Gov shut down

I do not see the same opportunities being so easy. The investment requirement in your country is larger than most in your country can afford. My daughter had to pass the same tests all the applicants to Stanford had to pass. Most in your country can not do this as well.

So yes, I am too stupid to comprehend.
I do not see the same opportunities being so easy. The investment requirement in your country is larger than most in your country can afford. My daughter had to pass the same tests all the applicants to Stanford had to pass. Most in your country can not do this as well.

So yes, I am too stupid to comprehend.

There is no "investment requirement" for Americans, so that's irrelevant. The vast majority of people in the world can't afford to meet that requirement, whether here or wherever it is you come from (where people are presumably even less likely to meet the requirement).

And hundreds of thousands of Americans score high enough on the SAT to go to Stanford and other top schools. Many of said schools have all expenses paid scholarships for students from families making less than $x per year.

Let's be realistic. Your daughter boasted a few things for Stanford that made her more desirable than similarly situated others in the United States: she's from a foreign country and she's presumably not white. This means she didn't need to score as high on the tests to get into the school.
Hundreds of thousands of US college students qualify for Stanford each year? This is news to the entire world. Where did you learn such a thing?

Look at their SAT range. You're the one who brought up test scores, not me. On that basis, hundreds of thousands of people qualify to get in every single year.

My daughter scored 1520 on the US SAT. This put her easily in the top 1% of those who applied to Stanford and all US students as well.

I was a top 1% SAT scorer as well. But with about 2 million American high school students taking the SAT every single year, you really need to put that into perspective: 20,000 Americans did just as well or better. How many times could they fill the Stanford freshman class up?

My daughter had nothing to do with us coming to the US other than we do not want poor gringos trying to have sex with our daughter. We earned our way through investment and proved this through your own system.

We still have our restaurant in Colombia running and now will be making a second in the US. This will be the 3rd country we own a house and keep.

You will never be able to do this.

Clean my floors and do it before I fire you and your fat wife and ugly child have to ask your country to feed them.

Oh really? And you've got nothing better to do that post about it in this forum?

Yeah. Right.
You were not a top 1%. You know this and I do as well. Your critical thinking and abstract thought skills in this day betray you.

Stanford is not the only school in the US. Spread that 20.000 out. Take into consideration she could attend any of the Ivy League she chose. She actually did and I refused.

Do not make your system to be so good. Your educational system is a failure and now the rest of the world is on open invitation to the world elite. We are bringing our children and we are coming with them.

We will accept the benefit while you live in squalor.

The best benefit?

While my wife ensures operation of the restaurant, I have the intention of beginning a large cannabis grow here in the US. The same thing I made my money from in Colombia.

Does tax free make you angry gringo? This is how your own corporations were created.
You were not a top 1%. You know this and I do as well. Your critical thinking and abstract thought skills in this day betray you.

Stanford is not the only school in the US. Spread that 20.000 out. Take into consideration she could attend any of the Ivy League she chose. She actually did and I refused.

Do not make your system to be so good. Your educational system is a failure and now the rest of the world is on open invitation to the world elite. We are bringing our children and we are coming with them.

We will accept the benefit while you live in squalor.

The best benefit?

While my wife ensures operation of the restaurant, I have the intention of beginning a large cannabis grow here in the US. The same thing I made my money from in Colombia.

Does tax free make you angry gringo? This is how your own corporations were created.

i just realized stanford is 20 minutes from here.

send me a message when you get here, i'll get you some top shelf genetics to start with.
And what does a daughter of Colombia going to Stanford study? Humanities? Microbiology? Physics with Grand Master Black-hole Blaster Leonard Susskind?
You were not a top 1%. You know this and I do as well. Your critical thinking and abstract thought skills in this day betray you.

Then your daughter wasn't either. See how that works? Deny reality at your own peril.

Stanford is not the only school in the US. Spread that 20.000 out. Take into consideration she could attend any of the Ivy League she chose. She actually did and I refused.

They don't just take people in the top 1%. See the SAT range they admit. Spread them out to the top schools and...there you go. Mostly Americans.

Do not make your system to be so good. Your educational system is a failure and now the rest of the world is on open invitation to the world elite. We are bringing our children and we are coming with them.

We will accept the benefit while you live in squalor.

The best benefit?

While my wife ensures operation of the restaurant, I have the intention of beginning a large cannabis grow here in the US. The same thing I made my money from in Colombia.

Does tax free make you angry gringo? This is how your own corporations were created.

Where is Bucky and Chesusheisdumbasdirt to point fingers and call RACISM!!!

already did that a while back. got a few 'likes' from right wingers for saying so.

funny enough, i never got a single 'like' from said right wingers for engaging the white supremacists we had here a while back.

it has come to my attention that tiberon be trolling, however. so i don't even bother anymore.

i wish him well in his trolling quest.
already did that a while back. got a few 'likes' from right wingers for saying so.

funny enough, i never got a single 'like' from said right wingers for engaging the white supremacists we had here a while back.

it has come to my attention that tiberon be trolling, however. so i don't even bother anymore.

i wish him well in his trolling quest.

You all can call racism all you like. Fact: college admissions favor non-whites and non-Americans. It's indisputable. You should be saying "Good for them, for taking that into consideration!" instead of denying that it's true. And if you have said that, I apologize in advance.
You all can call racism all you like. Fact: college admissions favor non-whites and non-Americans. It's indisputable. You should be saying "Good for them, for taking that into consideration!" instead of denying that it's true. And if you have said that, I apologize in advance.

college admissions officers don't just look at grades or test scores. they look at what you will bring to the school. promoting diversity is one of their aims, as it leads to a more well-rounded graduate.

it's the same reason why they make you take courses that are not related to your ultimate major, they want their graduates to be well rounded.

what i take issue with are the dumbass racist righties who take this as some type of persecution against them, which it is not. this is not a zero sum game. other races making steps toward achieving the equality they've been denied for so long does not take away from the uber-equality us whites have enjoyed for so long.
You all can call racism all you like. Fact: college admissions favor non-whites and non-Americans. It's indisputable. You should be saying "Good for them, for taking that into consideration!" instead of denying that it's true. And if you have said that, I apologize in advance.

Your far right thought process and ignorant underachieving children leave no choice. If you want your children to be educated in your own thought method then send them to Bob Jones University. Oh, you can't afford it? Why? They should support you because you support their thoughts no?

Eat nuts gringo, we are taking over.
college admissions officers don't just look at grades or test scores. they look at what you will bring to the school. promoting diversity is one of their aims, as it leads to a more well-rounded graduate.

it's the same reason why they make you take courses that are not related to your ultimate major, they want their graduates to be well rounded.

what i take issue with are the dumbass racist righties who take this as some type of persecution against them, which it is not. this is not a zero sum game. other races making steps toward achieving the equality they've been denied for so long does not take away from the uber-equality us whites have enjoyed for so long.

You've never been denied a slot that was reserved to someone else with different skin color, then. I have, and it was offensive precisely because we came from similar socio-economic backgrounds.
Your far right thought process and ignorant underachieving children leave no choice. If you want your children to be educated in your own thought method then send them to Bob Jones University. Oh, you can't afford it? Why? They should support you because you support their thoughts no?

I don't have children, but if I did, I certainly wouldn't want to send them to Stanford. The cost relative to the benefit isn't worth it.

Eat nuts gringo, we are taking over.

You've never been denied a slot that was reserved to someone else with different skin color, then. I have, and it was offensive precisely because we came from similar socio-economic backgrounds.


i'm sure the college admissions officer made sure to specify in their letter that you were just too white.

that, and 4 out of 5 dentists recommend gasoline for removing germs from the gums.

cool story, sistah.