White house site.
They had plenty of time IMO to get their shit together.
this is all about GOP cock block and nothing more..
White house site.
They had plenty of time IMO to get their shit together.
for some, it's quite enjoyable to be able to give pleasure, to someone they REALLY care about, in such an intimate way..
i have to go clean up now.
It would be interesting to see how much $$$$$$ is saved (per day) from it being shut down.I really seem to enjoy the prospect of having the government shut down...
This will be interesting.... Listening to the far left ... Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
Listening to the right wingers.... Waaaaaaaaaa...
Nothing like a "real" circle jerk here, even with the lights on.... Wow....
This is fun....
It would be interesting to see how much $$$$$$ is saved (per day) from it being shut down.
Truth. Government produces nothing.
I'm gonna need a link, because that sounds like retard logic 101.well i guess you don't read through the threads or are just on a troll expedition however, it's the opposite effect and costs billions..citation previously posted.
It would be interesting to see how much $$$$$$ is saved (per day) from it being shut down.
I'm gonna need a link, because that sounds like retard logic 101.
They havnt money to pay for "stuff"...so it costs the taxpayer extra?
What, like an extra 25% of the zero they have left?
Cool story, bro.
It's my understanding that it cost us 200m a day in late fees and interest on loans, So it's really just a money maker for the Banks.
Loans are still repaid, it's non-essential services that are shut down.It's my understanding that it cost us 200m a day in late fees and interest on loans, So it's really just a money maker for the Banks.
Loans are still repaid, it's non-essential services that are shut down.
Schuyllar, I want an actual link, not some opinion piece on msnbc.
Do the minority of people whom the Tea Party represent not deserve representation?Funniest part of this whole thing is people being shocked. Gimme a break, the idiots pulling this shit ran on the concept of doing just what they are doing. Almost as funny is the Teabagger pols up here a few months ago celebrating how they saved all the jobs at the shipyard and how massively important those jobs and that income was to the local economy.
Fast forward a couple months and those same hack are now ensuring the furlough of those same workers. Small price to pay for America to wake up and kick the Tea Party to the curb
We aren't a direct democracy like Ireland. House democrats got 650k more votes than house republicans last election yet are the minority party in the house. Wyoming a state of less than 600k people has as much say in the senate as California a state of 40 million people. So yes their say matters much more than it would in Ireland and they can shutdown the government using that power.Do the minority of people whom the Tea Party represent not deserve representation?
I don't endorse them at all, but I do believe in democracy.
We aren't a direct democracy like Ireland. House democrats got 650k more votes than house republicans last election yet are the minority party in the house. Wyoming a state of less than 600k people has as much say in the senate as California a state of 40 million people. So yes their say matters much more than it would in Ireland and they can shutdown the government using that power.
We aren't a direct democracy like Ireland. House democrats got 650k more votes than house republicans last election yet are the minority party in the house. Wyoming a state of less than 600k people has as much say in the senate as California a state of 40 million people. So yes their say matters much more than it would in Ireland and they can shutdown the government using that power.
We have a similar issue in Canada at the Federal level.
This is an unfortunate side-effect of first past the post politics (with help from gerrymandering).
What makes it worse for the US is the false-dichotomy. At least we have 3 players (with a 4th coming up) and Quebec, so it makes it possible for minority gov'ts to be a result.
And even though they are a pain in the ass sometimes (i.e. votes of no confidence leading to new elections) it at least is a better representation of actual socio-political sentiment.
I am impressed with the concept of transferable votes, where actual voting numbers lead to "bonus seats" in Parliament. But some argue it leads to excessive bloat since these seats are generally added without compromising the original electoral maps.
So it is not a clean or smooth procedure to introduce.
But what other viable options are there?
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