The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Just want my shit to dry my yield is shameful I've got more from autos lol although this was a fast strain and crossed with an auto. Going to avoid them all together and hope my blue cheese brings me more.


Well-Known Member
blue cheese aint a big yielder tbh.....and its only a short to med growing plant.....mine stayed at 3 foot......
Just want my shit to dry my yield is shameful I've got more from autos lol although this was a fast strain and crossed with an auto. Going to avoid them all together and hope my blue cheese brings me more.
I got me one of those box fans at the back..the bloke who makes them now dose them with like a speed controller dial on the front now pretty cool but its an extra 30 sqid a 1500 6 inch with controller is 200 sqid.....
I've seen em set up (ones with foam on the inside too), whisper quiet aye.

I think I might invest in one for the new loft after it's first run, it'll defo get one before long.


Well-Known Member
yer they are quiert as a mouse lol will blow ya bludy head off...mine runs thru 6 inch mountin air and 2 silverstar hoods temps at 26 27.....well worth the mpice ino....
I've seen em set up, whisper quiet aye.

I think I might invest in one for the new loft after it's first run, it'll defo get one before long.


Well-Known Member
blokes gonna get me the controller 20 sqid only the case of drilling a 1 inch hole and wiring it up.....don't need it tbh but nice to have......


Well-Known Member
yer prob a cheep 1 tho lolol.....but u did make me think to have a look on there now.....ditching seald room after xmas to cramped inthere and getting a 2.4 m tent....


Well-Known Member
Pissed of with the shit yields best Ive ever got from my 600w is 13oz. Fair enough been doing autos but fucking annoying waiting weeks for near enough fuck all. Be a happier man if I was getting like 15oz


Well-Known Member
See some cunts hitting shit like 20oz online from just a 600w. Probably type who's just smoking it all aswell lol :(


Well-Known Member
Yeah the 13oz was liberty haze and my first grow. after that I done autos and got shit lol did manage 11 once though. This grow just chopped was auto cross but flowers on 12/12 and I got less than 9 for sure, will be dry soon. Blue cheese not a great yielder :( thought still should be able to get 15oz. Just waste of time getting less than that man.


Well-Known Member
how many of the bc u doing ?
Yeah the 13oz was liberty haze and my first grow. after that I done autos and got shit lol did manage 11 once though. This grow just chopped was auto cross but flowers on 12/12 and I got less than 9 for sure, will be dry soon. Blue cheese not a great yielder :( thought still should be able to get 15oz. Just waste of time getting less than that man.


Well-Known Member
Got 9 of em mate. Was gonna finish in 6.5litre pots. Dunno what ill get yield wise as guys on here say its not a big yielder.


Active Member
that's a bc....View attachment 2870891 4 weeks from flip
the blue things i started flowering are frosty already lol,,,

and i hit 30oz with 850 watts over 8 plants,

mate i wouldnt have taken early chopped blueberry, dident want it nor ask for it, shit i was going on how buzzin i was livers was cummin, but easily said now wen ther absolutely zero proof,, ffs why on earth would i wait 3 moon for sum early cut shit i had already had and told u i dint like? shit man... i may be half fucked most of the time, but when it comes to what im owed, im bang on. what reason have i got to lie? shit i was even going on to bizzle about the stuff how fucked of i was and how much i wasent keen on growing the livers due to the poorness of that.

anwyays it is what it is or was.. done now so fuckit

these cheese ive got are banging yeailders, from what i can see ther gunna piss all over the livers, but the clone only aint MASSIVE yeilders anyways, good but not masive, maybe due to em from cut, anyone else find seeds yeild more than clones? hmmm

so potted up the rest of my floweres now, all healthy on rhiz and 2ml base, will start topmaxx in a week or 2