Tramadol questions


Active Member
well the itching thing im not really sure but it comes with all ops for me. real or not it makes the high

i find that i get the hiccups like 2 hours after dosing and those usually last about 15 min


Well-Known Member
The influence of this thread had me procure a handful of tramodol over the weekend. I tried 100 mg and got no effect, I hooked down another 200 and felt slightly nauseous with an undercurrent of anger or frustration (of course that may have been hightened by the bad cigar day). I have a few more and might try 300 out of the gate - thoughts? is this too much? I have only a slight tolerance to opiates and or opioids.

Wait a minute - DUCK? some of you other folks? what is the difference between an opiate and an opioid?
imo its like this... heroin and morphine are more likely to make me feel "down" since they are classic opiates. codiene basically is too because it turns into morphine.

opioids like hydrocodone and oxycodone are much more likely to give a speedy like euphoria.

and yeah thats ALOT of tramadol to be taking in one day. its dangerous to go over 500 imo. 400 is the norm max.

tramadol is a quasi-opioid i believe... with SNRI effects. it doesnt feel like other opiates do. some people will love it, some wont get a bit of good out of it.

just like codeine really... some people just cant physically get anything out of it, because each person is different.

codeine is because it has to be turned into morphine by your liver. not everyone has the enzyme to convert it... some have more of it than others too.

tramadol is dangerous to mess with if you already have an opiate/opioid tolerance. why? because u would need to take so much to not only stave off w/d but get high on top of it.

thats one of the many reasons tramadol is discarded by most hard drug users.


Well-Known Member
if you must take a stupid amount of tramadol, and not head any of the warnings... please note that you can help prevent seizures by taking a benzo along with it.

just dont take too high of a dose of a benzo, the combo can be deadly in high doses because of the risk of respiratory depression (stopping breathing).

the benzo by itself is extremely hard to OD on. you will pass out/black out before u could OD. its the combo thats possibly harmful, only because the effects of the opiate are multiplied from the benzo. using simple caution not to take too much of either will totally eliminate this threat.

Benzo's are drugs like Xanax (alprazolam) Klonopin (clonazepam) Ativan (lorazepam) and Valium (diazepam). klonopin and valium having the strongest anti seizure properties of the 4, but also the longest duration/half-life. NEVER mix them with alcohol. Never mix any of this with alcohol. Stick to Pot for the extra mmph... :)


Active Member
does nothing for me at all, and have tried it several times.

but at the same time, "How many other drugs have appeared to be inactive because I didn't know where to look for effects?"-tihkal


Well-Known Member
i would take trammies anyday over this fuckin oxy
Probably the only time I've heard this. Oxy is probably one of my favorite drugs. Granted I have a "no buying of pills" policy, so I only get it when scripted (once) or a kind soul shares.

While I'm an atheist, if there ever was a heaven or a hell, it certainly is oxy.


Active Member
i would take trammies anyday over this fuckin oxy
You talkin about the new Op's ? i copped about 25 acouple weeks ago (15s) there not that wonderful...
Chew up like 3-4 of them bitches might be but not worth it to buy. Gotta take a bunch at once cause of the time-release

And Paying 5$ for a Tram is Ridiculous
More like 25- 50 cents ahaha .
But i take like 8 trams smoke a blunt and I'm straight, not rele nowadays tho .
If your new to trying Trams just like the others said don't start with a bunch because YOU WILL
have a seizure, 2 of my friends did on the same day, Hours after i told them they were going to have a seizure
But they aint wana listen to me. Oh...And dont pay 5$ a peice either Lol most people get them for free in my experience.


Well-Known Member
We need Opana back in this bitch tho.:(
I can still find em... The only IR opana's are 10's that I've seen though. And fortunately, I kicked my opiate habit.

It's tempting to snag some of those opanas though. They were always my favorite


Active Member
You talkin about the new Op's ? i copped about 25 acouple weeks ago (15s) there not that wonderful...
Chew up like 3-4 of them bitches might be but not worth it to buy. Gotta take a bunch at once cause of the time-release

And Paying 5$ for a Tram is Ridiculous
More like 25- 50 cents ahaha .
But i take like 8 trams smoke a blunt and I'm straight, not rele nowadays tho .
If your new to trying Trams just like the others said don't start with a bunch because YOU WILL
have a seizure, 2 of my friends did on the same day, Hours after i told them they were going to have a seizure
But they aint wana listen to me. Oh...And dont pay 5$ a peice either Lol most people get them for free in my experience.
yessir OP 80s. i rather have tram


Well-Known Member
Just caught up on this thread. I have no love for tramadol and stayed out of it mostly.
Canndo there's a few definitions for opioid and opiate. Technically the opiates are limited to naturally occurring compounds of p somniferum such as morphine an thebaine. Sometimes their semisynthetic derivatives such as hydro and oxy cod/moprhones and heroin are included. Opioid generally refers to anything that binds to the mu opioid receptor regardless of natural/synthetic origin. It can refer to things that bind to the other opioid receptors but we usually specify the receptor when discussing opioid receptors other than mu because they have wildly different effects (Salvia works on the kappa opioid receptor).
I'd steer clear of trams if 200mg did nothing. There's far more enjoyable compounds out there.


Well-Known Member
Just caught up on this thread. I have no love for tramadol and stayed out of it mostly.
Canndo there's a few definitions for opioid and opiate. Technically the opiates are limited to naturally occurring compounds of p somniferum such as morphine an thebaine. Sometimes their semisynthetic derivatives such as hydro and oxy cod/moprhones and heroin are included. Opioid generally refers to anything that binds to the mu opioid receptor regardless of natural/synthetic origin. It can refer to things that bind to the other opioid receptors but we usually specify the receptor when discussing opioid receptors other than mu because they have wildly different effects (Salvia works on the kappa opioid receptor).
I'd steer clear of trams if 200mg did nothing. There's far more enjoyable compounds out there.

Agreed, some, easier to come by than others lately.


Well-Known Member
With the new FDA scheduling guidelines regarding vicodin going into schedule 2 fron 3, I'd say we will be seeing more. Unfortunately for us in pain, this is the bullshit that is going to be hawked as doctors seem to get a fear from regulatory agencies.

Tramadol is shit in comparison to a proper opiate. Forget the abuse potential of hydrocodone, tramadol simply doesnt cut it.

Greedy G

I've been using trams for about 5 years,I take 450mgs every day for back & neck issues,opiates do nothing for me so trams is the only choice I have,doctors dropped me and came up dirty for weed so they shut me down on my trams,I said fuck you doc I'll get em online,found a guy that sells 150mg capsules for $1 each just to help people that can't afford medical help,thats 3 caps a day for a great price compared to other online pharmacies,this guy will let ya order as many as you want but I only need 100 a month as I don't abuse,they can have serious side affects in long term use and for some people high doses can cause serious seizures or death,chance I have to take because without them I have no quality of life even with me weed at my side.