I pose a question. What happens when mechanization of the work force reaches the point of elimination of human labor?
How do you make a living in a world with no jobs? Who does the government tax?
How do you consume with no money?
The jobs will simply be different jobs. Robot assembly, maintenance, repair.
Someone will need to program the robots or direct them what to do.
If there was literally no need for human labor why would we even need money? Who would be selling stuff if there was limitless stuff? We would have completely self-sustained production of absolutely everything. And if that wasn't the case, it wouldn't be true that there was no need for human labor.
Robots cannot assemble robots? How many times do you have to write a program?
That is the paradox. Do humans become useless?
In terms of production they would be, but with no need for labor people would be have complete free time. Everyone could do what they wanted, which is what makes me call it a utopia. But many people would probably become stagnant.. the movie wall-e comes to mind.
I dunno... What version of windows are we on now?
Okay so obviously human labor wouldn't be eliminated. Would there not be a severe lack of jobs?
Think about your typical walmart and realize how many and how complicated the jobs are. Receiving, stocking, cleanup on aisle 5, returns, security, checkout, maintenance, general cleaning, item re-stocking.
in other words, your typical day.
Is your inability to remember things and act or are you clinically retarded?
that's not even a coherent sentence.
clinically retarded is domestic oil in alberta.
clinically retarded is a landlocked iran.
clinically retarded is the skewed polls nonsense you went on and on about.
clinically retarded is the argument that surpluses can disappear depending on how you adjust for inflation.
you are the very embodiment of clinically retarded, child.
please, go away and stay away this time. your services here are not needed. we have other people to laugh at who don't leave us with that guilty feeling of deriving entertainment from a clinically retarded child.
Refer to my sig