BigB's second medical grow. Outdoor 2013.

Have a few friends helping or are you just trying to power it out by yourself?
like someone else said "sure is a lot of work", .....but definently worth it. Ha
Any guess on yield this year?

Just me and the wife Right now. I'll probably get some help with the trimming just to get it done faster.

As to yield, hopping for something in the neighborhood of 6-8 but I'm not very good at guessing. 1/2lb per plant average was my goal for the season, but those 4 reveged blackberry kush don't look like they're going to yield much, maybe a few oz each. Some of the others look like they could be 1lb plus though.

I will be stoked as fuck if I get my first 1lb plant.

Considering only spent about $1k on the whole garden, I'm not gonna complain if I get a little less than I hoped for.
Haha very nice man I like the way you look at things, 6 to 8 seems like a good guess to me.
big step up from last year right? Ha
You should have several plants put out a pound .

I sure hope so! That would be so sweet. Having never seen a 1lb plant in person, I'll have to wait till its time for the scale to know for sure but I can't help thinking those two laundry baskets full of top colas almost have to be over a lb.

Haha very nice man I like the way you look at things, 6 to 8 seems like a good guess to me.
big step up from last year right? Ha

Oh yeah huge step up. Last year was about 2lbs off of 4 plants.

Now if I can just get the 4 OGs on the patio to fatten up a bit.
Hah well good man hopefully double it again next year ha going for 10 to 15 pounds hah that would stink your whoolllleeee neiborhood up for sure ha.

All I ran this year was the darn xxx o.g and she definently doesn't put out much but is dank kind of annoying not having a fatt chunky indica to harvest right now ha.
Hah well good man hopefully double it again next year ha going for 10 to 15 pounds hah that would stink your whoolllleeee neiborhood up for sure ha.

All I ran this year was the darn xxx o.g and she definently doesn't put out much but is dank kind of annoying not having a fatt chunky indica to harvest right now ha.

I think I'll need a new spot before I can go that big. I'm gonna add carports for next season though so the light diffusion might improve my yield to some degree. Now that I have a better idea on spacing in my yard and what areas get more sun I will probably run less plants more spaced out next year, but I'll try to push them bigger.

I knew the OG wouldn't be a big yielding plant but the one up on the upper part of the yard has some big colas, the 4 on the patio are a bit smaller. I'm pretty sure its because they see less sun. They smell fantastic though. All fuel and lemon. Maybe they'll push out a bit more while I wait for everything else to dry.
Yea man definently, get all sick of drying and trimming up the other ones and let that o.g go till like Halloween. or dare to go longer if you don't get Rot, it will definently be some fire.
Another Blackberry Kush is down and drying. Filled up another two lines. That's just over 4 lines of BBK tops.

Two more laundry baskets full. (I wrapped the basket with a bed sheet so it doesn't get sticky)

This plant is a weird one, she will sometimes grow a full popcorn bud on a leaf stem.

And here's a shot of a couple colas:
You can always weigh the wet buds before you hang them and divide by 4.......will get you in the ballpark.....
Looks like a good grip to pull later man. Congrats on the harvest, It's gonna be some good meds.

Thanks man! I'm so stoked on what we have pulled in so far and I'm not even halfway done.

Fatter and easier to trim popcorn seems worth the wait to me. I'm really curious to see what they do over the next 2-3 weeks. Without RIU I would have never known 2nd harvesting was even an option.
Its always nice when that time comes you can walk into you drying room and see your product hangin, thats when you know you made it!!

Keep up the great work and remember every year is a learning experience you went for a 1lb plant this year next year go for a 3lb plant.
Its always nice when that time comes you can walk into you drying room and see your product hangin, thats when you know you made it!!

Keep up the great work and remember every year is a learning experience you went for a 1lb plant this year next year go for a 3lb plant.

Thanks man. It's a great feeling when the finish line is in sight.

I always feel like I made a few mistakes but learning from them and adapting is fun for me once I stop stressing out about them. Lol.

Last year was 1/2 pounders, this year looks like a few 1 pounders, 3 pounders would be crazy but it sounds like a good goal to me. I just hope they will fit in my yard.
Today I spent most of the day chopping down those 4 reveged blackberry kush, sorting through the flowers, rough trimming, and squeezing them into the drying room. I got quite a bit off of them. Filled my basket about 3 times with tops and trashed the rest. They're fluffy, with crappy note spaceing. It's like the reveg process made the colas stretch or something.

They should make some nice hash though.

I'm pooped and sunburned but now it's time to leave the wife with guard duty and go work a shift at my "day" job...
I thought I could get away with not spraying these 5 OG plants anymore since they're about to come down but I found 5 small caterpillars today. The damage was pretty minimal But I figure if I found 5 there's probably more eggs in there somewhere. So I gave them a very light misting with some BT just in case more decide to hatch in the next few days.

The 4 OGs on the patio have swelled a bit over the last 2 days, which is good. Their buds are kinda small when compared to the big one up top. They're also starting to yellow and fade more. Not sure why the one up top has stayed so green in comparison. It's either the extra sun or the fact that its smart pot is sitting on dirt and she's maybe grown roots down beyond her pot.

Here's a shot of the OGs on the patio:

Here you can see how big the one up top has grown now that the blackberry has been harvested (she's the farthest one from the camera):

Here are some more shots of that big OG. I'm starting to think she may have more than a pound on her. I'm tempted to keep her buds seperated just so I can know her final weight exactly. Its hard to believe she spent 8 hours in a puddle of soapy mud back in may when she was just a little 6 inch clone. She's hug, and her buds are looking gorgeous. They're all greasy with lemon/fuel/pine-sol funk.




I'm going to try to push them till this weekend so I can clear up space in the drying room and then give them the chop. The sugar leaves are starting to amber so I think they're ready.
They look good, and frosty!

You have to remember some bud doesnt shrink as much as others.

You can have a soda can Nug when wet but when dried it is the size of a big sharpie.

Size doesnt always matter lol.

You definitely did good IMO!