I have faith in science over faith in organized religion. But I'm not completely sure science is right, and neither are you, unless you're lying.
Science isn't a 100% fact, just a very good guess, and a better one than "god did it." God could very well be true, but I don't have faith in that, and believe its likelihood is close to zero, but that's still not the same as zero.
I also don't believe in the Big Bang and consider the theory the same as what the Bible says. Instead I have faith in the Big Crunch/Big Bounce, which brings back in vogue a modification of a previously discredited theory known as steady state theory using advances in quantum physics.
Science has many similarities to religious faith, but unlike religion usually changes and updates itself when new knowledge comes along. Unless an entity stops progress like the church did in the dark ages, or what's happening now with an oppressive government bent on turning us all atheist, and refuses to investigate the unlikely so they can push their secular faith of their particular brand of science that's approved by the Ministry of Truth.
Marx warned what would happen if we exterminate religion and replace it with secular science. The result of such will become a disaster, and not lead to the Utopia they predict.
Stop being a jerk when someone disagrees with you, it just makes you look bad, not edgy and cool.