Freedom of Religion - Freedom of Hate


Well-Known Member
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The Bill of Rights

Clearly, the aim of this first Amendment, even the symbolic positioning of this Amendment above all others, envelopes a crucial part of the vision the Founders had for this country. Expression. Acknowledgment. Worship. These are a few of the things which fueled so many to abandon Europe with it's various networks of restriction, or endorsement, of what people can and can not think, believe, want, say and even feel. Those who braved the crossing of the Atlantic found that liberty here, in America, and they helped build the greatest nation to ever exist. Liberty is the greatest catalyst for human innovation and the design of our country was meant to foster and create liberty for all.

What do we do when this liberty is accessed by those who preach violence and hate?

When is the fire of liberty out of control?

In the U.K. we witnessed a sort of train wreck in slow motion regarding the way islamic mosques of hate were "protected" by the government. Their message of murder, violence and hate was ignored, which is in essence a quiet nod of 'yes, carry on' from the government. Look what it got them. In Germany, just the other day, a judge ruled that an islamic woman could not divorce her husband for beating her because the koran prescribes this treatment of women. The woman was a muslim and therefore she subjected herself to this lifestyle voluntarily and the state has no grounds to trespass upon her right to be "just a woman" as it should be according to proper islam. France has bowed to the muslims. Australia has been very "polite" in regards to the way muslims have been viciously attacking people on the street. Why does the world, as a whole, have this obligation to pretend that islam is anything more than a political system with religious attributes?

Let's define religion according to Webster's Dictionary:


1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

Does islam even fall into this definition? As I understand it, this definition does not include prescribed violence and killing of people, am I missing something?

Should liberty be so contorted and so perverted as to consider the methodical destruction of civilization a "religion"?

I for one believe that islam is not a religion, it is a cauldron of hate, a vehicle for the slightly charismatic to deliver the very desperate into fields of dying for no purpose other than to consolidate the world for exploitation; inefficient and totalitarian exploitation at that (as evidenced by the islamic states).

Does this "religion" deserve our liberty? We are sacrificing our liberty by allowing the practitioners of islam to continue under the guise of religion rather than labeling it for what it is. We tread so soft but what does Amendment I say to you?

Outstanding post 7x....

The Islamist hate mongers are using Political Correctness as a Trojan Horse, infiltrating western culture under the guise of "diversity"

It does not get much more evil than a belief system which actually encourages and rewards the slaughter of infidels!
In Germany, just the other day, a judge ruled that an islamic woman could not divorce her husband for beating her because the koran prescribes this treatment of women. The woman was a muslim and therefore she subjected herself to this lifestyle voluntarily and the state has no grounds to trespass upon her right to be "just a woman" as it should be according to proper islam.

would something like this be likely to happen in the US? im really curious. in laveyan satanism, it is believed that the destroying of another human can be tolerated or even necessary in some situations. so what i want to know is if two folks have crimson cards (sort of like church of satan membership cards), signifying that they are both registered satanists, and one kills the other, would the murder be defended by the first amendment?
i don't know preo. at present, the only violent crime against innocents that the government enables/condones is killing unborn children.

it seems that "self-importance" is a silent, undeclared religion and abortion is a sacrifice to the god of convenience.

i'm no expert but maybe some crafty lawyer could use those precedents for defense in the scenario you describe.....

have you ever seen the footage of Hitler playing with his grand children?

I ask... because you used the word evil... and to me, it is one of the most hollow words used today.. kinda like HERO... these words are manipulative and part of the trickery that pulls the veils over peoples eyes.. cause people CLAIM to KNOW what a hero is or what evil is.. when in reality.. NEITHER EXISTs.. THESE ARE JUST ELEMENTS OF FALSE UNDERSTANDING drama building and mass manipulation...

He who claims to know is hiding from the truth.. he who names is missing the truth...


7xstall... I like your new AV.. well kinda new

Howdy GK,
You are saying (I surmise) that because Hitler played with his grandchildren, he cannot be thoroughly evil?

That evil does not exist outside of the mind of mankind?
Moral relativism persuades you as to the truth of this?

Value judgments can and do need to be engaged in...It is called self preservation.

A society which refrains from passing judgment is soon destined to fail and implode.

Value judgments can and do need to be engaged in...It is called self preservation.

A society which refrains from passing judgment is soon destined to fail and implode.

^^^^^^^ ahhh, the sweet sound of logic can drown out even the most cantankerous forgeries of thought.


Ummm, Hitler didn't have any grandchildren. It is a small percentage of Islamics who are radical, (less than 5&#37;) but when there is a population world wide of 1 Billion, it amounts to a lot.
But if we as a nation are going to have freedom of religion, all religions have to be represented equelly.
But the Bush Administration seems to be going after Muslims like the Nazi's went after the Jews.

Now I will say that I do not like organizations like Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Al Queda, but there are a lot of Muslims who are persecuted that do not deserve it.
Not at all. Liberty is only protected by allowing the freedom for people to think and express themselves openly. This means that you have to protect what you agree with as much as what you disagree with.

and this my friend "I for one believe that islam is not a religion, it is a cauldron of hate, a vehicle for the slightly charismatic to deliver the very desperate into fields of dying for no purpose other than to consolidate the world for exploitation; inefficient and totalitarian exploitation at that (as evidenced by the islamic states)."

^Pure ignorance. That is not islam, that is just human fraility, which can be found in any religion, country, city, town in the world. Try learning something about Islam, seriously, you really don't know.
Now I will say that I do not like organizations like Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Al Queda, but there are a lot of Muslims who are persecuted that do not deserve it.

let those who do not deserve it separate themselves from those who do. they will no longer suffer this undeserved fate.

7x don't you think that they live in fear of retaliation?
It's the radicals who have the bombs, not the every day mundane want to be left alone Muslims.

I was watching a documentary the other day and the Moderates in England are starting to confront the radicals.
Believe it or not, not all Muslims want to take us back to the ninth century.
In time I think that the others will follow suit.
Not at all. Liberty is only protected by allowing the freedom for people to think and express themselves openly. This means that you have to protect what you agree with as much as what you disagree with.

and this my friend "I for one believe that islam is not a religion, it is a cauldron of hate, a vehicle for the slightly charismatic to deliver the very desperate into fields of dying for no purpose other than to consolidate the world for exploitation; inefficient and totalitarian exploitation at that (as evidenced by the islamic states)."

^Pure ignorance. That is not islam, that is just human fraility, which can be found in any religion, country, city, town in the world. Try learning something about Islam, seriously, you really don't know.

so then, during WWI and WWII we should have allowed Germany, Italy and Japan to open branch offices in our borders? never mind the inconvenience of the occasional military operation resulting in thousands of civilian casualties.

islam is not a religion. just because they bend over toward a rock every day doesn't make it a religion any more than pointing your right hand straight out at an angle makes the nazi salute religious.

7x don't you think that they live in fear of retaliation?
It's the radicals who have the bombs, not the every day mundane want to be left alone Muslims.

I was watching a documentary the other day and the Moderates in England are starting to confront the radicals.
Believe it or not, not all Muslims want to take us back to the ninth century.
In time I think that the others will follow suit.

no, i think they believe retaliation sends them to heaven. if these moderates do in fact exist then i certainly hope they flourish. i will not be a stumbling block to them.

no, i think they believe retaliation sends them to heaven. if these moderates do in fact exist then i certainly hope they flourish. i will not be a stumbling block to them.


By using the attatude that you are using, you certainly do not help the situation. You play right into the Radical Muslims hands.
By using the attatude that you are using, you certainly do not help the situation. You play right into the Radical Muslims hands.

you already know the koran states that martyrdom is the only guaranteed way to heaven. i welcome these moderates, if they exist, to come forward and thrive apart from the insane radicals.

how long will it take them to do this? why haven't they purged "radicals" from their mainstream media and places of worship? you know the answer to this.

Then you have ever actually read the Koran. Read the writings and familiarize yourself with it before you start bashing...
What you are saying is bullshit, that is being spewed by nuts like Pat Robertson.
Tell me, do you actually own a copy of the Koran?
My mother happens to be an Assembly of God, Ordained minister who has always told us kids to actually know what we are talking about.
Hence I have studied religion most of my life.
The Hadith itself verifies that Muhammad married a 6-year- old girl and consummated the marriage when she was 9, the professor-brothers said...
The specific Hadith citation concerning Muhammad's pedophilia is in Volume 7, Book 6, Numbers 64 and 65...
Thank Allah for Little Girls  -  by Jonathan Tuttle

The highest level of Muslim heaven, which has 70 perpetual virgins on couches, is reserved for Muslims who "shed their blood," referencing Hadith 135.

there's lots more where that came from..