Is my plant budding?

here's a few pics. im not sure if she/he has balls or if ive got a hermie. it looks like balls on some nodes and then at the middle of every node a small bud looking thing is forming. just curious if anyone can tell. running it under 120 watts of cfl by its self. standing about 7 inches after 1 lst. fimed 2 days into flowering. its now the begining of day 8 today. no obvious signs of preflower either. photo 1.jpg
here's a few pics. im not sure if she/he has balls or if ive got a hermie. it looks like balls on some nodes and then at the middle of every node a small bud looking thing is forming. just curious if anyone can tell. running it under 120 watts of cfl by its self. standing about 7 inches after 1 lst. fimed 2 days into flowering. its now the begining of day 8 today. no obvious signs of preflower either. View attachment 2887083

Hmmm it's tough to tell from that picture because I do see what looks like one bud site. That being said I also notice that there are no hairs on the other nodes so I would say that no it isn't flowering. Make sure it is getting at least 16 hours of light preferably 18. Make sure no intense light is getting to it during its dark cycle that can make a plant do some funny things.
also i veg'd for about 3 weeks and 5 days. its just bagseed from some mids but i never used 6700k+/- for veg so is that maybe why its taking so long?

i used about 120 total watts at exactly 2700k, roughly 4-5 lights at all times. room is completely light proof except earlier today my cat opened it up with his paw and light got in for about 6 sec. luckily my girlfriend closed it quick!

also i bought what i thought was organic mix soil and flushed my plants right before flowering due to over nutrients. but came to find out my soil had already had NPK in it. so now i have to work with the nutrients offered. first grow so its okay!

here is a pic of my 1X1X1 setup. i had to make my plant small due to space so i flowered at 6 nodes and 7 inches. anyone have any idea how much i might yeild??SUNP0015.jpgSUNP0016.jpg
i trimmed a lot because i figured it would help light get to the forming buds, before i read that the nutrients come from light hitting the leaves so i messed up there.


Well-Known Member
sorry man but that plant looks like its having a hard time, yes it is flowering gotta be patient, if its on a 12/12 cycle it will flower. how long did you veg for?? i suggest you do it longer next time, since CFLs are kinda weak you want to veg as long as possible to get a good yield..and looks like MAYBE you are watering a little too much, how often do you water?


Active Member
get a few more lights if you can afford it, she will give you the love back for doing it……. a suggested minimum in flower would be 200w


Well-Known Member
sorry to say but soething is up because my moms and clones sit under maybe 175 of cfls in a seperate tent and are 2 ft by 2ft lush plants the problems you are having are a result of something else though i agree for flower you will want much more light


Well-Known Member
sorry man but that plant looks like its having a hard time, yes it is flowering gotta be patient, if its on a 12/12 cycle it will flower. how long did you veg for?? i suggest you do it longer next time, since CFLs are kinda weak you want to veg as long as possible to get a good yield..and looks like MAYBE you are watering a little too much, how often do you water?
i also thought over water as soon as i saw the pics which would explain the 2 weeks worth of growth in a month and a half
okay. i water about every two days and don't water until its dried out. before i switched to this opp, i had them under about 160 watts for veg. and about 4 weeks and 5 days. im thinking because of the lumen ammount is why its so small?
photo 3 (1).jpg

VERY IMPORTANT ALSO I FORGOT i had transplanted this plant from a pot that was roughly 7-8 inches wide about a week ago. and this pot is a good foot across. maybe the root system? i read somewhere that keeping plants in small pots will ensure small growth but i never thought it would be that small of growth. idk had a lot of anticipations for this and im almost 100% sure its hermie. it grows one or two balls around the bottom of the nodes but they have never showed any hairs so i pick them still thinking they could be balls?

im so confused lol. all i wanted was to not have to pay $20 ag for some medicine! who knew it was so difficult! i appreciate all the advise guys. sincerely.
i've been picking little balls off for about 3 days now. they grow in clusters of about 2-5. but just this morning i noticed a cluster i didnt pick turned into what looked like a bud starting to form.
im almost positive it is because from what research i've done im getting catalxys (however you spell it) and the balls. but i never see a banana. if anyone could provide maybe a pic of an plant in early flower i can compare?


Well-Known Member
Relax and stop F@%#ing with your poor plant. You have already punished it enough with all the fimming and bad timing on the transplant. When you transplant the plant will take some of the energy produced to make new roots, not a good thing to do in or near flower. Don't jump to conclusions about the "balls" you keep pulling of until they have yellowish color and look like bananas (hence the term nanners). Every newbie makes the same mistakes of over researching, overworrying, and underunderstanding. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
im at a loss then brother if you water as you say it surely wasn't the size of the pot being too small i usually let mine go twice that size in 24oz styrafoam coffee cups(not recommended just a space issue for me) i would say stop over loving her and you can't go wrong with more lighting so sound advice there just think you may be better off starting over because if you get a good run at it you will get that much growth out of a plant from seed or clone in 3 weeks. Sorry brother not knocking you at all believe i have had worse before just want you to get the most in the end and 200 watts whether cfl or not (as long as it's real wattage) will produce enough light for 1 plant though the flowers may not be the tightest.

Here's a pic of my veg room with 6 26w cfl bulbs just so you get an idea that your lighting is adequate for decent growth. there is 4 in 1 to 2 gallon pots and also 1 clone and 3 seedlings in there some as big as 2ft by 2ft