Gov shut down

separation of church and state?..the most BASIC ammendment of our constitution? churches receive non-profit or not-for-profit (yes, there's a difference) status which allows them to lauder billions of dollars without taxation..ever wonder why? should.

what amendment to the constitution is that in?
read this, it's not about church but up that shitty ally of money and power:

that is more irrelevant nonsense.

this has nothing to do with the subject at hand, and i would never support, endorse or sign any petition which so blatantly caters to the retarded gimmee gimmee lefty Occupy-tards.

yes, citizens united opened the floodgates for corporate (and union and political action committee, and single issue pressure group, and wacky ass crazy rich fuck, and foreign government) donations but i wouldnt want any law passed if it was written to satisfy the whims of the Occupy-tards.

if you Occupy-tards want to change the government, then do it the legal way...

bribe a politician.
if you Occupy-tards want to change the government, then do it the legal way...

bribe a politician.

After reading what you have written, I would suggest to insert head-up-arse, but I think you have done that for yourself. Have you given up your youthful cause for liberty? Is it your mission in life to harm progess? I was suggesting you read something which is WHY the Gov SHOULD shut down and re-evaluate what the AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT. I guess you don't care..

Your badge is worth less than your hypocritical nature, I agree with half of what you say, the other half is ether sarcasm to the Nth degree, or utter retardation.

I am still young, we can still change what is wrong by appealing to our youth. If you are young and Republican, you have no heart. If you are old and liberal, you have no money. I wished we could come together and form a more perfect union, of ourselves and our posterity.
I want congress to stop spending money it doesnt have lead by the president who declared that 9 trillion dollars in debt was unpatriotic and then spent another 8 trillion...

We should all be happy that government is supposedly shut down (which is a lie).
no shit.. talk about Government waste while creating more.. Hypocritical Obama... Put more money into Checks and Balance and we would not have this shutdown.. Make me pay mandatory insurance for unlimited caps on drug abusers, i.e. Heroin, Oxycontin, ect.. bullshit...

How many people does cannabis put in the hospital.. bullshit... I trusted you Obama, still the same Amerika's 1%.
Our government operates more efficiently when shut down. Nothing productive gets done either way. But at least when it's shut down, it doesn't waste money.

you are most absolutely costs!

The old adage—turn off the lights to save some money—just doesn’t work when it comes to the government.
In fact, shuttering government offices has actually cost taxpayers money—an estimated $2 billion in today’s dollars the last time it happened in 1995 and 1996, when the government closed for 27 days.
And this time would be no different, budget experts say. Even if workers aren’t given backpay, as they were in the nineties, the government will still lose out on important sources of revenue, like inspection fines and visa and licensing fees. Plus, there are back costs to re-opening.
So while Republicans continue to dig in the ongoing budget showdown, they could end up doing the very thing they say they’re in Washington to stop: new government bills.
“It doesn’t save any money at all,” says Stan Collender, a former Congressional budget aide. “You might not pay the employees like we did that last time—you may save on some salaries—but you’re going to incur additional costs.”
How did that happen? During the 1995-1996 shutdown—actually two government closures that lasted a total of 27 days— government workers who were furloughed ultimately received backpay for the days that weren’t allowed to come to work. That was the biggest cost of the shutdown, totaling about $1 billion, according to the Office of Management and Budget.
what amendment to the constitution is that in?

In English, the exact term is an offshoot of the phrase, "wall of separation between church and state", as written in Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. In that letter, referencing the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Jefferson writes: "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State." Jefferson reflected his frequent speaking theme that the government is not to interfere with religion and vice versa.[SUP][15][/SUP]
The Bill of Rights was one of the earliest examples in the world of complete religious freedom (adopted in 1791, only preceded by the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in 1789) but it was interpreted as establishing a separation of Church and State only after the letter of Jefferson (see section United States for more details). At the time of the passage of the Bill of Rights, many states acted in ways that would now be held unconstitutional, some of them with official state churches. All of the early official state churches were disestablished by 1833.
After reading what you have written, I would suggest to insert head-up-arse, but I think you have done that for yourself. Have you given up your youthful cause for liberty? Is it your mission in life to harm progess? I was suggesting you read something which is WHY the Gov SHOULD shut down and re-evaluate what the AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT. I guess you don't care..

Your badge is worth less than your hypocritical nature, I agree with half of what you say, the other half is ether sarcasm to the Nth degree, or utter retardation.

I am still young, we can still change what is wrong by appealing to our youth. If you are young and Republican, you have no heart. If you are old and liberal, you have no money. I wished we could come together and form a more perfect union, of ourselves and our posterity.

argumentum ad immaturitas...

thats a new one. you should copyright that fallacy.

theres a reason nobody seeks out the opinion of "young people", because they KNOW NOTHING, they lack experience and wisdom, and generally fuck up anything they try to "reform" based on their limited knowledge and eagerness to "change the world"

youth movements are so easy to corrupt and sway to the will of the dictator of guru that they generally become nothing but a means to an end

google the Cultural revolution, the 1st 2nd and 3rd intifadas, "young pioneers" the Hitler Youth, and pretty much any youth movement in history.

yeah, im old. i earned my wisdom, and when it comes to making good choices wisdom beats youthful exuberance and ignorance every time.

i dont know what "Badge" you imagine im wearing, and i dont really care.

you can "appeal to your youth" all you like, but dont expect anybody who hasnt just fallen off the turnip truck to take you seriously.

this kind of twaddle may sell on Twatter, ir your FaceSpace, but it doesnt work in a forum where people who are older than 25 hang out.
the first one, moron.

are you a witch?
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."~ the first amendment.


scuttle on bucky.

you are once again out of your depth.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."~ the first amendment.


scuttle on bucky.

you are once again out of your depth.

translating: "stop calling me a racist!"

alternative translation popular on white supremacy hangouts: "i'm not a racist, i'm a realist"

translating: "stop calling me a racist!"

alternative translation popular on white supremacy hangouts: "i'm not a racist, i'm a realist"



yep CONGRESS shall make no law.

meanwhile most states did enact legislation establishing Official Religions, and barring the free exercise of others.

this in no way comports with the "wall of separation" which lefties are so enamored of.

that phrase was used by Jefferson (racist slave owning and alleged negro raper, Jefferson) to explain why he couldnt be arsed to attend the baptist league's hoedown...

you keep Scuttling, and ill keep on striking down your attempts to sling Mud.
i think its funny that you all argue on here like its going to change a damn thing. how about you spend some time writing to your congresspeople instead?? thats the only REAL heat they are going to feel with this. we need to bombard them with communications. just do it and stop bitching at each other, its rather pointless and not fruitful.