This all come down to the ACA.
It's riddled with problems, but let me just address some of the main few.
First, insurance does not equal care. A bronze plan cover 50% of the medical cost. The rest goes to the insured. I've looked recently. 36 YO non "cigarette" smoker, $115 a month, $5000 deductible, %50 coinsurance. Last time I went to a doctor I broke my wrist in eight places. Getting are on my own cost me $2800. Under Obamacare, it would have still cost "me" $2800, since that was less's than my deductible and coinsurance. Worse yet was that they were trying to put me in a $28,000 room. No surgery, the room was $28,000. So how does that work under Obamacare? If I'd been insured, you bet they'd have put me up in one of their rooms. Instead, I found an independent clinic. So even with the ACA $28,000 room + surgery, would have cost me, on the bronze plan $14,000. Instead I paid $2800.
Second, if existing conditions aren't excluded, why shouldn't I pay the fine, until I need treatment. If I get cancer, the insurance companies can't refuse me, so why pay a higher rate than the fine, if I can just pay the fine, and enroll when I need to? Unless the fine is higher than the premium, I'd be a fool to buy insurance especially now.
Really, this is almost socialized medicine. I actually agree with socialized medicine. This however includes guaranteed profits for he middle men. The insurance companies.
If this plan really brought us to the level of other 1st world countries, I'd be behind it. All it guarantees is profits for insurance companies.
Here's an Idea. Let's start state clinic's that will treat anyone. Let's also allow private hospitals to do as they have been. It's a win win. The poor get free healthcare, if you want better you can pay for it. I won't complain about free healthcare. Most Canadians and Britons don't either. It's their wealthy that complain, and then rush off to a country whee they can pay for better service.