Gov shut down


Well-Known Member
imagine that.

he wants cancer treatment centers for children fully funded to save any child he can, not just one.

but you go on playing politics with dying cancer children and see how that works out for ya.

after all, they can't get their treatment because YOUR PARTY shut them down.
If Harry Reid doesnt get EVERYTHING he wants then he doesnt care if kids die...

Yeah, imagine that... Oh wait, this isnt a nightmare it is.... OBAMANATION!!!!!


Well-Known Member
If Harry Reid doesnt get EVERYTHING he wants then he doesnt care if kids die...

Yeah, imagine that... Oh wait, this isnt a nightmare it is.... OBAMANATION!!!!!
it was reid and the dems who voted to fund the cancer treatment centers, the WWII memorials for vets, the WIC for hungry babies, and everything else.

it was the GOP who cried about how they are politically impotent to get rid of the PPACA and shut everything down because of it.

the same people who spent last year making compromise a dirty word are now begging obama to compromise with them on the PPACA. tough titties, kiddo.

you own this shutdown and all the cancer kids that don't get treatment that comes with it.

you're dumb if you think anyone blames the dems besides delusional little fruitcakes like you.


Well-Known Member
it was reid and the dems who voted to fund the cancer treatment centers, the WWII memorials for vets, the WIC for hungry babies, and everything else.

it was the GOP who cried about how they are politically impotent to get rid of the PPACA and shut everything down because of it.

the same people who spent last year making compromise a dirty word are now begging obama to compromise with them on the PPACA. tough titties, kiddo.

you own this shutdown and all the cancer kids that don't get treatment that comes with it.

you're dumb if you think anyone blames the dems besides delusional little fruitcakes like you.
The Republicans offered to fully fund about 5 programs that would help average Americans including kids with terminal cancer and it was Reid TODAY who said he would not allow the legislation to come to a vote. Either he gets everything Obama and the Senate wants or kids die...

Spin it any way you want but only braindead liberal zombies are going to be for this type of grandstanding shit... It is now the Dem's that are the obstructionists...


Well-Known Member
The Republicans offered to fully fund about 5 programs that would help average Americans including kids with terminal cancer and it was Reid TODAY who said he would not allow the legislation to come to a vote. Either he gets everything Obama and the Senate wants or kids die...

Spin it any way you want but only braindead liberal zombies are going to be for this type of grandstanding shit... It is now the Dem's that are the obstructionists...
so the dems are at fault for not funding cancer treatments for children because their proposal is to fund cancer treatments for children?

nice attempt at spin, but that's just as retarded as anything else you mouth fart onto this forum.


Well-Known Member
so the dems are at fault for not funding cancer treatments for children because their proposal is to fund cancer treatments for children?

nice attempt at spin, but that's just as retarded as anything else you mouth fart onto this forum.
Sometimes I wonder if you act stupid on purpose or if you really are as dumb as your posts... Sometimes I dont wonder...

Spin away cheesybeard... LOL!


Well-Known Member
so the dems are at fault for not funding cancer treatments for children because their proposal is to fund cancer treatments for children?

nice attempt at spin, but that's just as retarded as anything else you mouth fart onto this forum.
I like how you're wording it and not coming straight out and calling it what it is. "clinical trials"


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I wonder if you act stupid on purpose or if you really are as dumb as your posts...
i thought the same thing when you said that all you have to do is be half black and 90% of minorities will vote for you, especially since minorities vote heavily democrat no matter the skin color of the candidate.

i asked you half a dozen times if you were being racist or dumb.

as i recall, your response was that i don't know the difference between racists and prejudiced bigots.

so i guess you consider yourself to be a prejudiced bigot. thanks for that answer.


Active Member
This shit of bashing and finger pointing is not the issue.
Get to the root of the issue, stop point blame. Its ALL over our faults. Take ownership and try to move forward then fix it.

The two party system is becoming a really bad thing. It makes our life into a ram on ram style of fixing things. If we had a three major party government, things would not get horn locked like this.

Look forward, not in the now. Thats the only way things get fixed. We have until October 16th to fix this. If its not fixed mid day on the 16th I am cashing in ALL my bonds and running for the hills.


Well-Known Member
i thought the same thing when you said that all you have to do is be half black and 90% of minorities will vote for you, especially since minorities vote heavily democrat no matter the skin color of the candidate.

i asked you half a dozen times if you were being racist or dumb.

as i recall, your response was that i don't know the difference between racists and prejudiced bigots.

so i guess you consider yourself to be a prejudiced bigot. thanks for that answer.
See my sig... LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
This shit of bashing and finger pointing is not the issue.
Get to the root of the issue, stop point blame. Its ALL over our faults. Take ownership and try to move forward then fix it.

The two party system is becoming a really bad thing. It makes our life into a ram on ram style of fixing things. If we had a three major party government, things would not get horn locked like this.

Look forward, not in the now. Thats the only way things get fixed. We have until October 16th to fix this. If its not fixed mid day on the 16th I am cashing in ALL my bonds and running for the hills.
The system is working perfectly, the parties are broken. I havent seen Obama compromise on anything for his entire presidency. He does not know how to negotiate and he is like a little kid when he cannot get his way.

Both parties are fucked, they no longer care about their principals or the people they supposedly represent they are completely fixated on the goal of making their party the dominant one in politics regardless of anything else. And the Republicans are more guilty of that at this time than even the Democrats.

In addition both parties are big government parties. I dont blame the Dem's, they have been the same way all along. It is this bullshit policy of trying to moderate to gain more voters rather than stand by principals and let people choose based on that which is totally fucking over the Republicans.


Well-Known Member
i could have posted the same story about children not getting cancer treatments from any number of sources.
Really? Why don't you go ahead and link it from a reputable source, here I will even google it for you. See I willing to help you out you'll find no hate from me Bucky, I'm a nice guy.'s+cancer+treatment+on+hold

but watching you scoff at something that is known fact simply because NBC reported on it is good entertainment for me.
scoff? New NBC admitted news isn't their thing, I'm just taking their word for it. Anyway what good entertainment is watching you trying to depict republicans as kid killers because clinical trials aren't in full swing, see the funny thing about trials is they could be very well saving the children's life or at least prolonging their life without torture.


Active Member
The system is working perfectly, the parties are broken. I havent seen Obama compromise on anything for his entire presidency. He does not know how to negotiate and he is like a little kid when he cannot get his way.

Both parties are fucked, they no longer care about their principals or the people they supposedly represent they are completely fixated on the goal of making their party the dominant one in politics regardless of anything else. And the Republicans are more guilty of that at this time than even the Democrats.

In addition both parties are big government parties. I dont blame the Dem's, they have been the same way all along. It is this bullshit policy of trying to moderate to gain more voters rather than stand by principals and let people choose based on that which is totally fucking over the Republicans.
Ya I agree, but I am saying if we had it 1 vs 3 and not a full 1 on 1. Things would be much different.


Well-Known Member
Ya I agree, but I am saying if we had it 1 vs 3 and not a full 1 on 1. Things would be much different.
I think they have that in several countries in Europe. The British come to mind as an example. And it is a madhouse over there. I am not sure if a 3rd party (if I understand you right) would help things.