is religion a language virus?

Not by the Big Bang. But CMB can be used to disprove the Big Bounce. If swirls in the CMB are found it proves the Big Bang, but if they aren't found it makes the theory unlikely. CMB alone doesn't disprove the Big Bounce.

You should have paid attention in your cosmology lectures comrade, btw what do you make of dark energy causing this accelerated expansion?
these 2 statements are contradictory

Zedd claimed CMB was caused by the Big Bang. I claim CMB can be caused by a bounce, or possibly a bang. The CMB's fingerprint can be used.
Just like a real fingerprint at a crime scene. That fingerprint can used to link you to the crime. But if you weren't there, then the fingerprint proves you didn't do it. Until the fingerprint is checked there's still a possibility to the police you did it. Even the police know the fingerprint alone doesn't prove you did it.
Got it? Good.
this article completely omits the mechanism of an expanding universe to start contracting again.
Current observations show that our universe is *increasingly* expanding.

Then Ijjas found a bounce mechanism that evades the no-go theorem. The key ingredient in her model is a simple entity called a “scalar field,” which, according to the idea, would have kicked into gear as the universe contracted and energy became highly concentrated. The scalar field would have braided itself into the gravitational field in a way that exerted negative pressure on the universe, reversing the contraction and driving space-time apart —without destabilizing everything.

astronomers observed that the cosmos is expanding

Almost forgot. :finger:
Zedd claimed CMB was caused by the Big Bang. I claim CMB can be caused by a bounce, or possibly a bang. The CMB's fingerprint can be used.
Just like a real fingerprint at a crime scene. That fingerprint can used to link you to the crime. But if you weren't there, then the fingerprint proves you didn't do it. Until the fingerprint is checked there's still a possibility to the police you did it. Even the police know the fingerprint alone doesn't prove you did it.
Got it? Good.

Then Ijjas found a bounce mechanism that evades the no-go theorem. The key ingredient in her model is a simple entity called a “scalar field,” which, according to the idea, would have kicked into gear as the universe contracted and energy became highly concentrated. The scalar field would have braided itself into the gravitational field in a way that exerted negative pressure on the universe, reversing the contraction and driving space-time apart —without destabilizing everything.

astronomers observed that the cosmos is expanding

Almost forgot. :finger:
You should have paid attention in your cosmology lectures comrade, btw what do you make of dark energy causing this accelerated expansion?

I don't believe dark matter or energy exists, and is just the scientific equivalent of "god of the gaps." Scientists use dark energy in the same way because they can't find it or know what it is, so they put "god energy" in their equation, but being the good atheist scientist they are, label it "dark" instead as not to offend their secular holy creed.
Then Ijjas found a bounce mechanism that evades the no-go theorem. The key ingredient in her model is a simple entity called a “scalar field,” which, according to the idea, would have kicked into gear as the universe contracted and energy became highly concentrated. The scalar field would have braided itself into the gravitational field in a way that exerted negative pressure on the universe, reversing the contraction and driving space-time apart —without destabilizing everything.
you are missing the point - which was to cite/describe a force that would prevent the universe from expanding (ever-increasingly.)
because that would be necessary if you want to have your big crunch again...
gravity can't do it - dark energy already overcame it.

BTW dark energy is being described as universal scalar field - and it may be responsible for the initial inflationairy expansion of the early universe right after the big bang.
but only for a single time and not cyclical...

you dont have to "believe" in dark energy... this is just a theoretical construct with which we try to explain the red-shifted movement of galaxies.
and that is accurately measured so it's actually FACTUAL.

everything you've been posting here were just ideas, believes, downright confusion.
technobabble to impress the uninformed. is that how you make a living? lmfao
Dawkins defines the "symptoms" of being infected by the "virus of religion", providing examples for most of them, and tries to define a connection between the elements of religion and its survival value (invoking Zahavi's handicap principle of sexual selection, applied to believers of a religion). Dawkins also describes religious beliefs as "mind-parasites", and as "gangs [that] will come to constitute a package, which may be sufficiently stable to deserve a collective name such as Roman Catholicism ... or ... component parts to a single virus".

The influence of religion on politics is not a phenomenon that is confined solely to the Christian world. But, it's impossible for any political theorist to ignore the role of Christianity in the public lives of Christians. Its huge impact upon the politics of Christian nations can be attributed to the strong inclination of the population towards it, and the powerful voice that it is given by them.

It's pretty obvious that any legal system requires a government to adopt it and the apparatus of a state to implement and enforce it.

So,, do you think a person having faith in something, even a political ideal, could be interpreted as a symptom of mental illness?
Dawkins invented the meme.

Memes are to genes as religion is to viral infection.

Cool simile bro.
I don't believe dark matter or energy exists, and is just the scientific equivalent of "god of the gaps." Scientists use dark energy in the same way because they can't find it or know what it is, so they put "god energy" in their equation, but being the good atheist scientist they are, label it "dark" instead as not to offend their secular holy creed.
Why do you say believe when you mean you don’t understand the hypothesis?
Basically an atheist who describes science in theological terms.

An atheist doesn't believe in an afterlife, I do. But why does an afterlife need a god? We own our own soul. It can't be taken away, nor sent to a hell or heaven. A type of god described in the "good" book can't and doesn't exist. If such an entity existed, we'd be nothing more than a character in an interactive video game novel.
Tell that to Sam Harris. He believes in predistination, but calls himself an atheist. You could call him a confused theist. To me predestination and atheism are an oxymoron, but he wrote a book on the subject.
I kind of get offended by the word atheist. Just because other people decide to believe crazy shit should not mean I need to be called something not that.
this article is misleading.

the inhomogenous distribution of baryonic matter in great filaments & voids is due to an unequal distribution of DM which may have its origin in the temperature differences of the early universe as evidenced by the cosmic background radiation, which is theoretically explained by parameter #5 & #6 of the lambda cdm cosmological standard model.

I have no idea why went to describe DM in such great length when this has nothing to do with DE whatsoever...

I don't believe [...] dark energy exists
yet you are using it here:
The key ingredient in her model is a simple entity called a “scalar field,” [...] The scalar field would have braided itself into the gravitational field in a way that exerted negative pressure on the universe, reversing the contraction and driving space-time apart
this is exactly how the theory of DE is officially being described - as a universal anti-gravity scalarfield
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I kind of get offended by the word atheist. Just because other people decide to believe crazy shit should not mean I need to be called something not that.
That's because most people only see two extremes, when there's actually four. The other two extremes are both and neither. I put myself in the neither category too.
Someone suggested the term nonPoC to refer to the whites and it's actually quite fitting.
Right on, I do like that, but how do we include women in that? They got shafted by their spawn too.

Edit, I may need to read back on what we were talking about. I am not quite focused lol.