Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
That made me laugh. :)

I'm guessing the smell. lol

Nice song whodat. Good to see you bobo.

Hope everything is working out jojo.


Well-Known Member
Morning it is. Man our little girl did a number overnight. Woke up about 2 and decided that was it. We were all gonna be up all night long. It was something. Feeling just a bit tired today. Bless my wife she held her most the night.

plants look like they will be dead about the time I want to harvest, so that uh... Good I suppose. The og kush is a real winner getting a nice fat cola. Bummer that my phone takes beautiful pics but can't seem to upload then to riu. Will get that sorted.

hope you're having a good one tc.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh. I remember first snow in the morning. We caught some rain down here and it got a little chilly, lol! We are off the the last nst in a bit which is really our pre checkin for tomorrow. Show starts at 8:30pm tomorrow. Hopefully we have a baby in the arms by sat! Woot! :-)


Well-Known Member
Those nights sure can be rough man I feel for ya 100%. Maybe she will take it easy on you today :). Thats crazy it snowed there, it seems to early for that, but I suppose its getting really close to time! Also crazy that is snowed in Cali before it snowed here, my wife will find that funny.

Things are well here, I'm just chillin with my daughter, I'm drinking coffee and reading on here, and she is watching scooby dooOooo! I got a few things to do today, we'll see what gets done lol.


Well-Known Member
It was 50 down here when I went in the jacuzzi last night... that was pretty awesome I must say, so much steam coming off the water! I came in after that planning to get high and watch Monsters University... I started it but it didnt seem very funny. I had my laptop and was too high to rub one out even, next thing I knew I woke up and it was 2am and Im still on the couch. Went and climbed into bed, no sleep meds. Havent done that in months, now I just need to keep working on it!


Well-Known Member
IMG_20131010_203412.jpg this food turned my roots table and rez black but damn it works.I found out its organic so now I'm trying to figure out how to run it in hydro without turning things black.I know I can cut the amount but by how much? 1/2 or 3/4


Well-Known Member
Moms are over 3 feet tall so I plan on doing a lst and put then under the trellis with a total of 4 moms in a 4*4 tent my friend telling me that's to many so I told him to grow his own. If I don't flower the moms they will outgrow the tent.I did it b4


Well-Known Member
Hope you guys have a good Saturday mate!!!

It's watch the bump time for us, should probably have my speedos ready for the hospital (a few birthing rooms have pools in them over here, maybe get lucky and manage a wee dip while I am there, lol:shock:)
Southern California even.

and some guy... Saturday is our sons "birthday".


Well-Known Member
My lady wanted a tub so bad. They are installing them next year at our hospital. A bit late if you ask me. I'm so excited for you I could spit. Its a shame I won't get to see your gal pregnant. They just glow. Ahhhhh.

we got our little ones first round of shots today. She won't be dying of measles like a bunch of poor kids in Pakistan. And no limp from polio. :)

jojo... I checked their website and knew less when I was done then when I started. No idea about your question nut if ita doing good things for the plants then that's great.


Well-Known Member
Yeh man, banana hammocks is where it's

actually, I don't wear speedos, but a lesson I learned at Super Tubes in South Africa probably should make me wera them. I also learned why all the Saffers wear speedos under their's all to do with the blue bottle jelly fishes that get blown into shore when the wind is coming from a certain direction. Most people tend not to go swimming when the winds like that, but if you do, speedos are a must, because if you get a blue bottle round yer tadger, it ain't no fun.......I assue you! Explaining to the pharmacy is about as much fun as it gets.....:shock:

oh, and emailing you a pic of preggo wife now:)


Well-Known Member
It is pretty much forgotten just what a terrifying thing Polio was.

Imagine, you get a flu, then suddenly you are crippled.

Better living through Chemistry!



Well-Known Member
a friend of mine went to an indoor swimming centre in france, you know the ones with slides and wavepools etc, he had swimming shorts on like you would see 90% of people wearing when you go to those sorts of places.

turns out they don't allow "loose" shorts with string for elf an safety, he had to buy a pair of speedo style trunks out of a vending machine. he took 5 mins to decide that he wanted to go weeeeeeeeeeeee too much and bought them.

personally i would have slapped the french cunts and walked out dry.

have a nice weekend jig, spend some quality time with the fam before finishing off the construction project next week lol. weather ok with you still, it has changed badly here the last couple of days.


Well-Known Member
Well I have to say I don't think I could wear a speedo. I do wear sliders under my board shorts though. More comfortable to me but then again I wore them for football (American) most of my life so that may explain it. Good luck with the end walls my friend. Snow already does seem a bit early but weather does its own thing. Cray thing is that the weather guy can be wrong 50% of the time and still keep his job. lol


Well-Known Member
Ah the shorts vs briefs discussion reminds me of a thought I have often about the way we (boys) dress. I always wanted to look good and fashionable and cool, my whole life. I always thought I was looking cool for the girls, cuz you know girls like cool guys right? I only got very recently like 3 years ago or less that I and probably most of us have never dressed the way girls would like to see us. We are really dressing for other guys. So the others guys think we are cool... Or at least don't think we are lame and laugh. That's my view on it at least.

my bet is most girls would prefer good looking guys like us (lol) to be in speedos vs the shorts. Still doesn't change my mind though. I could never do it. I don't even like shorts that aren't baggy. :)

folks up this weekend. Snow is gone, building held up well during storm. Only a little left to do on the outside the place before it gets painted. Wife has been working in it and enjoying her new space.

chop soon.