is religion a language virus?

Faith in science is an oxymoron used by religious nutz. Been to the ark? :roll:

Anything can become faith and lead to irrationality, even in science. Nothing is perfect and shouldn't be followed blindly. Yet that's exactly what some people do, and when one does it with their belief in science, their fanaticism can become extremely dangerous, because without close examination you'd think the person is normal.
The OP even asks that question. Are you mentally ill?
theres no such thing as blind faith in science you phony bitch

Science believes in a lot of loony stuff, like the multiverse, or Quantum Bayesianism. Then quacks who have no idea how to apply the theory use those bogus theories as a basis for their New Age religion garbage, such as Depak Chopra.
There's only one universe no matter how much math you use to sell your BS.
Two quantum states don't collapse from a super position, where previously a cat is both dead and alive at the same time. Reality doesn't exist just because you observe it.
That's just idiotic nonsense scientists doing too much LSD have come up with, and is no different than starting off your paper with ,"in the beginning there was only the word of dog."
Sorry your drinking has screwed up your mind so much. I'll be sure to pray to whatever scientist you believe is your messiah so you can get better.
Anything can become faith and lead to irrationality, even in science. Nothing is perfect and shouldn't be followed blindly. Yet that's exactly what some people do, and when one does it with their belief in science, their fanaticism can become extremely dangerous, because without close examination you'd think the person is normal.
The OP even asks that question. Are you mentally ill?
Science is based on a repeatable method which can be replicated, it requires no faith

You are a phony bitch
Science is based on a repeatable method which can be replicated, it requires no faith

You are a phony bitch

Replication isn't enough. Some consider what Sam Harris does as "science" too. I consider it "I hate religion" pseudoscience. When something can be repeated through random numbers alone, doesn't make it science. Replication isn't enough to make something science.
Science is nothing without a body of knowledge, and is equally as important.
Mr. Sam "I hate god" Harris did fMRI science, and people used a dead salmon and repeated his research and got the same results.
To believe in science does require faith that the methods are actually sound. Most of the time, that's true.
Blind faith in anything can and always will get you in trouble. Just like your baseless accusations.
I may be a phony bitch, but you know nothing about how science works.
Nope, gone forever, worm food.

You're an example of a fundamentalist atheist. We have no clue what happens after death, or why life even exists. Yet you use science as a crutch, when the reality is you're scared just like everyone else and uses your faith in a scientific uncertainty, to give you peace of mind, because the alternative you're wrong, and most likely wrong is too much to handle.
You're an example of a fundamentalist atheist. We have no clue what happens after death, or why life even exists. Yet you use science as a crutch, when the reality is you're scared just like everyone else and uses your faith in a scientific uncertainty, to give you peace of mind, because the alternative you're wrong, and most likely wrong is too much to handle.
Nope, I’ve seen it. It’s a scientific certainty

When you die, you’re worn food
Blind faith in science is just as bad or worse as faith in a religion. You can go too far with anything. There's a fine line between rationality and insanity.
They covered this really well, blind faith has no place in science and really defeats the entire point of it.
Anything can become faith and lead to irrationality, even in science. Nothing is perfect and shouldn't be followed blindly. Yet that's exactly what some people do, and when one does it with their belief in science, their fanaticism can become extremely dangerous, because without close examination you'd think the person is normal.
The OP even asks that question. Are you mentally ill?
You are placing the blame of the foolish human who is irrational and placing it on science.
Replication isn't enough. Some consider what Sam Harris does as "science" too. I consider it "I hate religion" pseudoscience. When something can be repeated through random numbers alone, doesn't make it science. Replication isn't enough to make something science.
Science is nothing without a body of knowledge, and is equally as important.
Mr. Sam "I hate god" Harris did fMRI science, and people used a dead salmon and repeated his research and got the same results.
To believe in science does require faith that the methods are actually sound. Most of the time, that's true.
Blind faith in anything can and always will get you in trouble. Just like your baseless accusations.
I may be a phony bitch, but you know nothing about how science works.
Pseudoscience is not science, it is humans talking out of their asses mostly, some thoughts people have are better than others, but as soon as it leaves the realm of 'science' it is really just people bullshitting..
You're an example of a fundamentalist atheist. We have no clue what happens after death, or why life even exists. Yet you use science as a crutch, when the reality is you're scared just like everyone else and uses your faith in a scientific uncertainty, to give you peace of mind, because the alternative you're wrong, and most likely wrong is too much to handle.
lol I love when 'believers' like yourself get all worked up and project their insecurities onto others. If you don't get it, you are sitting ontop of a icy crust of a fiery ball of metal that is hurdling through space at about 67,000 miles per hour around a far larger ball of explosions, understanding that imo leads to real peacefulness. We really are insignificant when dealing with planetary events.
Anything can become faith and lead to irrationality, even in science. Nothing is perfect and shouldn't be followed blindly. Yet that's exactly what some people do, and when one does it with their belief in science, their fanaticism can become extremely dangerous, because without close examination you'd think the person is normal.
The OP even asks that question. Are you mentally ill?
Faith in science doesn't fit. Sorry.
You're an example of a fundamentalist atheist. We have no clue what happens after death, or why life even exists. Yet you use science as a crutch, when the reality is you're scared just like everyone else and uses your faith in a scientific uncertainty, to give you peace of mind, because the alternative you're wrong, and most likely wrong is too much to handle.
Anything can become faith and lead to irrationality, even in science. Nothing is perfect and shouldn't be followed blindly. Yet that's exactly what some people do, and when one does it with their belief in science, their fanaticism can become extremely dangerous, because without close examination you'd think the person is normal.
The OP even asks that question. Are you mentally ill?
Dawkins defines the "symptoms" of being infected by the "virus of religion", providing examples for most of them, and tries to define a connection between the elements of religion and its survival value (invoking Zahavi's handicap principle of sexual selection, applied to believers of a religion). Dawkins also describes religious beliefs as "mind-parasites", and as "gangs [that] will come to constitute a package, which may be sufficiently stable to deserve a collective name such as Roman Catholicism ... or ... component parts to a single virus".

The influence of religion on politics is not a phenomenon that is confined solely to the Christian world. But, it's impossible for any political theorist to ignore the role of Christianity in the public lives of Christians. Its huge impact upon the politics of Christian nations can be attributed to the strong inclination of the population towards it, and the powerful voice that it is given by them.

It's pretty obvious that any legal system requires a government to adopt it and the apparatus of a state to implement and enforce it.

So,, do you think a person having faith in something, even a political ideal, could be interpreted as a symptom of mental illness?
Dawkins has formulated a new religion based on polemic and antagonism called new atheism. I prefer real don’t give a fuck atheism. Dawkins hasn’t done anything of academic note since the selfish gene, so he now dabbles in theology. Real wanker priv white guy imo. Yes religion is fukked, so is Dawkins
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