White Supremacist Takes DNA Test


New Member
And Finds Out He’s Part Black

Well, that’s awkward: A white supremacist who made headlines worldwide for plotting to take over a town in North Dakota received the results of a DNA test — and the results say he’s 14% black.

White supremacist Craig Cobb found out he’s part black. (Credit: Daily Mail via News Breaker)

And this all happened while cameras were rolling.
Craig Cobb, 61, who has tried to create a white enclave in tiny Leith, N.D., submitted a DNA sample to the “Trisha Goddard” talk show and got the results back during a recent taping.
I said this before. Race doesn't exist once you mix with another pure blood. Just like blue eyes doesn't mean you're from the Red Sea or a ginger is Irish. But if others want to separate themselves, so what. I like green eyes and big tits. Does that mean I'm racist against Asians? Should we ban all culture, or are we only pissed at the white devil?
I said this before. Race doesn't exist once you mix with another pure blood. Just like blue eyes doesn't mean you're from the Red Sea or a ginger is Irish. But if others want to separate themselves, so what. I like green eyes and big tits. Does that mean I'm racist against Asians? Should we ban all culture, or are we only pissed at the white devil?

Who doesn't like green eyes and big tits?

I've got a question, can that dude say nigga and get away with now?
And Finds Out He’s Part Black

Well, that’s awkward: A white supremacist who made headlines worldwide for plotting to take over a town in North Dakota received the results of a DNA test — and the results say he’s 14% black.

White supremacist Craig Cobb found out he’s part black. (Credit: Daily Mail via News Breaker)

And this all happened while cameras were rolling.
Craig Cobb, 61, who has tried to create a white enclave in tiny Leith, N.D., submitted a DNA sample to the “Trisha Goddard” talk show and got the results back during a recent taping.

I was reading this the other day - what a fucking dumbass... Now he's worried his fellow Klansmen will not accept him :lol:
I watched a few episodes of Geology Roadshow on PBS.
There is a lot of mixed blood in both blacks and whites that walk the earth today.
A lot of fooling around back in the 1800-1900's that was kept hush hush.
Scientifically, race actually isn't real :confused:. It's a social archetype that developed from the social darwinist movement in the 1800's. genetically, we are actually all pretty much the same. the reason it says sub-saharan Africa is because there are ethnicities with common genomes that he probably shares with many people from cultures in that area. mind blown?
Yeah, racism, bigotry and stupidity.

I suspected you weren't real bright but thanks for going ahead and confirming it.

"Look at that group over there! I don't know any of them but they are all bigots!!" Others will see the irony of your stupidity, maybe they'll explain it to you in pictures.
So when the Teabillies are protesting immigration, do they not realize they are the descendants of illegal immigrants?

The Tea Party protests illegal immigration knucklhead.
This is why far left wing hacks like yourself are so frowned upon, you have to lie or deceive to try and make points.
You're worse than the far right religious nuts in my book, at least they believe in their stupidity .
Scientifically, race actually isn't real :confused:. It's a social archetype that developed from the social darwinist movement in the 1800's. genetically, we are actually all pretty much the same. the reason it says sub-saharan Africa is because there are ethnicities with common genomes that he probably shares with many people from cultures in that area. mind blown?

the "Race is a social construct" meme has been percolating since the 70's, but only a fool believes it.

"Race" is simply the word used to describe differing varieties of human based on phenotype (obvious physical differences) which perviously had been fairly accurate at describing the society and culture from which they came.

the term "Race" ONLY describes physical differences imposed by environment on humans in widely separated communities.

unless you are trying to argue that there are NO physical differences between people who's ancestors evolved to suit africa's climate, and those who changed to survive east asia, the americas or northern europe, you are simply WRONG.

sociologically and physically, these groups are VERY different, and one size does not fit all.