Thank you tea party patriots!

The shareholders of the "Federal" Reserve

all of the biggest banks in the world.

Actually the interest on the bonds goes back to the treasury department

WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve said on Thursday that it sent $88.9 billion in profit to the Treasury Department in 2012, a record that reflected the vast expansion of the central bank’s investment portfolio. The Fed is required by law to hand over a large majority of its profits, a long-standing provision that has become a lot more lucrative in recent years. Because the money is transferred at regular intervals throughout the year, Thursday’s report does not affect the imminent arrival of the debt ceiling.
As part of its campaign to stimulate the economy, the Fed over the last five years has amassed $2.7 trillion in Treasury securities and mortgage-backed securities. And the central bank is still expanding its holdings by $85 billion a month.
The interest payments on those securities are the primary source of the Fed’s profits. The Fed has transferred a total of $335 billion to the Treasury since 2009, compared with $147 billion in the previous five years, adjusted for inflation. The Fed has transferred at least some profit to the Treasury every year since 1934.
Because the Fed mostly holds debt issued by the federal government, its profits — which totaled $91 billion in 2012 — are largely payments from the government. By returning that money to the government, the central bank in effect is letting the government borrow at no cost.
Especially magic bullets, because Oswald acted alone.

Oswald was a scapegoat, the only way that shot could have been pulled off was through a manhole cover, which the SS was supposed to have ensured they were welded to stop such surprises. Too many coincidences are no longer a coincidence - especially when you look at a few pieces of recently declassified notes and letters through our administration that give a few entities way too much power and they don't have to get clearance to pull off black bag ops, not even from the president.
The "Federal" Reserve was a private bank founded by bankers who still own the shares of the bank.

Obama has little influence over what they choose to do. The U.S. government is loaned at interest every dollar that is printed.

This is why the debt will never be reigned in.

Every national bank must own shares in a regional federal reserve bank just to operate. The shares don't come with control rights, cannot be sold, and are irrelevant in the distribution of the banks' income. The Board of Governors, the body that actually controls monetary policy, has nothing to do with the regional banks. The governors are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate.

Since all of the income flows back to the treasury, the Fed couldn't possibly be the reason the debt will never be reigned in.
See post 371.

more vague doubletalk.

Deepak Choprah's inscrutability, Noam Chomsky's smugness

even Juggalos are more coherent when they discuss their "Philosophy"

and in the end, The Dark Carnival sounds more well reasoned and fully formed than you Anarcho-Libertarian-Socialist-Crypto-Marxism
Every national bank must own shares in a regional federal reserve bank just to operate. The shares don't come with control rights, cannot be sold, and are irrelevant in the distribution of the banks' income. The Board of Governors, the body that actually controls monetary policy, has nothing to do with the regional banks. The governors are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate.

Since all of the income flows back to the treasury, the Fed couldn't possibly be the reason the debt will never be reigned in.

The fact that the federal reserve exists and will provide unlimited funding to the wet dreams of "our leaders" is partly responsible. In the same way that leaving a box of donuts around
makes a cop desk sargeant fat. Neither congress or the fat cop can resist a donut they don't have to pay for.
The fact that the federal reserve exists and will provide unlimited funding to the wet dreams of "our leaders" is partly responsible. In the same way that leaving a box of donuts around
makes a cop desk sargeant fat. Neither congress or the fat cop can resist a donut they don't have to pay for.

Find a country without a National bank

And move there
speaking of moving..didn't rush say he was moving to europe?..ted nugent would be in jail? mean "PUBSTERS LIE"?

No he said if Obamacare passes he would move to Costa Rica

Which is funny since they have and are quite proud of their National Helathcare system
No he said if Obamacare passes he would move to Costa Rica

Which is funny since they have and are quite proud of their National Helathcare system

Yes, it take three years without marrying..but Rush can have the pick of the litters..(gag)

And Universal Health....Wow I wish we could have that instead of ObamaTAX.

"Statistics from the World Health Organization frequently place Costa Rica in the top country rankings in the world for long life expectancy." This is because of the slower pace of living, the healthy and non-preservative foods, and the tropical climate.[SUP][2][/SUP] "The UN (United Nations) has ranked Costa Rica’s public health system within the top 20 worldwide and the number 1 in Latin America!"[SUP][3][/SUP]
Yes, it take three years without marrying..but Rush can have the pick of the litters..(gag)

And Universal Health....Wow I wish we could have that instead of ObamaTAX.

"Statistics from the World Health Organization frequently place Costa Rica in the top country rankings in the world for long life expectancy." This is because of the slower pace of living, the healthy and non-preservative foods, and the tropical climate.[SUP][2][/SUP] "The UN (United Nations) has ranked Costa Rica’s public health system within the top 20 worldwide and the number 1 in Latin America!"[SUP][3][/SUP]

so you mean living in florida, shopping at whole foods and NOT having a job is a good thing?..check, check and DOUBLE check:lol:
so you mean living in florida, shopping at whole foods and NOT having a job is a good thing?..check, check and DOUBLE check:lol:

Well, being as much as a bum as you want to be, you still need heath care. And no income, no pay.

So the only thing left is to make sure the ambulances can find your subsistence mud hut.

People might not know that FL has the most dense, wild sustenance, mud life population in the US.

We used to call our Newspaper the mullet wrapper.
I know there is no such thing as race or ethnicity,

I'm not going to dignify that with a response. If you can't tell the difference between race and religion, or even Jews and Muslims for that matter; then I can't help you. It's pointless for me to even try.
I'm not going to dignify that with a response. If you can't tell the difference between race and religion, or even Jews and Muslims for that matter; then I can't help you. It's pointless for me to even try.

What Hubris. I specifically do not want any help from you.

And why should a Racist Religionist believe science?

We have freedom of stupidity. It is in the 9th Amendment.