White Supremacist Takes DNA Test

like this?

Don't be a lying, douche-bag, Buck clone, AC. Put that statement in the context of the conversation where it occurred. We were talking about George Washington and somebody, probably you, made the point that he owned slaves with the implication that everything he did was wrong because he owned slaves. I merely pointed out that owning slaves in 17th century America was not that big of a deal at the time, and that it in no way detracted from the absolute greatness of the US constitution.

I refuse to tip toe around expressing my thoughts just to avoid your PC thought control.
and if you do... and you still call yourself a Libertarian... wow

so nobody can believe in liberty without also accepting the premise that all government programs must expand endlessly, and we can pay for it through rolling debt?

alexander hamilton got shot for stupid ideas like that.
theres a reason why he didnt link to the post, it was in the context of George Washington, and at the time of GW, owning slaves was NOT a big deal (for the slave owners at least) it was entirely non-controversial.

AC is once again attempting to re-frame somebody's comments outside of their context to create a strawman argument.

the biggest hypocrits . . "all men are created equal" excepot the men we men decide are worth 1/5

living document of lies

kinda like thanksgiving .. lies

im used to the stupid lying to themselves but people who support individuals who are devoid of inalienable morale's are questionable in every aspect of life

and imho do not deserve to be recognized as role models or figures to look up to.

learn from yes

but idolize no!

speaks a lot about a person when they allow their bias to conflict with what is unequivocally wrong or right
the biggest hypocrits . . "all men are created equal" excepot the men we men decide are worth 1/5

living document of lies

kinda like thanksgiving .. lies

im used to the stupid lying to themselves but people who support individuals who are devoid of inalienable morale's are questionable in every aspect of life

and imho do not deserve to be recongnized as role models or figures to look up to.

learn from yes

but idolize no!

speak alot about a person when they allow their bias to conflict with what is unequivocally wrong or right

Your haiku is all wrong.
the biggest hypocrits . . "all men are created equal" excepot the men we men decide are worth 1/5

living document of lies

kinda like thanksgiving .. lies

im used to the stupid lying to themselves but people who support individuals who are devoid of inalienable morale's are questionable in every aspect of life

and imho do not deserve to be recognized as role models or figures to look up to.

learn from yes

but idolize no!

speaks a lot about a person when they allow their bias to conflict with what is unequivocally wrong or right

Impman, your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to comprehend this post by Mr Seed Well!
im used to the stupid lying to themselves but people who support individuals who are devoid of inalienable morale's are questionable in every aspect of life

You should see them go on and on about individual liberty and then flip 180 and say they oppose civil rights.
Impman, your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to comprehend this post by Mr Seed Well!

butt hurt huh

the living document of prejudiced inst so friendly when painted in the light that was society at the time

you know its implications in reality at the time it was created . . .you have heard of the terms context and reality right

cant use it to plug all the holes in your indoctrination bucket

dear liza it aint gonna work
You don't know what you believe DD. You are envious of Liberty because you have trapped yourself in hate and war mongering mindset. Libertarian is a bullshit excuse for a republican stooge. Read the Social Contract theory. Read the Constitution for gods sake. The U.S. is one of the youngest countries in the world with the oldest government. you have know clue what you stand for calling yourself a Libertarian... Every human should be treated fairly and equal to other humans, and also do the same to others. There are 3 major events a political scientist will refer to when speaking of the U.S. 1. The Declaration of Independence 2. The Constitution founding 3. The Great Depression . Without the relationship between federal and state government we have today brought on by 'The New Deal' our country would not have made it out of the Depression. Social welfare reform is necessary to maintain a government in modern society. Libertarianism is so horse shit stupid... obviously no depth of thought at all coming from you
the biggest hypocrits . . "all men are created equal" excepot the men we men decide are worth 1/5

living document of lies

kinda like thanksgiving .. lies

im used to the stupid lying to themselves but people who support individuals who are devoid of inalienable morale's are questionable in every aspect of life

and imho do not deserve to be recognized as role models or figures to look up to.

learn from yes

but idolize no!

speaks a lot about a person when they allow their bias to conflict with what is unequivocally wrong or right


stop intercepting bro, youre already high as fuck.

might wanna sit out a couple rotations before you burn out and start getting paranoid.
butt hurt huh

the living document of prejudiced inst so friendly when painted in the light that was society at the time

you know its implications in reality at the time it was created . . .you have heard of the terms context and reality right

dear liza it aint gonna work

So, you are another constitution-hating lefty, Seed Well?
butt hurt huh

the living document of prejudiced inst so friendly when painted in the light that was society at the time

you know its implications in reality at the time it was created . . .you have heard of the terms context and reality right

dear liza it aint gonna work

too late. you already went Full Snoop Lion.


somebody get this man some Cheetos, STAT!

stop intercepting bro, youre already high as fuck.

might wanna sit out a couple rotations before you burn out and start getting paranoid.

you people sure like to project a lot

the framers of the constitution were not men to idolize they were just as grimy and sleazy as modern day politicians bigots and racist

if you dont like it , i cant really help you
You don't know what you believe DD. You are envious of Liberty because you have trapped yourself in hate and war mongering mindset. Libertarian is a bullshit excuse for a republican stooge. Read the Social Contract theory. Read the Constitution for gods sake. The U.S. is one of the youngest countries in the world with the oldest government. you have know clue what you stand for calling yourself a Libertarian... Every human should be treated fairly and equal to other humans, and also do the same to others. There are 3 major events a political scientist will refer to when speaking of the U.S. 1. The Declaration of Independence 2. The Constitution founding 3. The Great Depression . Without the relationship between federal and state government we have today brought on by 'The New Deal' our country would not have made it out of the Depression. Social welfare reform is necessary to maintain a government in modern society. Libertarianism is so horse shit stupid... obviously no depth of thought at all coming from you

I believe what I am convinced is true. If new evidence convinces me that my existing beliefs are insupportable then I change my beliefs. What do you do when confronted with new evidence?

You obviously have no idea what libertarians believe if you think they are Republicans.
you people sure like to project a lot

the framers of the constitution were not men to idolize they were just as grimy and sleazy as modern day politicians bigots and racist

if you dont like it , i cant really help you

Somebody who give a shit should post a poll to see who supports the US constitution.