Freedom of Religion - Freedom of Hate

^^^ I don't disagree with your point overall. Most religions have changed with the times, but islam has not.

But, while it's nice to see christians not wanting to align themselves with the old testament, there still are plenty of them who do believe in that crap, and use it to justify bigotry and hatred. Luckily, their bigotry and hatred is nowhere near as dangerous as islam's.

Like I said, I'm with you on your points about islam... but christianity's not some fluffy gathering of peace, love, and forgiveness.
Point in fact: Pat Robertson on Haiti. "They made a pact with the devil" Implying that they are getting what they deserve with these earthquakes. One must admit there are some very foolish Christian leaders, Kinda like the Teabaggers of Christianity, and probably in more than one instance, they are one and the same.
Point in fact: Pat Robertson on Haiti. "They made a pact with the devil" Implying that they are getting what they deserve with these earthquakes. One must admit there are some very foolish Christian leaders, Kinda like the Teabaggers of Christianity, and probably in more than one instance, they are one and the same.

How'd that senatorial election in Massachusetts go for ya Med-'O'Mao? :lol:
As a Jew I take issue with calling our Torah (the Hebrew scriptures) old. Jesus, as a Rabbi certainly never would have done so - in fact everything he taught came straight from what you call the OT.

There is a great deal of theological philosophy that deals with how God dealt with people in the Torah and these explanations really help put things into context with regard to the killing and harsh laws. But, no Jews, as in none at all, not even a single one, believe that God wants us to do any of the violent things found in the Torah. Not a single Jew has or would advocate marching into another civilization and killing every last man, woman and child. In fact, the interpretation I am familiar with looks at the old harsh punishments more as hyperbole to signify how bad a crime is and not as a literal order to punish in that manner. If you ever said someone ought to be shot even though you would not seriously advocate shooting that person you get the idea. At any rate, I doubt many of you have ever walked through a Jewish neighborhood and feared for your lives. You can't say that about a Muslim one.

Lets try however, to keep this thread academic. We were doing a good job so far before certain people came and started calling names.

Here is a verse from the Qur'an commanding men to subjugate and beat their wives. Before calling others ignorant, make sure you are not the ignorant one.

(34) Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.

and islam does not condone that treatment of women. it's the fringe groups that have embraced that. and men that hit their women are going to hit them no matter their religion. it is something they witness as a child, and it gets permanently burned as what is correct. it has nothing to do with the religion.

there's christian sects that don't allow women to shave any part of their body, wear pants, cut their hair, wear makeup, or speak to men. yes there are PENTECOSTAL sects that not only endorse this, they preach it as the correct way to live a life. they impose no limits on men, just on women.

i consider this to be just as disgusting as that black dress women wear in saudi arabia. nobody would see this as wrong though, cuz they're good ol' christians....

stupidity. you guys wonder why extremist muslims want to kill americans, it's because of this type of ignorant conversation considered to be true by people like you, and then preached out to the masses.

it's the ignorant, close-minded, and religious way. i meant the republican way.


thats a down right lie. you know better and are lying. women are REGULARLY stoned in many muslim countries for their dress and otherwise. tell the truth dude.

and as for pentecost wearing long hair, they are not made to do it. they arent shunned and they damn sure arent stoned.
