swiching lights


Active Member
im only growing one plant.... my plant is about a week old and has started to grow leafs will it effect it if i swich from a 100w which i now know i cannot use to a 400w hps... which i just purchesd???... or do i have to start all over... and this time right from the start use a more powerful light? or is a 400w bulb to powerful for one plant...?if anyone could help i would appreciate it....


Well-Known Member
im only growing one plant.... my plant is about a week old and has started to grow leafs will it effect it if i swich from a 100w which i now know i cannot use to a 400w hps... which i just purchesd???... or do i have to start all over... and this time right from the start use a more powerful light? or is a 400w bulb to powerful for one plant...?if anyone could help i would appreciate it....
no problem, no need to start over either. It'll be fine. get that 400W RUNNING MAN!


Well-Known Member
get that plant runnin under the 400w and then after a while, clone it and run the clone under the 100w... maybe buy another couple CFL's for the clone..

That way you'll be able to tell the sex AND have more plants from just ONE seed

Good Luck



Active Member
thanks for tip... but before i start to clone i should do some research because you see this is only my first plant and im learning as i go but ima deff. try to do what you said so thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
lots. dose it have a hood to draw air through. you should be keeping it about a foot away from plant with air flowing through hood to cool bulb. you wamt to keep it below 30 c

mr west

Well-Known Member
u have the balast attached which is the thing that gets really hot, tricky to seperate them unless u know what ya doing. Get some fans on the go that should work.


Well-Known Member
i would get that thing apart. separate ballast from box.the heat from the ballast and box will shorten the life of the bulb.


Well-Known Member
I have an air cooled 400 and depending on where you live, even air cooled I can on occasion hit 81/82 but thats b/c i am in a very hot place. Just imagine how hot it would be w/out an air cooled light, point being i would def try to air cool your hood.


Well-Known Member
or if it`s not to late return it and get some kind of proper grow hood. personaly dont like those contained units. some of those are meant for outdoors they are meant not to face down (to much heat)


Active Member
damn... well its too late ima have to atleast try with that... i will try to seperate what you said and see if that does any good


Well-Known Member
oscilating fans like regular house fans. aim them at the tops of plants to help cool. not stationary ones

mr west

Well-Known Member
you know, say for instance an osolatining(spl) desk fan something to move the air and cool things down, they are also good for strengthening the plants stems So it will help suport big buds lol.


Active Member
lol... oh so i have to keep the plant cool not the lighting??....well i started looking at diff. lights just in case i might have to get at new lighting i found one but i wanna make sure its good so ima upload tha pics now