No worm castings near help need replacement

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Ok I really need some Worm castings BADLY for my AACT. Problem is where I live at worm castings is not sold ANY WHERE not even spring or summer time. The prices online is just He** to the NO cost way to much for so little. Is there a cheaper replacement I can get that is just as good or am I just screwed?
True but I feel like my Tea's are way better when using casting. Also did a grow with 1.5 cups of casting added to each aact feed and my ladies look so much healthier and responded great to it. I had got some casting when I was in Florida on vacation for $20 for 15 pounds.
chill out people have grown for years without worm shit
Ok I really need some Worm castings BADLY for my AACT. Problem is where I live at worm castings is not sold ANY WHERE not even spring or summer time. The prices online is just He** to the NO cost way to much for so little. Is there a cheaper replacement I can get that is just as good or am I just screwed?

start your own worm bin. Get worms from uncle jims worm farm online. 2000 worms for $29.95 In 2 months you will have castings and compost. Or order noble worm castings from home depot. Its $18 and some change for a 1 cu ft. $10 shipping. If you spend $45 shipping is free.
Ok that don't sound bad. I will have to start doing some research. How much casting do the worm produce?
start your own worm bin. Get worms from uncle jims worm farm online. 2000 worms for $29.95 In 2 months you will have castings and compost. Or order noble worm castings from home depot. Its $18 and some change for a 1 cu ft. $10 shipping. If you spend $45 shipping is free.
worm bin is easy mode....order some red wrigglers online, pick up a couple totes and some free old newspapers (black and white only no colored ink)

will have all the castings you can handle in less than a month as long as you keep conditions optimal in the worm bin
I can start it in a tote? I was thinking I need one of the $100+ bins. Does it stink when you do it? I would have the tote in a dark closet doing its thing.
worm bin is easy mode....order some red wrigglers online, pick up a couple totes and some free old newspapers (black and white only no colored ink)

will have all the castings you can handle in less than a month as long as you keep conditions optimal in the worm bin
Look on you tube. Plenty of how to videos. Get 2 20 gal totes. Drill a few small holes in the bottom of one tote and drill holes along the top of sides and in the lid so worms can breathe. . Throw all that into the bin with holes. Place that bin into other bin. For draining into .Mix damp shredded news paper, coco, peat moss, dry shredded leaves and any other plant material. Bury some pureed veggie scraps in one spot every so often Just has a mild earthy smell. oncew in a while add some nutes... bokashi or any other compost starter will speed things up.
Thanks will do
Look on you tube. Plenty of how to videos. Get 2 20 gal totes. Drill a few small holes in the bottom of one tote and drill holes along the top of sides and in the lid so worms can breathe. . Throw all that into the bin with holes. Place that bin into other bin. For draining into .Mix damp shredded news paper, coco, peat moss, dry shredded leaves and any other plant material. Bury some pureed veggie scraps in one spot every so often Just has a mild earthy smell. oncew in a while add some nutes... bokashi or any other compost starter will speed things up.
yea what that guy said worm farms are fun
True but I feel like my Tea's are way better when using casting. Also did a grow with 1.5 cups of casting added to each aact feed and my ladies look so much healthier and responded great to it. I had got some casting when I was in Florida on vacation for $20 for 15 pounds.
I can start it in a tote? I was thinking I need one of the $100+ bins. Does it stink when you do it? I would have the tote in a dark closet doing its thing.

yeah man, no smell...easy to maintain, easy to set up for under 20 bucks. all you need is a drill i put a valve on my drain bin.

make sure the 2 totes you buy are stackable..

heres a couple pics of my bin....nothing great and i have neglected it for a while but theres still worms alive in it. plenty of info on the net about how to make a worm bin.....

this is a good site..


worm castings add microbial life such as bacteria and micro organisms...these are the foundation for any plants ecosystem in the wild. we use synthetic chemicals to duplicate the elements that these tiny creatures produce. in organic gardening no micro life = starved plants
So once you have it setup how do you collect the compost and how do you know when it time to collect?
yeah man, no smell...easy to maintain, easy to set up for under 20 bucks. all you need is a drill i put a valve on my drain bin.

make sure the 2 totes you buy are stackable..

heres a couple pics of my bin....nothing great and i have neglected it for a while but theres still worms alive in it. plenty of info on the net about how to make a worm bin.....

this is a good site..

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worm castings add microbial life such as bacteria and micro organisms...these are the foundation for any plants ecosystem in the wild. we use synthetic chemicals to duplicate the elements that these tiny creatures produce. in organic gardening no micro life = starved plants
So once you have it setup how do you collect the compost and how do you know when it time to collect?

theres alot of different methods to collecting....i used to just take scoops worms and all and mix with my soil...your using for tea so you can either just take out what you need and sort the worms out (easiest way) or you can get some kind of screen to seperate, collect it all and start over..

the glory of having your own bin is you dont really need a "bag" of castings, you have them being made all the time and at your disposal. for a tea all you need is a handfull of castings.

as far as when to collect its pretty self explanitory...when the stuff you put in looks like poo you have worm poo...all worm castings are is worm shit...
Thanks a ton.
theres alot of different methods to collecting....i used to just take scoops worms and all and mix with my soil...your using for tea so you can either just take out what you need and sort the worms out (easiest way) or you can get some kind of screen to seperate, collect it all and start over..

the glory of having your own bin is you dont really need a "bag" of castings, you have them being made all the time and at your disposal. for a tea all you need is a handfull of castings.

as far as when to collect its pretty self explanitory...when the stuff you put in looks like poo you have worm poo...all worm castings are is worm shit...
I live in florida and I have many places near that make their own castings and they are super cheap and super awesome
Best substitute for worm castings is plain old compost... This should be available just about anywhere in the world.
yeah man, no smell...easy to maintain, easy to set up for under 20 bucks. all you need is a drill i put a valve on my drain bin.

make sure the 2 totes you buy are stackable..

heres a couple pics of my bin....nothing great and i have neglected it for a while but theres still worms alive in it. plenty of info on the net about how to make a worm bin.....

this is a good site..

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worm castings add microbial life such as bacteria and micro organisms...these are the foundation for any plants ecosystem in the wild. we use synthetic chemicals to duplicate the elements that these tiny creatures produce. in organic gardening no micro life = starved plants

I hope I am not bothering you resurrecting this old thread, but my ONLY question about composting and making my own worms is: once I have my compost ready for my pots, do I just grab at the black shit and worms and all throw it in my pots or tea bag to start brewing? How do I work around the worms? I have yet to see a single piece of info about this.
I hope I am not bothering you resurrecting this old thread, but my ONLY question about composting and making my own worms is: once I have my compost ready for my pots, do I just grab at the black shit and worms and all throw it in my pots or tea bag to start brewing? How do I work around the worms? I have yet to see a single piece of info about this.
I like to screen the vermicast to save the eggs and worms.
for the soil I don't bother, my soil is loaded with worms of all sorts