" run the show, not the dumbass kids who spend their days watching Dora the Explorer and eating too many cookies
or like the "village idiot" actually taking the time to answer that hot mess:lol:


Well-Known Member
it was a mess, but not a hot one.

challenging the ignorance of the youth is key to their eventual attainment of wisdom.

maybe someday we can all be wise elders like you, making the minimum amount legally allowed by law.

now that's a dream i'm sure we all aspire to.


Active Member
"Give me the keys to your car"
"No, it's my car, it isn't yours, I paid for it and I have the title"
"Give me the keys to your car and I'll put 5 gallons of gas in it"
"will you give it back when you are through with it?"
"no, I intend to drive it from now on"
"But it is mine, I own it, you have no right to it even if you do put gas in it"
"If you DON'T give me your car, then I will set it on fire"
"I'm not giving you my CAR"
"I don't understand why you are not willing to negotiate here"
"Because there is nothing to negotiate FOR, I already own my car and you can't have it"
"there - see what I mean? you aren't even willing to compromise, you won't even come to the bargaining table, you are unreasonable"
"I'm not going to discuss giving you my car"
"ok, how about this, you give me the car and I'll let you keep the tires"
"ok, you give me the car and I'll let you have the tires AND the steering wheel"
"There, that's what I am talking about, I offer you a reasonable bargain and you become intractable, there is no dealing with people like you, I can't believe you are so stuborn that you are willing to risk your car being burned rather than come up with a plan that is fair for everyone"
I love this post.