Danes Gum - 350W LED

Danes Gum - 350W LED

Intro: :kos:

Once Again a new thread from me.. :blsmoke:

This time its Danes Gum. :eyesmoke:

Out of 10 seeds i got 4 ladys..

They are +3 months old now and have been growing under 200W matrix led..

Here is a site of the setup ect.

Grow Room:

- Modified Ikea closet ( about 110x100x200 cm.)

- S&P TD-350 Ventilator, hooked up with insulated ducting..

- Bionary Tower Vent.

- Hydro System; D.A.D.A as i call it..( Drip And Drain Aeroponics system. ) --->Top with tray with leca, standing on 2 5.5L pots, turned up-side-Down, so the roots will hang and grow in the big box.. pump is on 24/7.


Marsgrow 350R1 inkl. controller; Full spectrum.

Its not programmed this time, and is only set to "Bloom mode" and runs on 12/12 timer.

Nutes / Additives:

This time im running with Plagrons 2-parts serie, and some of their flower additives.

Lastly a coulpe of pics of the girls sprouting.. :thumbup:

Only 7. Days after 12/12 Flip

This was the start up, of the new thread... :mrgreen:

Stay Tuned! - More to come.. ;) :wave:
14. days after 12/12 Flip:

Another 7. days went by... :joint:

EC: 1.67

PH: 5.7

I got these OD Kush(Danish grower femi grow) in flower aswell.. been there for more than 4. weeks,.. they are growing sooooo slooooooowlyyyyyyy.... :roll:
(They got a lillte chair so they can keep up with Danes. ) :D

Will let the Pictures do the talking... :angel: :D

Thats all for now...... ;)

Stay Tuned! - More to Come! :wave:


Well-Known Member
look great, tho the out side of the closed door`s scream to my inner cleaning maniac ;)

is it Bc. the light is on "bloom" settings that the white LEDs is`t on ? I would for sure run em all if possible, the more light the better and the white also cover more of a full spectrum

Ooh yea and I like the Plagron product, use em a lot myself
look great, tho the out side of the closed door`s scream to my inner cleaning maniac ;)

is it Bc. the light is on "bloom" settings that the white LEDs is`t on ? I would for sure run em all if possible, the more light the better and the white also cover more of a full spectrum

Ooh yea and I like the Plagron product, use em a lot myself
ha ha ha.. yes i know.. i spilded some coffe one day i was a bit to stone...

i think i will do as you suggest.. have turned on all the lights.. going full spectrum now. yes there is White light on in "bloom-mode"..
21. days after 12/12

Now 3 weeks after 12/12...:clap:

Have tied the girls Down a bit to get more light and air flow to the lower branches.

EC: 2.17 ( according to the scheme its suppose to be around 2.1 ) did a calculation the other day, and had forgot all about what the scheme told, and thought: "Shit! ec is way to high! arghh!" and then i tjecked the scheme Again.. ha ha:-o:hump:

anyway.. some pics.

OD Kush..

Thats all.. cheers! :hug:



Well-Known Member
look really nice and green, dark green and even with out any clawing or tip burns, good job and look good for week 3, should be done with the stretch now, and begin to gain weight over the next 5-8 weeks its ok to tie em down a bit as you did now, but do treat em like babies in flowering

also as its 3 weeks in and possibly done with the stretch it might be time to lower the N a bit, don't cut it tho, just keep her green all the way if possible (thats the secret ;)) in a few week`s she might benefit from more P/K so maybe up that a bit then, in the end you just need to learn to read your plant`s and that only comes from experience


on the last picture I see some white stuff on the leaves, is it Lime from your water/misting ? or is it mildew ? how is your air circulation and humidity ?
Thanks.. well im using the scheme as an guideline but generally i Watch the plants and take action after that.

according to plagron scheme (for those nutes i chose) i Saids 10ml/10L of a+b from start and during process you'll increase up to 16ml/10L

The green sensation should have enough pk, and will add doses during flower.. i got some ghe micro incase the others wont do the trick. :)

I dont know about the White thing on the leafs.. think i read some where that plants to close the led could give these whit spots... ?

but if its mildew how can i know? and what to do?

humidity should not be very high.. i actually dont know at this moment.. will tjek tomorrow.. i seems that my Tower fan is doing is job.. havent had any problems before...


Well-Known Member
well I would for sure begin to lower the bottle of Veg (A) nuts now, and soon up the bloom nuts (B)

the green sensation is a Bud booster and as fare as I know don't contain any P/K its sumthing you add to your regular nuts around week 4 of 12/12 and untill a week before harvest to help increase the Bud production

I use GH products myself (in my hempy bucket) micro and bloom and the micro is nice to have around as well, but remember its mineral nutrients, so its not sumthing I would use on a regular basic with my organic products, but usefull if you see a deficiency as it contain most micros, just remember it also have a high amount of Nitrogen, so for sure not sumthing I would use in flowering other then in small amounts

and yes the LEDs can bleach your plants, but it dont look anything like that (you just get albino Bud`s and completely white leaves)


like them two top`s in the front of the picture if its visible in the picture ?
got it a few times when I let my "strong" LED panel closer then 20cm

and you should get a hygrometer along with your termometer so you can monitor the RH, should try to keep it around 40-60% IME you begin to see problems with less then 30% in early Veg/as seedlings and you kind a asking for problems (mold/mildew) with a RH over 70% in flowering

beside your tower fan what kind of ventilation do you run ? and where do you collect your intake air ?

if it do turns out to be mildew you can do a few things, like using Hydrogen peroxide/H2O2 (3% brintoverilte)


actually a great "product" to have around when you grow MJ can also help against pest and safe your plant if you overwater em

and even after harvest there is things to do to safe your crop (if it is mildew and not just lime spots or paint dust from the sealing)

well I would for sure begin to lower the bottle of Veg (A) nuts now, and soon up the bloom nuts (B)

the green sensation is a Bud booster and as fare as I know don't contain any P/K its sumthing you add to your regular nuts around week 4 of 12/12 and untill a week before harvest to help increase the Bud production

I use GH products myself (in my hempy bucket) micro and bloom and the micro is nice to have around as well, but remember its mineral nutrients, so its not sumthing I would use on a regular basic with my organic products, but usefull if you see a deficiency as it contain most micros, just remember it also have a high amount of Nitrogen, so for sure not sumthing I would use in flowering other then in small amounts

and yes the LEDs can bleach your plants, but it dont look anything like that (you just get albino Bud`s and completely white leaves)

like them two top`s in the front of the picture if its visible in the picture ?
got it a few times when I let my "strong" LED panel closer then 20cm

and you should get a hygrometer along with your termometer so you can monitor the RH, should try to keep it around 40-60% IME you begin to see problems with less then 30% in early Veg/as seedlings and you kind a asking for problems (mold/mildew) with a RH over 70% in flowering

beside your tower fan what kind of ventilation do you run ? and where do you collect your intake air ?

if it do turns out to be mildew you can do a few things, like using Hydrogen peroxide/H2O2 (3% brintoverilte)


actually a great "product" to have around when you grow MJ can also help against pest and safe your plant if you overwater em

and even after harvest there is things to do to safe your crop (if it is mildew and not just lime spots or paint dust from the sealing)
Thanks alot mate for the very fine answer..

ive put up another fan to blow air( 100cm3 bathroom fan ) think you were right with the high humidity/collected air.. so hope the lillte fan will help with that..

My intake air is in both sides and back.. but have blocked some of the holes.. will try to un-block some of the intake holes ( very small some of them, my 150mm drill got broken.. cheap shit from silvan.. :-)

My humidity is currently 47%..

its possible i can manage the problem with the fan, because i can see the meldew on the plants farest away from the Tower fan.

Regarding the nutes.. yes green sensation is a booster.. but im also using sugar royal.. if i see some deficiency i might add some of the micro. ;-)

if you got any other good tips og tricks to use the plagron nutes im more the happy to hear.. first time i trying it out. :)



Well-Known Member

and a RH on 47% is about perfect, tho if you have the mildew spores you need to some how lower that, sure some more air circulation in there would help, atleast not hurt, but if it is mildew you should remove the infected leaves or atleast clean em with some water/H2O2 solution to remove the mildew

but I some how missed it, do you have a outtake ventilation in the closed ? so you can replace the air in there ? also nice to have the option to add a filter once they begin to skink

And yea silvan sucks, well most of there Chinese/cheap crap do, but they actually have a ok garden section, if you ever want to try out organic/soil growing they have a organic soil I like to use, (50L for 44,95)


tho I buy either Perlite or Leca/clay pellets or even coco or all to mix in to it to make it a bit more fluffy/airy and get better drain, clay pellets can do, but perlite is N0.1 the coco is not necessary but make a great mix IME, a larges bag of perlite don't weight much so not that expensive to get shipped if you don't have a local grow shop, lemesee, hmmm, here: http://mphavedesign.dk/saa-og-prikle-13/perlite-p1912


all I add to the mix is a bit more Lime/Maerl and as nutrients I use Bat guano both from Plagron both for soil`s and then 20% perlite/clay pellet and 20% if I have
Yes.. i can see its at 50% humidity now, and the temp. is 25-26 instead of 23..

in the start off the thread you can see my setup (using TD350 as vent. and in the back off the closet on the outside is the carbon filter.. :)

Today it seems the mildew is dissapering.. so.. think i were Lucky that you told me to tjeck it out.. thanks mate.. ;) the lillte extra fan seems to do the job.. no still air in there now. :)


Well-Known Member
Not visible to the eye, but parallel rows creates a venetian blind effect -a grid where the light is not even

Stagger every other row, to create a more uniform blend
31. days after 12/12:

late update.. ;)

Quick update this time.. :)

Video+some Pictures i played around with adding som fx.

( Watch in 720p ) ;)


Well-Known Member
I attempted to do a simple diagram, but it's not perfect.

Imagine taking the first engine in every other row and sliding it so the first engine in that row is between the 2 engines above. The rest of that row will fall into place, in effect significantly increasing the spread of the light

Instead of each row being mirror image


Every other row is staggered

- X X X X X

sorry.. im not following you?
35. days after 12/12

EC: 2.17

PH: 5.5

Humidity: around 38-40%

Smell: Chewing gum.. :mrgreen:


(first Picture is OD Kush.. smells like some candy chemestry - rest is Danes Gum and smells like the name..)

It did help a lot with extra fans blowing air regarding the meldew.. still some leafs that are infected and i try to cut off those leafs.. but some leafs look infected and then i take a closer look and its just the light making theses White "spots"..

anyway... update NeXT thursday... :peace::blsmoke: