Sorry for carrying on with this, f0give me
Heres a pic of a sealed room with
no air exchange using a burner inside of it. Tons of grows WAY bigger that use burners while still being truly sealed. Seems to work fine eh?
It looks great ive just been through this conversation being called a idiot by other idiots.A few times.But a sealed room is still a sealed room even if it is ventilated from time to time during the cycle.The only time the seal of the room is broken is when fresh air is brought back into the room and the room regenerated with fresh co2.
Yea the plant breaths co2 and exhausts O back out.
I think the book reads one air turn over in the room per day.So much as opening your door for a few min. will change over the air in the room. Does this still make the room a sealed room?
Have you ever tried air change overs in the room? Do you leave the door open when you work in the room for any length of time?
If you have a plant that is breathing co2 and you have several plants breathing co2 and exhaling oxygen,the plants breath up lets just say for example 200 ppm of co2 per hour and the co2 controller is set at lets just say 1500 ppm.What happens to that co2 as it sits in the room not being used at 1300ppm?What would happen to air or water if it sit still for awhile with very little movement or circulation?If you were in the room and were exercising for example would you put off more co2 than the plants can use? will elevate the co2 in the room fast as hell working in it.Do we know how much oxygen is in the air when the burner is running? Do we know how much oxygen is in the air from what the plants put off?Do we know if there is a proper balance between air and co2 mixture?Are you sure the room is completely sealed and there is no air exchange into the room?
If we can assume a home that is sealed to tight would make a person sick in it cant we also assume that a grow room sealed to tight might make the plants sick in it also?
If we sealed a home completely tight for the purposes of this discussion, this is what we will assume. Then we fed oxygen into the building so the people could live what would happen to the exhaled co2?Would it accumulate?Now if we put plants in the building how many would it take and would there be a balance between co2 and O that would be healthy?
As you can see there is allot of questions marks.This is the same reasoning the scientist/engineer says in the medical marijuana growers bible to change the air over in the room and refresh the co2.The guy didnt come to the conclusion from being stupid im thinking.Its just logic.
Many green house controllers that have a co2 injection feature on them you will also see a timed ventilator switch that turns off the injectors/generator and evacuates the old atmosphere and regenerate with fresh co2.There is a reason behind this madness.
My plants are injected with co2 and the room is evacuated 4 times a day twice at nite once as soon as lights go off to supply plenty of air for the root systems to do there thing at night.
Your plants look every bit as good as mine can i attribute it to me evacuating the room and regenerating it with fresh co2 and you can attribute it to not doing it?I dont just doing what makes common sense to me and what also makes common sense to a engineer who would be thinking on the same lines as i do.
You might see some large growers not venting their rooms..but you will never see a large green house not ventilate.
I just gave you a pile of reasons to ventilate ..a bunch of them.most of them with question marks behind them.I dont like question marks.I prefer to be the total master of my environment without question marks floating around.
The only reason ive seen from anyone on here as why to not ventilate is my plants do fine look at them.Well so do mine and i dont have the question mark over my head.
There is no question about whether i have the proper mixture in my room. There is no question about anything becoming stagnant in my room.
Im sorry if i called you a idiot. Ive been through this conversation over and over again.
To be honest no room is completely sealed up. There is always some sort of air infiltration in the room.even some of the tightest houses will still get air infiltration.I honestly believe if there wasn't some sort of air infiltration in a totally sealed grow room it would go to shit.
I do not think it takes any where near the amount of times i will recycle the air in my room..but i do it anyway.You ever see the guy who wore suspenders with his belt? Thats the guy that is sure his pants wont fall down.