Bad Karma
Well-Known Member
Agree with most of this, but have Radiant and CLW really proven they deserve those spots?
I've heard nothing about radiant short of a 2 second mention in a youtube video.
And nothing truly impressive has come from CLW that I've seen--it seems like there's never really a instance I would pick CLW over something like A51/Hans. (Could be wrong about CLW, but its the impression I get/have got after being on here a while).
I gave Radiant a 5 star rating because they are the most technologically advanced grow lights around, period.
The amount of thought and effort that was put into those lights is mind-blowing, built in wi-fi for remote control, adjustable spectrums to mimic different times of day, etc.
Not that $7,500 is a reasonable price, but it is an amazing piece of technology.
As for flowering, it looked like they did fine here:
As for California Light Works, while true there aren't a ton of grow journals out there, I know I've seen some journals or vids somewhere that were positive.
I'll search for some later to support my rating, but I'm in a hurry right now, and rushing out the door.